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Topic: Help.. am I screwed (Read 6992 times)
Okay, I was just mining Theta Gicels(or something like that) and now i got like 5 Ilwrath holes chasing me!!! it's pretty much on the very startt of the game is there anyway I could reach earth? (or are there any tactics destroying about 10 Ilwrath ships. I already visited Alpha centauri on the start and it has like 9000 RU there, so I got all the thrusters and jets)
I posted a screenshot and resized it, I have only 1 save, and I dont want to start it all over
Zebranky food
Posts: 23
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
About the only thing I can think of is to try warping out of the encounters(select your main ship and then when the battle starts press ESC). If there's too many chasing you, though, you may just be screwed. If you're mining in Giclas, I would imagine that some of the ships chasing you are Pkunk, which would be a relief.
Just out of curiosity, what made you decide to mine in an area swarming with Ilwrath ships? That's a bad idea, man. If you like danger THAT much, you may as well go mining in Crateris and Horologii for some REAL fun.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2003, 07:21:29 am by Glitch »
Frungy champion
Posts: 78
The image is not clear enough,but I think you can escape by going up,you're in the top of the speed limit and maneuverability of the ship,so you have a chance.
If you can't escape you can either fight and kick their ass(try with the Fwiffo ship and the Crusiers first) or better,just kill one iwraith ship and then escape(press ESC key) when you just killed your enemy.In a few seconds you will be out of the battle,with a bit of luck you will make it.
The image is the time I warped out of the Theta Giclas system and when you leave a system it takes a few seconds until you can move(the ship is rolling over and resizing) but I can't move.. the holes coming too fast. As for the tactic.. well.. the first hole that comes for me contains 4 Ilwrath ships, I destroyed 3 of them with spathi but it took me DAMN long to do it, of course after a few mistakes by crossing through the fire and crashing in the planet:) I destroyed the last one with the cruiser, but then a pkunk hole.. and then another 3 Ilwrath ships....... and there are 3 more holes chasing me.. and the worst thing is that I can't recrue lil Fwiffo, I just can't move...
Go into the content folder and switch ilwrath.shp with vux.shp or umgah.shp which ever you prefer I'd change to vux because you can pwn them with the cruiser, umgah MAY zip behind and kill you
Sure it's a bit of cheating but better than starting over eh? After youre safe again change em back
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The trick to avoiding the planet is: most exactly north-south and east-west trajectories will always miss the planet. If you go straight north-south or straight east-west, your chances of running across the planet are vastly diminished.
This means your flagship with one ion cannon should be able to easily take out the Ilwrath, if you just trick them into chasing you straight north-south on a line that does not include the planet (and is preferably decently far from it).
Fire only when your ship is facing the exact middle of the screen (the auto-center then means that the ilwrath ship is on the other side). Note that this is easiest to judge when you are flying north-south or east-west (no surprises there).
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Also, in the future -- the spread fire cannon doesn't help against the Ilwrath. Save battery power by leaving it off (admittedly it is good for the Slylandro)
If you want to peel out of a star system in a hurry, stay off the auto-pilot (unless you plan on heading "north"). Why? When you leave a system and pop up into hyperspace, you will see this little animation of your ship spinning round and round (counter-clockwise, I believe). At the end of the animation, your ship will be facing north. Then, once this animation is complete, the auto-pilot will kick in and continue rotating your ship counter-clockwise until it is pointing toward your destination. When you have full turning jets it might seem like one fluid animation, but it is actually made of these two steps.
What this means is that, if you have set the auto-pilot to send you northwest (in this case, to Sol), your ship will rotate an extra 7/8th of a revolution before you go anywhere. During this time, you are a sitting duck for an interception. Instead, put it on manual, and hold down the accelerator as you leave the system. When you pop up into hyperspace, you will asap jet to the north, which also happens to be away from that little bubble on your picture. After you have put some distance between you and the bubble, manually steer to the northeast (not all at once), then switch to auto-pilot. Bottom-line: manual navigation is in the game for a reason. Use it.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Either way, the direction you leave the system is not gauranteed to be the direction you need to be facing in hyperspace.
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