Wait a minute... You can kill the green balls and the fire things? No way man... Every time i've won I just stock up on crew and fly as fast as a can with the flagship to get in... And the easiest way to kill the force field things is with a Pkunk... They outrun the green and fire things.
I've taken out a good number of those projectiles using the Utwig Jugger, which also makes a pretty good flying projectile. I also happen to like the Yehat Terminator in close quarters with the Sa-Matra, giving you maneuvaribility and good firepower, so you can shoot down those boogers and flameballs that pester you.
"Even Our House Pets Are Rather Evil." - Ilwrath Captain
I've found that the Chmmr Avatar, while highly ineffective against the Sa-Matra when the generators are "live", makes for a very effective "mop-up" ship once you bring the generators down; since the re-spawning of defensive weapons is also tied to the generators.
e.g., use Pkunk Furies to zip in and destroy the generators, when they are all offline warp out of the battle and send in an Avatar to clear out the remaining defenses. Once the battlefield is cleared, it's an absolute cakewalk for your flagship.