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Topic: Umgah Caster and Burvix Caster? (Read 12909 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 78
Is there any difference between these devices? Because they seem to do the same,they're just casters... Or did the guys of Bob toys put the Burvix caster in case you couldn't get the Umgah Caster from the Spathi? Well if you don't ally with them so they won't give you the caster,and you need the caster not only to call the Chmmr,it's a very useful device. What ya think?
According to the source, they are 100% identical to each other in function. Your notion that it's a "Plan B" 'caster in case you piss off the Spathi is as good as any that I've ever heard.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The only differences are: the origin the name the image you can't sell the Umgah caster to the Druuge.
Frungy champion
Posts: 78
Oh,thought you couldn't sell the Burvix Caster to the Druuge.Hmm okay gonna check that later.
Who were the burvixes andway? Who destroyed them?
Captain Smith
Yes you can sell the Burvix caster to the Druuge. You can do that and play a trick on them the Umgah would love...
"Greedy fuel sponge...har har har"
And as far as Mr. Cerulean says:
The Burvixese race evolved on the planet Arcturus I. They lived there in a relatively benevolent manner until the Kohr-Ah came and destroyed them during the course of 2 or 3 unfortunate days. The Druuge were largely responsible for the Kohr-Ah's finding the Burvixese. You see, the Burvixese were in long-distance HyperWave contact with a race known simply as the Gg. For decades the Gg and the Burvixese traded much valuable information until the Gg came under attack by an invading race who you may know as the Kohr-Ah. The Gg warned the Burvixese that the Kohr-Ah located races by their HyperWave transmissions and that they had already discovered the radiations from the Druuge. When the Burvixese were kind enough to warn the Druuge that a hostile alien race was homing in on their HyperWave's radiations, the Druuge shut down all their transmitters and erected a powerful HyperWave beacon on the surface of the Burvixese moon. The Kohr-Ah changed course, attacked the poor Burvixese and sadly, destroyed them all.
ok, ok..... I know the spathi have the caster. I'm allied with it. They talk about it. Every hint site talks about it.
Arrgghhhh - how do I get it? (thanks)
Captain Smith
The Spathi will be invited to study and attempt to take down the slave shield on Earth. However the cowards that they are, they are working to duplicate the technology so they may slave shield themselves. When they do that in one year's time after you ally with them, you will not be able to build/commission Spathi ships.
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

jie2 do1ng fe1ng
Just a nice trick - some people might consider this a SPOILER, so skip it if you haven't finished the first game yet, or whatever -
The Druuge are willing to buy back the Burvixe caster, and offer to fill your gas tanks to maximum capacity. If you go back to sol first and replace all none essential modules with empty fuel tanks, you take them up on their offer and get a cool surprise in the dialog + a pretty good profit.
Make sure you have at least a cannon on board your vessel. I never checked this part, but if your unarmed in Druuge space they consider you their property
« Last Edit: August 08, 2003, 02:05:52 pm by Yehat_Sympathizer »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

I just tried this trick out, using a save game I cheated on to get there quickly (all of my other save games are past the point where the Druuge add me to thier Ledger of Hatred, and I'm too impatient to play the game halfway through again to check up on one thing). After getting the Portal Spawner and Burvixese Caster, I headed to Zeta Persai 1, saved the game, edited my ships config to 16 Hi-Eff Fuel Tanks and no fuel, then loaded again.
When I went to sell the Caster, the Druuge instead offered me the Rosy Sphere. So I declined the offer. However when I told them I didn't want it, they not only told me that they would make the offer again, but they accepted the fuel trade offer instead! So by declining, I agreed to a different offer entirely, got my fuel tanks filled, and listened as the Druuge whined about giving me 1610 units of fuel.
Can we say 'bug', anyone? Or is it merely possible that my savegame editing might have somehow caused this?
« Last Edit: August 08, 2003, 07:26:39 pm by sageallen »
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