Topic: UQM fork (Read 14768 times)
the part that becomes incredibly boring after a while: the lander subgame / mining stuff. I think one way to improve it would be to introduce several new classes of life forms An addition that would fit right in to this would be Starflight style trading. Different races with various race/planet specialty goods as well as more common goods and trade routes that you could come up with on your own or buy information on, etc.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
For moderating the high speeds of ships, you might want to have engines only give full acceleration when they haven't been used for a while -- while you thrust, a timer is counting up. While you are not thrusting, it counts down. If the timer exceeds some value, then the effectiveness of your thrust diminishes somewhat.
That way, pkunk can be very evasive -- sudden high acceleration and all that -- but only if they haven't been pedal-to-the-metal the whole time.
Just an idea...
« Last Edit: August 18, 2003, 08:49:27 pm by Death_999 »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3874
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, I have seen fully inertial games work before. However, they typically had low long-term accelerations. This would help with that. On the other hand, they also had high weapons ranges, which Star Control does not, in general.
Brent Dill
Grr. Forum's not letting me log in.
Death what he did there is hopeless... Just play it and start laughing
You know, I can accept that you didn't like what I've got so far. Fine. But please stop being an ass about it.
Brent Dill
Well, he does have the point that the ships were meticulously balanced towards the physics they started in. Coercing them into any relativistic system (i.e. Galileian relativity) really eliminates an assymmetry and parameter on which they had relied for game balance. SOME solution needs to be made, and it will have to be fairly drastic. I agree wholeheartedly, which is why I started this thread. I hope that anyone interested in this project will continue to provide feedback as I continue to develop the gameplay, so the final product will be something agreeable to all parties. I WANT to keep playbalance, and your idea of having thrusters 'overheat' after a certain duration at full throttle is an excellent idea, and one I had not thought of. I'll try implementing it tonight.
I do agree that the objections have been phrased rather abrasively.
That's the entirety of my problem, here. I have zero problem with constructive criticism; I merely request that it be civil, and actually constructive.
Zebranky food
Posts: 13
I'm surprised no one else has said this--I support Brent's physics modifications 100%. They'd be freaking sweet! At last fast ships have a REAL advantage, that is, a cumulative delta-V increase over slower ones. No longer can an Ur-Quan use a pincer move with fighters! The projectile bit--THANK YOU. No single element of SC1 and 2 annoys me more. The stuff about no plants and no asteroids in deep space is, in a word, brilliant, simply because there's literally nothing out there. Of all the things SC2 does well, capturing the vastness and emptiness of space is definitely not one of them. I'm not so sure about his other ideas, namely multiple ships on screen at once (if implemented correctly it'd be a whole new game, but it'd be a bitch to pull off), but Brent, go with your original physics ideas. They'll completely overhaul the game into something much better.
I agree with Death. Constructive Criticism = Good. Abrasiveness and assishness = *frumple*. Modding a game and balancing it is VERY hard work and is VERY time consuming. Until you try, do not bitch.
Physics Suggestions: A speedometer, with red/yellow values indicating dangerous speed? Perchance when you reach the end of the map, instead of wrapping around you can orbit the map? that way nobody is cornered? being cornered would sucka. Maybe when you reach the edge you can keep flying and have the option to either orbit or hyperjump out of battle, having left the planet's gravwell?
Earthling Cruiser missiles oughta have a huge range, same with all tracking projectiles. Recommend range increases in general to compensate for speed increase. Playtesting to ensue, perchance? I've done a little bit of tweaking, and the Yehat railguns will need increased bullet speed and bullet range, or else you'll never hit anything. Probably that is true for most other ships with rapid fire projectiles as well. Collisions, for ships that ram like the ZFP and the Shofixti, will also be tough at higher speeds.
The suggestion to have acceleration be available in bursts seems good, too. I am totally behind ye, Brent! Good luck, mate.