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Topic: Star Control 2 Live Medley Remix (Read 5500 times)
Terminus AUD
Just listened to that MP3, what can I say? I blew me away, perfect ambeince. Loved the Thraddash part Be great background driving music.
Anyone know if Axes Denied have a website or CD or some contact details?
Mark Vera
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 219
Me?You mean me,personally? How nice of you to ask!
I was able to trace the guitarist (Miikka Laine) and sent him email. He said that they don't have homepage, demos, etc. in internet yet, but homepage is coming.
They are playing at in a small festifal at Oulu / Finland next weekend, and they plan to play more in the future too.
Zebranky food

Posts: 4

Hi, this is Lauri the keyboard player at the keyboard (no pun intended). We just discovered what was going on in here and collectively blushed with delight, so here's a few words on behalf of myself and the band.
Obviously we're huge fans of the game, especially Jaakko (the drummer) and I, and all this attention is very flattering to us. About joining the remixing effort we need to talk among ourselves; I, personally, would just love to be a part of it, but we're all somewhat busy with our jobs and other bands and stuff like that. We appreciate the invitation nevertheless.
Then, to clear out any lingering confusion: the parts in the live medley were 1. Intro, 2. Hyperspace, 3. Melee, 4. Thraddash, 5. Yehat and 6. Syreen. We're sorry that we couldn't play everybody's favourite songs - the medley is a good six minutes long as it is, and we were on a rather strict schedule. Perhaps there'll be a Star Control 2 Medley vol. 2 one day.
Finally, regarding the live video shot by AssemblyTV: The MPEG-1 released to the general public was not of the best quality to say the least, particularly the sound keeps snapping and jumping in a really annoying manner. We are expecting to receive a better copy and will probably release some mp3s on our website (as soon as we actually have one). We'll also try to cut a decent demo in the near future, we started the project a tad belatedly and haven't had time to do much except rehearse like hell. Trust us, we'll let you know. Thanks to you all for your kind words, they truly make us feel rewarded for our hard work!
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