Zebranky food

Posts: 2

Special Guest Member
OBVIOUS: You are supposed to go to [devices] and select the talking pet in the same solar system that has the su-matra in order to get the enemy ships to flee. Yes. I know this.
ACTION: Once I did that, I went into the zoomed-in screen with just the planet and the Su-Matra. Then, from *that screen* I went to [devices] and selected the talking pet again.
PROBLEM: The talking pet appeared on the screen. The background music (talkpet.mod) played just fine. His lips were moving. Bit there were no subtittles. Amd there was no speech. I could not exit or break out of the screen. Only think I could do was quit the game completely (the ---> ` <--- key).
PS: Please put the game-exit key... ---> ` <--- at the end of the manual document along with the other keys. I found it by accident (at just the wrong time) and only later discovered it embedded in some of the documentation by doing a search for that character.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2

Special Guest Member
Anybody want to take a minute to confirm or deny this against their copy? I did this with the Windows release.
I didn't even know about any zooming functions when I played it 8 years ago... all I did was enter the solar system the sa matra was in and use the device.. it did the trick.