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Topic: Your favourite quotes (Read 13081 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 115

Nevertheless I think it's easier for a Broodhome to take down an Utwig than an Avatar.
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Actually i have to revise my previous post and have to say that the best quotes in the game can only be heard:
"Moron!", "Dodo!", "Stupid!", ... I do not remember the other ones right now (at the time being i have no time to play and no soundcard )
At least they are the most surprising ones. Especially when you introduce someone to the game and he hears your pilot. 
Greetings, Martin
« Last Edit: September 01, 2003, 02:22:52 pm by Krulle »
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Right Koowluh, i missed those! Thanks!
Another one: <Quote>Look at that furred muzzle, those shining black eyes, the sweet claws! Our children have returned from oblivion!! But now we are faced with the cruellest truth!... ...We who have sacrificed our honor! We who have lain with our enemy! WE ARE NOT WORTHY! WE ARE NOTHING!...We are less than nothing. But wait! We are not Spathi.</Quote>
Probe : "Priority override. New behaviour dictated. Must break target into component materials."
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 105

Lost, Irresponsible, and Stupidly Daring
We're the Ethics Police. Justify that costume... Immediately!
Ah! My new child is now on board. Such a big one, isn't he!?... and so frisky!
Sub-commander? Why has my main console become inoperative? The transmit mode is locked! What do you mean the central system computer is damaged? How!?... ...the Beast!?... Escaped!! No, Sub-Commander, this is impossible. It couldn't escape from our strongest containment system... IT'S WHAT?!! Decks five and six?! Eleven Crewmen!! Sound the alarms, you fool! Where is it now?! Engineering, report!... Engineering?! Sub-Commander, seal Bulkhe-- Sub-Commander... are you listening to me? What are you staring at? PAY ATTENTION, Sub-Commander! Give me a report on its posit-- WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT!... behind me? WH- Wh- what- wh- AIEEEEEE!!!
"This was brought to you by FRUNGY, the Sport of Kings!"
*Smell* controller
Posts: 478

Androsynth Combat Tactics Specialist
Greetings from VUX!...the last word in life form destruction. To gain an intimate knowledge of our engines of war, simply place your hands over your eyes and count to three.
Salutations, and may your sense of self-preservation always be so dim. As our Intruders surround your vessel, you may care to raise both hands into the air above you and practice the ancient chant of the prancing oowee master, ZEN DUX, which begins... `AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!'
Welcome to the end of your life, courtesy of VUX technology. Our infinite supply of Intruder vessels is even now locking their vaporizers onto your position and we shall end your painful, grotesque existence for you as soon as possible. In the meantime, here is a little music...
Welcome back to total annihilation, where, as they say once is silatious, twice is phlagrant melons but the third time is when it really hurts. Please stay seated until your vessel starts smoking then feel free to dash your head painfully against the floor. For being so ugly, they can be funny.
I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Yeah, the Vux are quite humorous about your death.
Actually, i am embarassed. I have to admit that i thought i could pick a favourite quote. But to my shame i must say, that my favourite quotes are found everywhere. Acutally, the complete game text files are my favourite quotes. I am ashamed. i should have admitted this earlier. These scripts were excelently written. There is only one hollywoodscene better that this game (Harry and Sally, the scene where Meg Ryan, hmm, how young is the youngest reader here?).
Evil Dogar, Cruel Kazon! How Can We Be So Fortunate To Hear From You Again? We Pray Thee Gods, Forgive Us For Not Yet Beginning The Slaying Of The Thraddash. Quickly Now, I Must Rend Three Limbs From My Thorax As A Sign Of My Supplication. AIEE! AIEE! AIEE! It Is Done! Dogar And Kazon See My Fluids And Must Smile. I Am Happy! We Make All Haste, But Are Limited By The Speed Of Our Avenger Starcraft. We Know Our Pitiful Excuses Are Worthless... We Must Show Our Shame With The Removal Of Yet More Limbs. AIEE AIEE AIEE
I think the talking pet has the best quotes
Ok, human, this is it! The last battle, your final moment of triumph! Don't screw up. And in case you're wondering, I'm not going with you, Captain. I'm staying on board. Why, you ask? BECAUSE I'M LOCKED IN HERE -- THAT'S WHY! HELP!!!
What now, Dnyarri? Oh gosh, gee! I don't know. Let's just sit here and talk a while AND IGNORE THOSE THOUSAND DREADNOUGHTS THAT ARE GOING TO CREAM US IN A FEW SECONDS!
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