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Author Topic: The "Perfect Ending"?  (Read 6782 times)

The "Perfect Ending"?
« on: July 21, 2003, 03:13:27 am »

I just picked up on a rather interesting fact:  when the Kohr-Ah win the Second Doctrinal Conflict, they celebrate by killing the Zoq-Fot-Pik, then they kill each of your enemies, and only when all of your enemies are dead do they start killing off your allies (Zoq-Fot-Pik notwithstanding)  Once all of your allies are dead, they head for the Earth starbase, and if you don't stop them in time, well, let's just say it doesn't end well.

This makes me wonder:  what do you think the "best case" ending is for the game?  I'm positively torn between the "Kohr-Ah don't kill anyone" and "Kohr-Ah kill all of your enemies" outcomes.  If the Druuge, Mycon, VUX, Orz and Umgah are all wiped out, then there is very little chance of any major conflict breaking out after the Ur-Quan are dealt with, which could ensure thousands of years of peace and prosperity for the New Alliance.  On the other hand, the Zoq-Fot-Pik have to be martyred in order for this to happen, which is a big, big downside.  What do you think?
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2003, 03:51:45 am »

kill all the buggers, unless you really want them to appear in a two bit sequel where they all have the chance to betray you (they even stand in queue for it).

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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2003, 03:54:58 pm »

I'm not sure I'd want all the 'enemy' races wiped out.  The druuge can go, and the mycons can probably go with them.  The VUX...well, they're not so much evil, just that they hate us.  Probably could manage to have peace with em if we just stayed away.  The Orz I'm not so sure of either.  Suspicion isn't really a good rationale for genocide by inaction, and you don't really have anything concrete on the orz.  And the umgah are friendly, and probably wouldn't cause too much trouble, other then the occasional prank.  Seems like a lot of extra death for not that really good a reason.  
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2003, 01:27:14 am »

Hmm, ride the end of the doctrinal conflict to promote your own ends. Yes, I see it now. No need to respect all forms of life, just the ones that you get along with. I like it.

One small problem; you'd still have both Ur-Quan variants to deal with. But as long as General Fwiffo is still alive their fleets don't stand a chance.

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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2003, 04:48:09 pm »

The perfect ending? Let the galaxy burn. Let everyone but us die before destroying the Sa-Matra. Then talk the Chmmr into slaveshielding both the Kohr-Ah and Kzer-Za on one planet. Watch the Chmmr fall apart, an inherent instability, the result of your speeding up the process.

And then, the Empire of Lukipela can truly rule the galaxy!

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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2003, 07:53:04 pm »

It always makes me sad when a sentient species goes extict... Even if they suck, and I mean really suck, kinda like the Druuge. I mean there is so much you can do with them. You can learn from them, kill them (but not them all), you can trade with them, They can learn from you even. If the Druuge were extinct I'd probably not be sad. The Druuge suck, and they made the Burvix die, and that makes me sad.
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2003, 11:37:35 pm »

Then talk the Chmmr into slaveshielding both the Kohr-Ah and Kzer-Za on one planet.

Then the Kzer-Za could pretend that they slaveshielded the universe similar to Wonko the Sane in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2003, 06:35:03 pm »

Well, if some races die by the kohr-ah(vux, mycon,spathi,utwig or pkunk) then all races will die later , If you played star control 3 you should know that....
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2003, 09:32:52 pm »

... SC3 is not considered canon here, unless you specifically include it into a conversation, e.g. "If we are in the SC3 timeline, then...".

That means, if you have evidence for a theory in SC3, you can put it forth with the proviso that it assumes SC3, but that doesn't prove anything in the timeline that most of us are interested in (i.e. the one without SC3).
« Last Edit: July 23, 2003, 09:35:48 pm by Death_999 » Logged
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2003, 02:22:20 am »

Man I keep getting tired of hearing that comment D_999, maybe we should include something bout SC3 into the FAQ, just to make sure everyone knows SC3 isn't considerted canon? Or rather, ask Chad to do so..

What's up doc?
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2003, 07:24:39 am »

TFB should hurry up and make a game called "The REAL SC3," so everyone will understand.  Cheesy
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2003, 08:00:48 am »

Q & A
if you dont get the talking pet from the umgah
and when the kohr-ah start there death march
when they get to umgah space
will the talking pet with his brain powers
will the talking pet stop the kohr-ah
i want to try that butt i cant find my copy of star control 2
if any of you can see what happens post it
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2003, 04:30:31 pm »

Well, from reading the conversa´tion transcripts on PNF, it seems that the Kohr-Ah will destroy the Umgah, but the Talking Pet will keep hidden. If you go there after the Umgah are gone, you'll still meet the talking pet.

What's up doc?
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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2003, 09:21:50 pm »

The perfect ending would be you and Talana making sweet sweet babies together...

Oh, and a really funny Umgah prank that would make everyone have a pretty good laugh: even those blah Mycons!

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Re: The "Perfect Ending"?
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2003, 12:50:15 am »

Got a problem with the deep jiffa? I won't say anything about sc3 because you already yelled on me about it.... But i will say it anyway!!!! Cool Cool Cool

This Juffo-wup guy who created the mycons, did a mistake in thier genetic code and the mycons keep "copying" it into new mycons (deep children). So unless you don't "copy" the genetic mistake the mycons will be crazy..... And talk about deep jiffa!!

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