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Topic: Precursor data discs (Read 4042 times)
Yehat sympathizer
Hi everybody.
Back when I had the original pc game, I typed one of the .dat files, and found a list of all the devices in the game - the mycon egg sack, the casters, portal spawner, etc.
I also found something called precursor data discs, which I could never find in the game. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?
Ivan Ivanov
*Smell* controller
Posts: 296
Internet Piracy
An abandoned idea i guess. Happenes in many games. There's a list of artifacts somewhere including the ones that are not used by the game.
Oh... by the way. I remember that when I played SC2 about 9 years ago I somehow managed to get an afterburner from the Thraddash. It doubled your hyperspace speed (and fuel usage by the way). Now the funny part is that I couldn't get it ever again. For all the years it did not bother me at all, but recently I decided to get it at all costs! I tried everything with the Thraddash but couldn't get it from them. Then I checked the net, and found list of artifacts... but there was no such thing as an afterburner, not even in the abandoned ideas section. It had be my imagination I thought, it wouldn't be suprising because when I was little my imagination was solid as a rock. But what's even funnier, I remember that I played the game with my friend that day, he got quite excited he told it to my brother and cousin (we all played SC2 back then). So not so much time ago, my brother saw me playing SC2 and aked: Have you found the Thraddash afterburner?... Tried to argue that such a thing does't exist but he reminded me of my friend screaming like a madman about it years ago, and it would be a little bit stupid of me to insist that it was just my imagination... Hell I dont know what to think about it. Thought I'd tell you guys maybe someone also found it. Then I wouldn't have to worry that me, my friend, and my family are all loonies...
Your bruises are reminders of naivete and trust
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I remember something similar... when I was playing Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, I once found the "Fountain of Youth".
When trying to find it later, I could not. The Sir-Tech hint line hand't heard of it. Later searching for it, I couldn't even find the string "Fountain of Youth" in the game data (though I could find just about every other string in the game, like "Tiltowait" and "You fell into a pit!!" and "has been slain!"). Very frustrating.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2003, 07:36:46 pm by Death_999 »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 150
When I was young I would have dreams about video games, and in my dreams things would happen in the game--and I would be absolutely convinced they were real.
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