First time poster here. After 25 years or so I decided to replay SC2. I knew about UQM, then found HD and started playing. Unfortunately, I found MegaMod only after I've spent 40 hours exploring planets :-) The problem is that I hit a HD 0.7.0 malloc save game bug - basically the game crashes every time I try to save now cause my saves are > 10KB (yes, back in the 640KB days this meant something ;-).
This was never fixed in HD 0.7.0. So, given that MegaMod supports UQM HD saves I tried it there and it loads, plus this memsize bug seems to be fixed. However... something goes wrong with the import it seems - e.g. I lost my lander speed mod, crystal spindle and q-space device. Instead I now have the sun device (I don't). Seems like a bug? Here's a link to my save, would appreciate any help. Great job btw, keep it up!