A couple of ideas...wonder if the game could be planned out to have mission packs that people could write...different scenarios in the main game, but the basic stuff is there.
Then too I thought about melee scenarios. Maybe some stuff from the story of the main game or other ideas. Basically pre-setup melee teams that fit into part of the storyline or could...like a couple of examples could be "Hierarchy Rebellion", or "Ambush of the Chenjesu". Even if this feature isn't put in it would be interesting to ask if there are any ideas for good melee scenarios that people do to make it different.
One of the things we're working on in the UQM project is to make these kinds of custom modifications easier. But we're not going to make any ourselves. The main tree will stay 'clean'.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Not entirely relevant to this thread(well it is, actually, in a way) , but I'd like to bring to your attention the thread ATTN Fred: Groombridge dialog.
It involves the director's cut(!!!!) of SC2, and everybody is more than welcome to reply to it, after reading meep-eeps very enlightening comments on the subject.
This involves more than just fixing ideas, or bringing in new ones, it is about putting in all the ideas meant to be there in the first place, as intended by the original writers(Fred Ford, and Paul Reiche, I'm not worthy to write those names...). Any contributions you guys can make will be great. The point is to get Fred Ford's (Not worthy...) attention to our groveling, as he is known to visit this forum occasionally.