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Author Topic: Portals  (Read 21616 times)
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Re: Portals
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2003, 12:33:10 am »

Kindred spirits, cool.

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Re: Portals
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2003, 12:59:51 am »

Here in Finaland we have proper language, but I can't think of a single expression that would fit this spot.. except for maybe Elämä on laiffia, which is something you all embody very well.

No I won't translate it, I leave that as an excersise for the active amongst you. As Nic. once commented upon, any word can be found on the internet.

As for the portal/pillowfight:

The portal leads to an empty part of space you say? Not quite. In fact the place is full of people who use cloaking devices. If you just fly around randomly in nearby systems for long enough (a ywear or so should do it), you'll eventually hit a Keel-Verezy ship, ally with them and become unstoppable

As for the pillow fight, now that D_999 isn't expecting it I'll hit him over the head with a huge fluffy pillow with a picture of a rabbit on it.

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Re: Portals
« Reply #62 on: September 12, 2003, 04:38:49 pm »

Stop it! People who are new at this game (or people who will believe this *****) will spend hours to confirm what you have just said!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2003, 06:50:42 pm by Deep_Jiffa » Logged

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Re: Portals
« Reply #63 on: September 12, 2003, 05:22:53 pm »

Stop it! People who are new at this game (or people who will believe this *****) will spend hours to confim what you have just said!

I thought that was the whole point; to discourage newbies from scouring the board for spoilers and hints. Grin

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Re: Portals
« Reply #64 on: September 12, 2003, 05:26:06 pm »

No the point was to try and fool me. Now it is against the guy who revived this topic!

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Re: Portals
« Reply #65 on: September 12, 2003, 05:49:34 pm »

Why fool you? You are way too clever. Although it seems like you've never met the Keel-Verezy. They sell you the Cloaking Device, although your favourite trademaster in that region will charge you a high commision fee (price is 25000 credits + 10 percent commision fee) for introducing you to the Keel-Verezy, who even cloaked their complete system, since they are afraid of the Druuge (their ships are mere transport vessels, no weapons).
Their twingods of eternal galactic peace prohibited them to use weapons, that's why they had to hide.

Deep-Jiffa: And yes, i like seeing newbies cry for help, because they wasted 4 years down here to find such interesting and important stuff like Wimblis Trident and so on.
And if you do not wish to let this thread live, then do not answer. I might loose interest in telling the story of my adventures if you're not showing your annoyance.

Okay, so i have been telling "Seemansgarn" (german for exaggerated stories). So what? That's why i played this game in first place.
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Re: Portals
« Reply #66 on: September 12, 2003, 06:51:21 pm »

Oi shtok

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Re: Portals
« Reply #67 on: September 12, 2003, 08:07:33 pm »

Oh, I thought the point was make up creative solutions for the last portal. Seriously, anyone whpo reads through this topic, pillow fight and all and believes it really needs a brain check. Don't worry, the newbies aren't stupid.

The Keel-Verezy are actually very decent people. They also sell beer at discount prices, which means restocking crew at the starbasde becomes a lot cheaper. Unfortunately, it does lower the efficency of your fleet somewhat...

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Re: Portals
« Reply #68 on: September 12, 2003, 11:25:24 pm »

I had an unfortunate run-in with the Keel-Verezy...literally!

I was holding orbit around one of the planets near the portal ( Beta Arae V, after I snagged the Trident Activiation Device) when all of the sudden I hear this huge explosion! The engineering crew reports heavy damage to my starboard side. No sign of asteroids about, when all of the sudden, my comm is flooded with a voice.

"Watch where you're going, moron!"

Unsure what to think, I decided to send a lander down to the planet. The scans didn't show any biologicals... As the lander was entering the atmosphere, it was suddenly blown to bits! Some sort of defensive weapon hidden on the surface? I tried simply talking into my comm, and found out that I had inadvertently crashed into a Keel-Verezy ship! I quickly apologized, and explained my situation. They apologized for the death of my lander crew and the loss of RU from the lander. Quickly we became allies and yes, it's true what Luki said, they sell beer at REALLY cheap discounts! I picked up 50 units (kegs, I suppose) for 25 RU! My lord! The other thing that the KV offered was a dance show, but, well...we couldn't see it. We just clapped whenever we heard applause. Sad
« Last Edit: September 12, 2003, 11:25:47 pm by NECRO-99 » Logged

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Re: Portals
« Reply #69 on: September 12, 2003, 11:33:15 pm »

The proper measurment of a Keel-Verezy keg is 1 kilolitre. It comes in an assortment of stout, lager and ale. However, seeing as both the kegs and the liquid is invisible, the only way of telling one keg from another is by tasting it. I remember this one trip where we had to break open 7 1 kilolitre kegs (4 ale, 3 lager) before we found the stout. Oh yes, that was the trip when we accidentally left the port warp engine on Tau Ceti 2, and compensated by strapping a traddash ship to the starboard side. We were quite dizzy by time we came home, I can tell you that! On the other hand, the hula hula competition went really well, although I still suspect the Umgah cheated somehow. I mean, how does a blobbie win a competition like that?

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Re: Portals
« Reply #70 on: September 12, 2003, 11:37:24 pm »

Luki, they're bio-engineers, they could do it. Tongue
Yes, I noticed the crew prefered the ale, but engineering liked the stout especially. It's about twice as effective as the fuel the Vindicator burns. After the entire crew puked all over (due to overdrinking and hurky-jurky starts and stops from throwing in kilolitres to get home and spread the good news quicker) those engineering guys rigged up a line-feed system from the stout to the engines. When we got back to Sol, the ship stunk and we had to replace ALL the thrusters. Apparently, 15 days in Hyperspace connected to KV Stout isn't healthy for them. Oh yea, don't get them linked to the turn-thrusters, you'll get sicker quicker. That thing'll spin like a top!

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Re: Portals
« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2003, 11:40:56 pm »

Stout to the engines??? How dare you! that is a serious misuse of alcohol sir, and I will have you up on charges for that! It is a breach of conduct, and stringlenty out of sync with the fleets bold new motto: "To boldy drink what and where noone has drunk before!"

Consider yourself warned. Cease this insane destruction of stout, or faces the consequences.

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Re: Portals
« Reply #72 on: September 12, 2003, 11:45:57 pm »

Hey, we were only using to to get back to Sol quicker and tell the starbase of the good news!

We had planned on getting tons of Stout, building a hyperspace sled for the Starbase, and having it go directly to the KV location. We then talked to the Arilou, and they said they could punch us two more holes in the fabric of space; one right outside of Sol, and the other right outside of KV space. I guess if you're that against sacrificing a little to gain alot, though...

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Re: Portals
« Reply #73 on: September 13, 2003, 02:33:25 am »

It's the principle that counts. Besides, you have your ship full of beer, who cares how long starbase has to wait? that's their problem. Don't make me courtmartial you captain.

Hmm.. Wonder if you could open a direct portal between the brewery and my keg.. sorry cargohold. That'd be a practical thing.

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Re: Portals
« Reply #74 on: September 15, 2003, 01:36:19 pm »

Have you ever tried to sell the lager to the Kzer-Za?
Watch their fighters flying then!
The stout is just perfect for the Kohr-Ah.

Or ever tried to sell the ale to the Druuge or Melnorme?
Just offer a keg for the taste, they'll drink it (hey it's for free), then ask for a special offer (Druuge) or refund (Melnorme). Actually, the Melnorme will give you for your last lander-upgrade as refund one Melnorme Trader with all their secrets! (The screen turns from blue to red because the screen is still blue, but when attacked the alcohol need to be barfed out of the stomach. And that brown glibberish on the screen makes it look like it's red). Yack!
And if you don't ask for a refund, he'll start drinking more and more. And starts talking nonsense, the poor Mael-Num.

Oh, damnit! I promised him i'd never tell anyone! What the heck, Blueish cannot remember me after the second keg he bought....
« Last Edit: September 15, 2003, 02:26:56 pm by Krulle » Logged
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