About the Taalo: When the Orz talk to us, they tell us that they are *spitting* words in *slow time*. Thus it would seem that whatever *time* we exist in is somehow *slower* than what they experience. I seem to recall the Orz actually saying that the Taalo *spread* into *pretty space*, and that is where the Orz reside. Considering that the Orz were never around during the Taalo's destruction, but seem to know exactly what happened to them (even the current state of the Dynarri), one must wonder what a *time joke* entails.
The Orz also seem to refer to *time* and *space* separately (but alongside *colors*, as well), and even have different phrases that come from those (*pretty space*, *heavy space*, *slow time*, *quick time*). Of course time and *time* are potentially not the same thing.
*Enjoy the sauce* seems like a well-wishing, I've never doubted that. But somehow I think that they believe we get something different than we do from destroying enemies. This...*sauce*, whatever it is. The only thing you get in game from pounding enemies is RU (usually).
Clarifications: We = Zelnick *spread* should be spread, according to in-game text, and only when the Taalo do it.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2003, 07:26:24 pm by sageallen »
Perhaps we DO get something different from *enjoying the sauce* besides RU, but we, as humans, with one form of vision and living on only one plane, don't see it.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2003, 11:08:09 pm by NECRO-99 »
I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!