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Author Topic: Like the game, but never played the 3DO version?  (Read 11296 times)
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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2002, 05:28:36 am »

I came within inches of spending almost a hundred dollars to buy a 3DO on EBay.  The reason ?  You guessed it : To play SC2 and hear the cool voices of the characters.  Thankfully, announcement of this project reached me in time and I just began hawking waiting for more news :-)

PS - Mika, all you other developers : for what it's worth, I'm behind you on the "just-get-it-working" mindset.  Just that you've all put it to common filetypes insures there will be significant additions to the game.

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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2002, 06:31:08 am »

Edit: Bah, this was already discussed.


OK, I guess I'm going against the stream here, but will there be an option to switch the voices off and just play the game with subtitled dialogues? I have a pretty rough idea about how video game voice acting was around the 90's, and I don't want to hear it if it sucks. Notice that I said IF. I haven't heard it yet.

Also, you read dialogue about 10 times faster than any organic being can say it aloud, and you can skim a text in a few seconds to determine its content, and then read the details at your leisure. This makes for a more relaxed playing environment, as you don't have to listen closely for relevant information all the time.

So, dev guys, please make the removal of subtitles and playback of voiceovers an option, if it's possible. Cheesy

« Last Edit: November 13, 2002, 06:36:29 am by Teetow » Logged

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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2002, 02:38:34 pm »

And don't settle for generic fonts - the races had their unique text fonts in the PC version, see if you can preserve them?

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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2002, 02:50:47 pm »

Not much to really add, but I definitely did drop a few bucks on a 3DO to only play Star Control 2.  I think its definitely better than the PC version... though the original's music will remain forever the better because it came first.

The 3DO version would have been hands down the definitive version IMHO if they hadn't forgotten and left out the "outtakes" from the end of the PC version.    :-/

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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2002, 03:37:46 pm »

And don't settle for generic fonts - the races had their unique text fonts in the PC version, see if you can preserve them?

They are preserved, don't worry.

Take a look at the screenshots:
« Last Edit: November 13, 2002, 03:38:40 pm by Parker » Logged
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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2002, 05:14:52 pm »

Don't worry - this is not 'cheezy' mid-90's voice acting, this stuff is good and fits the game perfect!

I think options are best though, some want the voices, which I feel add so so much to the game, because each voice sounds different, not just looks different with text can hear and 'feel' the evasive nature of the Arilou, you can feel the bitter Yehat... you can feel the pain of the starbase commander as he explains to you how it felt to look up at the blood red slave shield.. Smiley
Oh and erhm... the sex scene is classic with the voice LMAO

And then some want text, so I think there should be the option to play it in non-enhanced mode for the old skool players !:)

So um options good , forcing people to play one way = bad



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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2002, 10:17:26 pm »

The voice acting is definately good for a game.  I think the original 3DO version go an award for that or something...  I know it made it get good ratings anyway.

It's a GREAT version.
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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2003, 11:51:05 pm »


Hey..there is a suggestion... how about moving the locations of the Rainbow planets.. it would give old players a reason to explore again! Smiley

I also think randomizing Rainbow Worlds (and the quantity/locations/environments of all other Worlds/Stars) would put a bit of replayability into the game. Not a lot, but definitely some. For me, a lot of the original satisfaction of the game (beyond meeting races and gathering hints about what to do/where to go, which really can't be randomized) was exploring worlds for mineral content. It takes a lot of the satisfaction out of starting a new game if you already know precisely where to go to gather all your Melnorme Trading Credits and Exotic minerals.

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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2003, 08:56:49 pm »

Adding randomness to the locations of the Rainbow worlds might work, but then you wouldn't have that neat-looking arrow that points towards Groombridge and the centre of the galaxy.

Wow, look at all the old posters in this topic... one of them even has my patented Fot as their pic.  Oh wait, that was a pun.  Hehe...  Fot as their Pik?  Hehe...   Grin

Hey, which reminds me...  I've always called the one in the back the Pik.  But now wherever I go, people seem to call it the Fot, because of the argument the two in the front have about which one is the Fot.  Did Paul or Fred ever confirm which of them was the Fot?  This would simplify things alot.

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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2003, 09:23:23 pm »

It's in the source:


That reads from left to right.
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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2003, 03:36:01 am »

Adding randomness to the locations of the Rainbow worlds might work, but then you wouldn't have that neat-looking arrow that points towards Groombridge and the centre of the galaxy.

If they added a optional 'randomize planet/star stats? (y/n)' feature to the game, and suggested that only folks who've already won the game use this feature, I'm pretty sure that'd already take into consideration that the setup of the galaxy isn't how it was pre-plotted according to the story.

But again, they'd still have to keep the location of Artifact Worlds and Alien Home Worlds consistent, to match the spoken dialogue.

Speaking of the Zoq-Fot-Pik, I'd always wondered about the Zoq. (The green female one on the left.) She looks somewhat plantlike, I wonder if that's intentional, (as in, she's a plant-based life form!). I suppose she could also be some sort of beak-less duck-like creature as well, if you look at her body differently. Kinda like one of those bunny/duck optical illusions.

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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2003, 04:41:24 am »

I seem to recall that she threatens to blow spores at some stage, so that definetly puts her in some sort of plant category. Of course, she could be a vegetabilic duck.

Omni, I imagine people will be saying the same things about us someday : "Look at those oold people who used to post here before UQM 2 came out... That Omni-Asmana and the rest of them, same pictures as us, but whatever happened to them?"

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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2003, 05:21:14 am »

Technically, if Ur-Quan influence extends as far as Sol (on account of their slave shielding)... shouldn't Sol be inside their acutal sphere of influence?  I guess not... as they consolidated their fleet in the war against the Kohr-ah.

A Hard difficulty setting for the game could place Sol closer (or inside) another race's sphere of influence.


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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2003, 07:24:12 am »

I seem to recall that she threatens to blow spores at some stage, so that definetly puts her in some sort of plant category. Of course, she could be a vegetabilic duck.

Either way, it opens up the possibility for cordial relations between the Zoq and Supox.
*envisions a crisis as the Zoq migrate to Supox space and the former-Zoq-Fot-Pik become the Fot-Pik and their entire civilization starts to come apart at the seams without the Zoq to balance out the triad, and a side-quest for Zelnick to solve this problem*

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Re: Like the game, but never played the 3DO versio
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2003, 02:39:37 am »

Cordial relations? Well, what do you mean by cordial? I think the Supox and the Humans get along pretty well, as to the Humans and Zoq... unless you mean, say, cross-pollenating.
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