Try looking at the SC2 files at PNF. They have the original colour hyperspace map in both zipped PNG form (in several pieces) and as a single JPEG. I suggest you download the JPEG unless you have a lot of bandwidth and like pasting images together.
The Deluxe HyperSpace Map is like the hint book; it gives you lots of hints about where to go and it doesn't really belong to the game.
I see that I downloaded the wrong map. Hmmmm. Whoops. So much for getting through the game like it was meant to be. *BEGIN RATIONALIZATION* Eh, I probably would've discovered all those races anyway.
On the plus side, this color map is very spiffy.
I'm sure Fwiffo would love that indicator.
It's not retreat; it's a strategic withdrawal to recover energy. I assume the computer opponents know exactly where it is; I also assume that its position related to the battlefield boundaries changes due to the loopover effect, making it near impossible to memorize where the planet is.
Also, I assume there are plans to tweak the battle zoom just a bit, right? I noticed that small shots have a nasty habit of disappearing when it's zoomed out at maximum range. "It IS firing, right? I don't see anything." Perhaps some code to make sure that a pixel always shows a shot if it contains a shot in it, even if the black space overpowers it majority-wise?
4.How many crewmembers can you take off the space station total? I've gotten up to 5RU/crewmember and I'm beginning to get nervous. I'm guessing that I've sacrificed 1500 of the suckers already, and I'm wondering how long I've got before I've got to draft the Good Ol' Starbase Captain. Do you get extra crewmembers from allies as well?
5.Approximately how long do you have year-wise before everything goes to hell? Vague, ominous answers appreciated.