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Topic: ATTN Fred: Groombridge dialog (Read 6320 times)
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

jie2 do1ng fe1ng
Hi everybody!
for those of you who don't know, the Rainbow worlds were originally supposed to point at a place where a god-like entity could be found, but Fred Ford and Paul Reiche never got a chance to put it in the game (because of a deadline by the unsympathetic Accolade, I guess)
I posted a message in the technical discussion group, asking if this wrong will be righted, and got this answer from the Yehat in the core team (I think its meep-neep? sorry if I got the name wrong...) :
Such a thing would really have to be designed by Fred and Paul themselves. If they would want to do that, I would be prepared to personally implement it. I suspect the other core team members will feel the same way. But I don't see this happening really. Paul and Fred have got other projects nowadays. Nevertheless, I'm was planning to send them a note one of these days anyhow, and I'll make sure to mention it. Fred has been known to read these boards (at least the general discussion), and even reply, so you could try making a note there with subject "ATTN Fred: Groombridge dialog", and as contents as much groveling as the English language allows. Others will join in. Who knows, maybe they're susceptible to an in-canon groveling session.
Following this, I would like to begin by commenting that since the computer was invented, never was there such an incredible deep, fun, and thoroughly well thought of game, which, while still wonderful, will make no one happier than myself if it was completed in the manner intended by the legendary Fred Ford and Paul Reiche (may I comment also on the elegant names?)
I would like to declare that I, personally am willing to do anything, including, but not exclusive to, anything, to see the new ported version of SC2 featuring this, and any other attribute for that manner, that you had intended to put in originally. I call other forum members to join in my plea - (it is not sucking up or groveling, it is the least we can do for you) the more the merrier.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2003, 01:20:53 pm by Yehat_Sympathizer »
Begging? To be quoted in the thing? You mean like this?
Captain Smith
And while we're at it, why not Star Control 2: The Ur-Quan Masters - the director's cut?
It wouldn't take any of Paul and Fred's effort beyond saying "this is what we wanted to put into the game but those greedy marketers at Accolade said they wanted it YESTERDAY!"....
I know Groombridge was supposed to be something special, but what about other parts of the game? Anything not there that would have been there if Paul and Fred got their way originally?
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
Actually, the phrase "directors cut" has come up in the UQM developers IRC channel on a number of occasions. It's how I (and I think the other developers too) would like to see this project progressing.
Though the project is now Open Source, the main branch is still meant to be the original game as designed by the Creators. We haven't had direct contact with them yet, though I've kept a short list of things to ask them in time (including the question what they would want to see added/different). We're still mainly working on the backend.
My personal guidelines are not to change anything that the Creators conciously decided upon, unless those decisions were based on changed circumstances, or TFB agrees to the change. Or at the least, make them optional. By saying 'conciously decided' I mean to exclude bugs in the original, and the 'changed circumstances' could be system limitations, or TFB's shortage of time. Before a serious change is made, we always discuss it among the core team, but the above is always my stance, and so far we've always been in agreement.
So far our decisions have been fairly straightforward; we just take the best of the PC and 3DO version, and where that is subjective, made it a configurable option.
If and when we get to the point of adding the things that TFB wanted to do in the PC or 3DO version, but for one reason or another couldn't, this would obviously have to be done in close cooperation with them. Any added dialog, graphics, or speech would have to come from them. And as they've got a business to run, I don't expect them to be able to invest the time to add the originally planned things like the strange things that were supposed to happen when you entered Quasispace with an Orz, or the Tarnoon race. But I have some hopes for the dialog at Groombridge. It's a loose end that I suspect the Creators themselves would like to see tied up, and it doesn't have to cost that much time. They've already got the graphics (at least most of them), and the dialog itself we can implement if they make up the script. Even without spoken voices it would be an asset, though spoken voices would be a lot of fun, both for us and them.
There's a lot of speculation in the above. As this posting is made in a thread marked "ATTN Fred" maybe you'll yet receive some authoritive answers. (And that last sentence was more speculation.)
Also, I think the people that have so far replied in this thread have not really been very good in groveling. I'll post an example in this thread later that should demonstrate the concept.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
How about this:
"I will buy a Playstation just so I can buy your other games if you do this! I'll learn Japanese so I can go to Japan to buy the game you made that was released there, even though it was aimed at a little girl audience!"
or perhaps do you mean along the lines of
"Add the sequence at Groombridge so that we may repeatedly go there to bask in your reflected glory!"
or perhaps
"PLEASE! My life is worthless with the gaping hole - the absent basilica - the holy grail of Star Control - missing from the game. What can I do? ::tearing out hair and rubbing self with ashes::"
or perhaps
"If you add this sequence, I will volunteer 40 hours a week handling whichever part of your business pleases you the least!"
or do you mean,
"If it is not inconvenient, would you email us with whichever parts of the game you would like, in the furtherance of the perfection which springs forth from you, to have incorporated by your most faithful servants?"
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
Oh Fred, oh Paul, divine beings of everything that is good, holy, pure, or tasty with ketchup, hear my prayers!
Your humble servant, Meep-Eep, High-Priest of the Church of Ur-Quan Masters, begs a moment of Your supreme Attention.
In Your glorious Creation, the wondrous Universe of Star Control, the signs portend the coming of deliverance, in the form of a physical manifestation of Your trans-infinite Wisdom, a grace incarnate in the light of a star whose secular name rhymes with "Gloomfridge", to bestow upon us mortals our long longed-for edification on the questions of the Why, Who, What, When, Whereto, Woodchucks and whatever.
For ages, our Church has been preparing the way for Your supernal arrival to our unworthy reality. And now, as the holy stars are aligned and the moon is almost at its highest point, we are chanting the final hymns. The bells of revelation are tolling, the drums of judgment are rolling, and the anointed dancers of Your eminent greatness are dancing the Cancan. Your golden throne is in place, and we've got a Limo with chauffeur just around the corner.
It is now that I initiate the final rite. I offer to You this sacrificial Mycon, slaughtered and prepared in accordance to the Holy Scriptures, fried in butter with a touch of garlic. Please impart to us, in Your infinite wisdom, do You, or do You not, want fries with that? Your Will shall be done.
Oh Holy ones, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and omnivorous, please accept this wholesome meal and convey to Your faithful followers Your grand design. Please guide us to our ultimate enlightenment. We've got plenty of special sauce.
Lo! The moon has almost reached the zenith. The celestial pattern is complete. It is time. If it is within Your infinite Power, we beg to you, reveal Yourselves and fulfill our destiny. We are ready. Please? Pretty please? Sim Salabim? Hocus Pocus? Open Sesame? Amen?
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

jie2 do1ng fe1ng
Dear Fred and Paul,
we, that is, everybody in this forum, humbly beg you for any assistance you can give in the groombridge project. in return:
We will provide you with all of the hard currency, expensive cars, and exotic beautiful women that you desire. We will give you.....wait! I sense that you are offended by our crass material offer. Yes, I am ashamed. Any war mongering species could offer this... we are Pkunk!...Children of the Stellar Breeze! We shall give you what all others could not! The greatest of gifts! We shall give you our love. Ah, you are speechless. Do not talk now. I can feel the energy connecting us.Let us part while the silence remains. Farewell...
what can be better than our love? think about it... please?!?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2003, 01:14:45 pm by Yehat_Sympathizer »
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
<Heresy> I like Groombridge the way it is. If I were a first time player of SC2/UQM, followed the rainbow world path, and found two floating giant heads, I would think they were precursors, and be disappointed after finding out they were the game developers.
It doesn't belong in UQM 1.0, but a director's cut would be okay (they've always got easter eggs). Maybe you have to use the Repaired Ultron at Groombridge to expand your mind enough to talk to these enlightened beings... </Heresy>
« Last Edit: August 05, 2003, 04:28:41 am by Culture20 »
Toys for Bob
Zebranky food
Posts: 22

Let's end some of this speculation. Paul and I would enjoy this project, but -- and it's a big but -- we are currently so very busy. If you know anything about us and our creation of SC2 you know we wouldn't be satisfied with a rushed job or something that is jarringly out of place -- so the timetable is indeterminate and we would definitely want to take meep-eep (or equivalent) up on his offer to bear much of the integration load.
And, yes, Yehat_Sympathizer, your crass, material offers were indeed offensive, but at great personal sacrifice we would be willing to relieve you and any similarly encumbered being of these secular chains so that you would not be tempted in the future to make the same offer to less enlightened persons.
Eran Mekhmandarov
I vote for Meep-Eep for the deligate of the Spathi high cauncil in charge of grovoling!
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

jie2 do1ng fe1ng
I guess that's the ball game. Still, maybe some more groveling could help...
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