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The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release / Technical Issues / UQM and UQM EE .dmg downloaded but can't open (MacOSX)
on: April 28, 2019, 05:01:15 am
I run OSX El Capitan v. 10.11.6 on my computer.
I've downloaded both UQM 0.7.0 and UQM EE 0.6.4 from Sourceforge. However, I can't even open the file to install on my computer.
For USM 0.7.0 I receive a message saying: Netplay protocol version 0.4. Netplay opponent must have UQM 0.6.9 or later. Error: Can't create /Users/******/.uqm: Permission denied
(my name appears on the message instead of ******)
For UQM EE 0.6.4, I simply can't open the .dmg file at all.
Please help; simple Mac user here. I have no experience using Terminal or anything to manipulate the code / permissions / anything on my Mac
Best, Azaz117