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Author Topic: Vela?  (Read 9429 times)
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Re: Vela?
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2003, 07:21:16 pm »

The Ur-Quan have had a LONG time to figure out how to use the Sa-Matra... I think they have probably got it under control by now.

Also, I doubt that they were too afraid of it being blown up... after all, it took a giant Precursor bomb to blow it up, no amount of ships shooting at it (In the game anyway) would ever kill it.

They simply refrain from using the Sa-Matra against other races because most of the time it would be grossly unfair and unneeded. The Alliance of Free Stars was an exception... I guess in most quadrants the Kzer-Za passed through, the local races were either too busy fighting with each other or just didn't know about each other, and didn't put up a mutual defense.
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Re: Vela?
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2003, 07:33:45 pm »

Excellent point shiver. What noone knows about, noone can break. And as you say, if they cruised around using the Sa-Matra al lthe time, they'd be badly out of shape when they met the Kohr-Ah...

FILTH! You may not approach the Sa-Matra!!
Your death was inevitable, BUT NOW IT IS ALSO IMMINENT!


You may not approach the ancient Sa-Matra, the symbol of Ur-Quan dominance!
Your presence here is further violation of the slave laws
which your species have already violated so flagrantly.
We cannot tolerate such insubordination!
Your species' penalty shall be annihilation!

Yes, I daresay anyone suicidal enough to hang around the Crateris stars and then spotted nearby a random Sa-Matra would almost assuredly not escape. (At least, not without going through about 20 or so inescapable battles as they were annoyingly tugged in and out of hyperspace between battles, I'd guess Tongue)

The Sa-Matra is really just their Ace-in-the-Hole, the 'thing they use when everything else won't work'. I mean yes they could bring it to bear on every life-bearing planet in the galaxy, but then that would be admitting that would be a creature superior to the Ur-Quan in some way. And we certainly couldn't have that! Better to just keep it as a nice, big, pretty Trophy. An incredibly lethal, use-in-event-of-emergency-only galaxy-razing battle platform Precursor trophy, but still a Trophy.

Besides, there are no ships except for the Avatar (according to the storyline) that could possibly staredown an Ur-Quan vessel, let alone the guardian fleet around the Sa-Matra. If you converse with the Utwig and Supox (or the Thraddash for that matter) regarding their assault on the Kohr-Ah, it's obvious that the average members of their race aren't quite as skilled in SuperMelee as the lot of you gentlemen. And as incredible as human-controlled Spathi seem to be in combat according to all of your reports, I believe if you converse with the Spathi Safe Ones, they will relate a tale of an encounter with an Ur-Quan fleet in which the Spathi fleet reacted by collectively cowering in abject fear within their ships. You also get to learn the 'sacred words' from this conversation.

Yes, I remember now! It was something odd that happened to us when we first met the Ur-Quan.
We sent out a ship to meet the oncoming Dreadnoughts
we wanted to tell the Ur-Quan about the Evil Ones, so that they could safely avoid our planet
but when we got close, the Ur-Quan started blasting out this overwhelming signal
anyway, in a moment of panicked genius, the Captain blurted out
`Hold! What you are doing to us is wrong! Why do you do this thing?'
To everyone's amazement, the Ur-Quan fleet stopped dead in space.
The Ur-Quan fixed a tight communication beam on the ship
and the creature spoke a long while and with great passion
almost as though it were intoning a high ritual.
The words he spoke were of planet-shaking significance!
At least, we assume so. We can't be really sure, because all of the Spathi on board at the time
were curled tightly in their shellcases, and couldn't hear very well.
Maybe if you get the opportunity Captain, you can try to ask the question again.

(Melnorme, Arilou, Spathi, Pkunk... the makers really wanted you to learn the Ur-Quan's history, didn't they?)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2003, 08:13:57 pm by Kohr-Ah_Primat » Logged

We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah.
Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction.
You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.
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