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Topic: Keys error on startup in mac 0.24 (Read 2283 times)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
UQM copied starcon.key into ~/.uqm/keys.cfg when I tried to run it. There is no difference between the two files.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Try replacing the contents of your starcon.key and keys.cfg with the example I put in this thread.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
DJ... you don't need to know C++.
I have a few questions to refresh and get organized.
The first problem arose when you were trying to use uqm2, a.k.a. frenzy. Then you mistakenly deleted the uqm.exe file, right?
Then you asked for (many times) and eventually got a uqm.exe, which you could have downloaded off the web for free from Striker. Right?
This did not fix the problem. Since it didn't fix the problem, we know that we don't know what is wrong. This led none of us to answer at first.
At this point, simply installing a Striker build without content would probably be the least hassle for you, us, and the internet as a whole. Or you could wait a few weeks for a version 0.3 build (an anonymous source tells me they're getting there), and do a clean installation of that.
I'm waiting for that(and helping in my own way). To compensate for the loss of SC2, I will play such classic games as, oh, Wizardry, Command and Conquer, Combat (especially the one with the Bomber vs the three fighters), and Metroid instead. Can you try something similar. Heck, you can try learning nifty card solitaires -- they never ever crash or go buggy (unless you lose a card). Or you could meditate, or learn abstract algebra, or something.
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