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Topic: Okay, another stupid question (Read 2692 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 23

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Using the build of UQM that I compiled, it doesn't play any speech. The debug information in the console window says that it can't find the .ogg files, but the .ogg files are in the proper place (content/comm). The background music that occurs while talking to aliens works perfectly, so it obviously finds the .mod files fine. I suspect that I could have built it wrong(again), but this is stumping me. Any thoughts?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2003, 09:46:14 pm by Glitch »
Zebranky food

Posts: 23

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
For example, this is what appears in the console window during the conversation with the Kzer-Za drone:
Found timestamp file: comm/urquan/urquan.ts 'comm/urquan/urquan.mod' -- 75885 bytes _GetMusicData(): loading comm/urquan/urquan.mod decoder: MikMod, rate 44100 format 170202 SpliceTrack(): loading comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg SpliceTrack(): number of timestamps doesn't match number of pages! SpliceTrack(): no voice ogg available so setting speech volume to zero at pos 0 to stream comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg at pos 0 to stream comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg at pos 0 to stream comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg at pos 0 to stream comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): buffer underrun when playing comm/urquan/urquan.mod, so urce 5 , source 6derTaskFunc(): buffer underrun when playing comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg at pos 0 to stream comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg at pos 0 to stream comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg at pos 0 to stream comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg at pos 0 to stream comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg at pos 0 to stream comm/urquan/urqua027.ogg
I think the buffer underruns happened because I was watching the console window instead of the game window, and the sound stopped until I switched back to the game window.
Now that I look at that again, I'm unsure of the meaning of "no voice ogg available." Does that mean that the .ogg file isn't there, or is it saying there's no decoder for it?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2003, 01:36:00 am by Glitch »
Core Team
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 121

I can duplicate this problem by converting urquan.txt to CRLF so it's actually a bug (code assumes unix-style line endings for text files and doesn't work otherwise; your CVS program seems to do the conversion, I use Cygwin's CVS which doesn't do that and so works fine).
I added it to bugzilla, it will be fixed with the new resource system or possibly earlier.
Zebranky food

Posts: 23

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I decided the easiest way to fix the carriage returns would be to simply copy the "comm" directory from the .20 release over the one I retrieve from CVS. This fixed the speech. However, the lander communication messages had random line feeds in them, and several screens worth of garbage at the end. I figured this was another line feed problem, so I copied the entire .20 "content" directory over the one from CVS. Now, the executable crashes on startup right after the message about "starcon.key" with the error:
Unhandled exception at 0x00000000 in uqmdebug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
The debugger points to line 319 in getres.c. I don't understand this; surely the game content doesn't change from version to version? Any ideas?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2003, 07:29:25 am by Glitch »
Zebranky food

Posts: 23

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Yeah, I realize that now; I had taken "content" to mean "static content."
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