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News: Celebrating 30 years of Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

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16  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Webcomics on: February 04, 2004, 03:05:26 am
Ahem... amendment... It apears that out of more than 2000 comics perhaps 15-20 don't have a gag... Sorry for the inaccuracy. Speaking of fire and rain I think that I've finaly figured out Oasis... Her imortality that is. She must have a device in her head that makes regular backups of her memories and transmits em back to the lab she was made at. Part of the lab must have survived the explosion and whenever she gets killed again it makes a new Oasis and downloads the memories into her. Thats why the H corperation is so interested in finding the lab even though Torg has already told em he blew it up.
17  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Webcomics on: February 04, 2004, 02:22:49 am
I have a problem understanding how ANYONE can critisize sluggy's art work... In my oppinion it has by far the best art work of ANY webcomic.

As for gags...  except for the filler strips I have yet to see a single sluggy strip which does not have a gag. You know this might all be explainable if guesst is just looking at one of the vacation weeks... say shirt guy stick figure week.

As for noobs... I just discovered sluggy about 6 months ago. As soon as I saw the strip with the borg and the aliens parody (OK men I'll make this short.... Chalmp! Damn that WAS short! Ok men... RUN!) I was hooked.
18  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Arilou and the Orz: What's the Deal? *spoilers on: February 04, 2004, 01:53:23 am
In the hope that people will keep it all togeather and post in this thread instead of Slyendro's....   BUMP!
19  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Possible GFX improvement for UQM... on: February 02, 2004, 08:04:57 pm
My computer: win xp, 1ghz, 256mb ram, screen res 800 by 600.

UQM: .3 beta taken from the website, all setings defalt exept in full screen mode.

Renderer... erm what is that? If you mean what gfx chipset do I have... Intel 845g with 8mb vram.
20  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Starbase Café / Re: Webcomics on: January 30, 2004, 06:06:03 pm
The Orz wish to say that Sluggy Freelance is a very *happy camper*!
21  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Possible GFX improvement for UQM... on: January 28, 2004, 02:00:07 am
Thanks for your attention. Sorry to bother you about something that has apparently already been addressed.

As far as blurriness is concerned, a few other people (and I mean *very* few  ) have expressed their concern as well. I think this can be resolved with simple modifications to biadapt modes by introducing an option to turn blending on or off, but this will cause wrong pixels to be printed all the time in various parts of the game, especially texts and fine-lined gfx. This is exactly the behavior 2xSaI exhibited.

I have noticed 2xSaI's propensity to distort text to some degree but in my observation this is a minor affect and far outweighed by the fact that 2xSaI produces actual sharp edges in contrast to UQM's methods that appear to merely unfocus the screen in order to disguise pixels. If you have the ability to easily add this feature I wish to add my request to any others you may have that you please do so.

Thanks for your time!
22  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Possible GFX improvement for UQM... on: January 27, 2004, 04:37:52 pm
Looky here:

Can this be applied to UQM to improve the gfx without the headache inducing blurriness of the current gfx filters?
23  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Status Update - SC1 Strategy Mode addon on: December 18, 2003, 06:09:18 pm
Death 999 is correct. You get 3 moves that can be aplied to 1 ship so it can move 3 times or as one sees fit.
24  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Anyone here into Astronomy ? on: December 12, 2003, 01:24:39 am
I have a question then... Are the positions and names of the stars in star control based in reality or arbitrary?
25  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Multiplayer & Beating de crap out of the S on: October 31, 2003, 10:37:46 pm
Melanorm. Hit it with the stuner so it can't use the tractor. Then blow it to bits from a distance.
26  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: A question and Suggestions on: October 06, 2003, 07:49:10 pm
How do I hate timewarp? Let me count the ways:

(1) Melee... This is like Star Control in what way? The melee plays completely different than SC and SC2. The ships are balanced completely differently. And why arn't there teams one can select like SC2? And why isen't there some way to filter out all those fan made and SC3 ships? As to how to fix the balance: I'm not sure. I think part of the problem is from increasing the turning increments. I think the other part of the problem is that the person who put in the SC2 and 1 ships may have never played SC2 or 1. And what idiot put in what the camera does when a ship cloaks? It's fine if the ship is a ways away when it cloaks. But if it's close to you... well your dead. When a ship cloaks the camera should zoom out to medium / long range instead of staying at the same zoom level it was. This is with the camera setting that most closely emulates SC2's.

(2) AI... SUCKS.

(3) It loves to crash. (I have Windows XP.)

(4) Multiplayer... I couldn't get it to work...
27  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Whats the deal with the Androsynth?(spoilers) on: September 15, 2003, 04:49:00 am
When the Kzer-Za leave an area and the usefulness of the battle thralls runs out they probably just slave shield them.

Considering that the *fingers* probably need to remain submerged in liquid ethenol while in *heavy space*, I'd think the *fingers* would first appear as dead fish falling from the sky...  

Perhaps the Orz stuck it's toes in first...  Grin
28  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Whats the deal with the Androsynth?(spoilers) on: September 13, 2003, 01:15:20 am
Were the Orz *light reflections* when they came through the portal, there would have been frantic searches on the Androsynth computers for "Icthyoids, Sauhagians, etc." rather than "Poltergeists, Reality Abhoritions, etc."

"Poltergeists, Reality Abhoritions, etc." aren't the only searches. There is also a search for THE `MOSQUITO MANGE' which sounds a good deal like an attempt to figure out what one of the Orz best fit * words* meant. Of coarse there would be no need to search for "Icthyoids, Sauhagians, etc." because they could ask the Orz those questions and I gathered from the game that no other race of that varity had been encountered. Once the Orz went hostile and turned ghostly though they would natuarlly try to figure out what was going on.

They wouldn't want to revolt. They LIKED the Kzer-Za, because their doctrines fit theirs nearly to a T. It just shows that the Ur-Quan's are bastards as well. I mean, they never came to refuel the Earth Starbase, so they either simply ignored the Androsynth or figured they could handle themselves.

I see. So you now agree that if they encountered the Orz they may have reported it back to the Ur-Quan / sent a distress call and the 'Quans did nothing? Furthermore the lander team says within the last 5 years. They do not say 5 years ago. So it could have been only 6 months or a year ago and so while the Ur-Quan were having their war. Also while there may be some spot in the game that says the Doctrinal War starts right at the begining of the game, I do not remember it and would appreciate if you would point out where it says this.
29  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Whats you favorite race... on: September 12, 2003, 10:02:49 pm

(1) The Borg from Star Trek. (I'd sure like to marry the borg queen. She's err um very nice.)

(2) The Bugs from Starship Troopers. (I'd sure like to have that Brain Bug for a pet. It was so cute and cudly!)

(3) The Metroids from Super Metroid. (I'd like to have an Omega Metroid as a pet.)

(4) The Orz from Star Control. (I'd sure like to try a mind meld with em.)
30  The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / General UQM Discussion / Re: Whats the deal with the Androsynth?(spoilers) on: September 12, 2003, 09:47:19 pm
The Orz are living in another dimension, and they were not able to *smell* this one.
They are not alone in their dimension, there could be some dangerous entities (maybe parasites) living there, which are also able to *slide*. When the Androsynth opened that DF-portal, these entities came and spread like a disease throughout the Androsynth. When the Orz found out what happened, they *pulled* the Synths to protect this reality from the evil ones. They do not whish you to become aware of what happened as that means to become visible (*smellalbe*) to the parasites.
But since their own dimesion seems rather full, and they are having trouble keeping togeather there, they do not return, partly to ensure that no one will reopen a portal.

Darn good idea! Wish I could have thought of it. Grin OK this is my new official theory. Allow me to expand it a little:

The scientest fellow on the planet was obviously being killed by one of the seminvisible ghost/energy things that did in the androsinth. I don't see what that has to do with the orz.
Seems to me the reason the Orz attack you if you ask to many questions about the Androsinth is for the good of your species because - as demonstrated by the incident with the with the scientist and as the Arilou say later on - if you find out to much about the ghost/energy creatures then they can *smell*, ahem, I mean sense you and then they would kill you and likely move on to the rest of your species and the Orz figure that if you are so persistently interested in getting the information that if they don't kill you, you will find out some other way and get yourself and everything around / related to you killed and destroyed.
So why is it that everyone thinks the Orz are evil?

OK now were talking!

They didn't have a clue as to the potential side effects of the Artifact's power. Here, maybe this will help: You're an Androsynth, sick of his vessel's slow normal form. Upon planetfall on a routine search mission, you find an artifact wrought by the Precursors. Naturally, you'd take it home. Your Xenotechs research it, and find out that it can make rips in the fabric of space. Logcial conclusion: Rips in space = Teleportation = Faster transportation for the Guardians.  
Making viruses? Exploding? What the hell are you talking about?

What I am saying is that if I found an alien artifact that might do most anything and could be extremely dangerous I wouldn't take it home with me. I'd test it on a starbase or a ship or an uninhabited planet or a moonbase. I would not take it home to my most important population center until I compleatly understood it. And I would think the Androsynth would be at least this smart.

Yes they do. Yes it is. They probably did. Hmm, if you think about it, if the Androsynth tore a hole in space, it'd keep tearing as the planet moved and as long as the DF device was on, wouldn't it? That'd make it big enough for those uglies to stick their heads through.
How do you kill something you can't hit? They were "poltergeists" when they came through the portal, this is why the computer searches were so frantically looking for ghosts, wights, etc. I also really doubt that the Orz were going to be friendly if they came through without incident (which is most likely what they did.

You have a point. But how do you know that the Orz was ghostly when it first came through? That may just have been it's attack form.

3 (most logical): The Orz begin their assault on Eta Vulpeculae. The homeworld dwellers, scared to death, send out distress signals to space. The Guardians are the first to hear them, and come Blazing home. They land, lock their ships away somewhere were the enemy (whatever it is) won't find them, and then promptly get *pulled* themselves.

Then wouldn't they have also signald the Ur-Quan?

2: The Orz *pull* the Androsynth, then note that some of their technology could be of use, such as the Guardian's dualform. They take the ships afterward and research them themselves.
3 (most logical): The Orz begin their assault on Eta Vulpeculae. The homeworld dwellers, scared to death, send out distress signals to space. The Guardians are the first to hear them, and come Blazing home. They land, lock their ships away somewhere were the enemy (whatever it is) won't find them, and then promptly get *pulled* themselves.

Makes sense. Also accounts for where a starbase might have gone. But I dought the whole Androsynth fleet would have gone home and LANDED.

1. The Androsynth race are clones. Smell one, smell 'em all. Humans, who have genetic diversity, on the other hand, don't all smell alike.
2. I know. The Orz, as I've stated before, are bastards, but they're not stupid. If you saw a ship six times larger than two of yours put together and a fleet following it, are you going to blatantly attack it? It's like in SC3 with the Supox. They probably jumped them while they were in the Bubble, blew them apart w/ Marines, then dragged the Blade to Muhlifain, their Kessari *pretty space* base of ops. They're just waiting to kill you, I.E. the end of SC3.

Good idea. I never thought of it that way. Still after rubing elbows with the 2000+ crew of the starbase I figure they could work out a general *smell* for humans. Or they could have just killed everyone on the starbase with marines.

True, only in Unzervalt do you see one. When you spark the Yehat rebellion, the Kzer-Za are just a bit busy with their Doctrinal Conflict. You'll note that the Androsynth opened their portal and got *pulled* within the past five years, according to Xenotech Killgore in the lander quotes. The Doctrinal Conflict starts as the game starts, meaning the Ur-Quan would've had time to come and assist the Androsynth. As for "destroying Dreadnoughts like tissue paper", the Androsynth wouldn't know that. Their Guardians are more than a match for the Nemesis.

So your saying that when the Synth went off the air / sent a distress call the Ur-Quan did not come investigate? When the Androsynth went off the air wouldn't the 'Quans have thought something funny was happening. You know, like a slave rebelion?

This is my own personal view on DF and the way it works, so take it however you'd like.

Picture space being a thick piece of cloth, and a ship being a needle. Space as we know it is a smooth and ordered thing. Pushing a needle through one end of fabric to the other is like traveling through space.

B_______________________________________________ A
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------

Pushing through something like such would take a bit of time. DF, as I see it, would "fold" space, allowing the ships to move much faster from point to point.

Now, instead of pushing an I through an I, think of it as pushing an I through an S (I tried to draw this, no avail). It's the same amount of space, but folded as it were, to make travel easier.

This is just my concept of DF. If someone else has one, I'd love to see what it is!

Thats hyperspace. I figure DF is more like punching a hole in space to another universe.
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