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Author Topic: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas  (Read 19971 times)
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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #60 on: September 05, 2003, 08:48:07 am »

I don't know for sure, but make sure you're up to date with your version of UQM. Check out the Technical Issues FAQ for the links to the unofficial builds.

I don't really know what OS you're running, but if you're under windows, try running uqm_frenzy from the command prompt so you can see what the error messages are.
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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #61 on: September 05, 2003, 05:08:33 pm »

-About the Yehat: They've got shields, but they can't keep them up constantly. They might be birds of valor, but they're no idiots.
With these guns most are dead before the shield drops. And making the ship bigger and thicker might make it unable to shield. Depends on the technology (if the shieldgenerator is inside, it must work through the hull, armor could prevent that. And if it's outside, the generator could be damaged at the very first collision with a microparticle (tons of them in space) or the first unshielded shot).
-About Blazer form:Do you think that the ship uses energy to cool itself back down to a stable temperature before it disengages Blazer? It'd have to.
no not really. If the energy is consumed, the hull starts cooling. The last part, the transformation back is made when it all has cooled by radiation into space. The 2 last energypoints were for bringing the ship bak into form, not for maintaining the heat. My proposal would be more like bringing the hot engine outside (giving it better efficiency (higher speed, turning rate) and afterwards back in (the hot plates will still be hot, shielding the ship from the hot plasma in the engine). I always understood the comet as a blue ball (the ship itself) plus the orange remnants of the plasma ejected out of the engine core.
Not everything is implementable. I'm just trying to give reasons why they were not implemented. But this are just ideas, do with them as you wish.

-About playability and the proposed delay between Guardian/Blazer and X/Yform: What's that got to do with playability? It'd take like half a second, and it'd be some eye candy. Sheesh.
The delay has nothing to do woth playability. I never said that (as far as i remember). And the delay results from the transformation. But i proposed to leave the way it is. It would be (as you say) just eye candy.

Besides which, I don't know of any type of fire that doesn't produce extremely hot gasses after it's burned in/through an area. It wouldn't be much for damage, but it's real. A vapor trail, if you will. Wink
Still hard to implement. And in space it would cool of very quickly. Therefor i still propose not to implement it [yet].
But I'd like to playtest it (if i had time). Right now i'm using more time than i should on this board. Far more time than allowed...

About laser weapons in the atmosphere: Yeah, I forgot to add that part. Thanks for sticking it in. Smiley Like I said before, not enough sleep behind the keyboard last time.
Just wait for Brents answer. With these new ideas he's regretting to have proposed this stuff anyway Wink

Glad this bit was constructive [...]
Me too. But all these realistic and constructive ideas will be hard for Brent to implement. Let's see in a month how much sleep he has gotten.. Wink

Good work guys. I'm really sorry that I'm not able to understand the code. Keep it up!!!!:)
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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #62 on: September 05, 2003, 06:26:05 pm »

Ok, IM running Win98 Angry, I checked out all those stupid MS-DOS names, ran the thing, and the Fatal Error message is that, and I quote:
Fatal error: content not available, running from wrong dir?

My installation procedure consisted simply of unzipping everything to the primary UQM folder, and everything went into the original "content" folder, so I'm left scratching my head. Huh

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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #63 on: September 05, 2003, 07:20:39 pm »

A) The UQM executable should be sitting next to the content dir, not in it.

B) this is the melee ideas thread -- take tech support for frenzy to the original frenzy thread...
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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #64 on: September 05, 2003, 08:54:14 pm »

Trust me necro, this is not the place for getting technical support :-/ Try solving it yourself or if you will have luck, someone WILL help you.

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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2003, 11:13:31 am »

Ugh, Necro, don't listen to Deep_Trolla over here, I'm sure he, or someone else will answer your questions.

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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2003, 08:01:04 pm »

What are you anti-deep? Just telling him from expirence that he won't get help here.

But then again, if you want to keep arguing and making meep-eep to lock this thread, go on.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2003, 08:01:45 pm by Deep_Jiffa » Logged

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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #67 on: September 06, 2003, 10:00:29 pm »

Quote from: sage
Jiffa: Necro is right. Sylandro controls don't turn the ship left and right, they turn it counterclockwise and clockwise, respectively. That's how its always been.  

Actually, that's supporting Jiffa, and he's right. In this game, turning 'left' and 'right' are from the perspective of the ship itself, so in this respect, the Probe is just like every other one. I've played Star Control 2 for the PC, and the Sly does turn left and right for those buttons. Don't believe me? Just get an Arilou Skiff, hold the thrust button, and watch as it acts like a slow little Probe.

Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #68 on: September 07, 2003, 11:20:32 am »

This is so totally off topic, feel free to bash me, but HEAR ME OUT:

The ultimate in replayability: a random map generator.
I am no programmer, so it's likely what I dream up is impossible. But some talk was had about a random map generator for UQM a while back in a few threads. Anyhoo.

The only thing that hinders being able to replay this game infinitely is the fact that the map doesn't change. There are several ways to fix this.

Fixed systems: Sol, Alpha Centauri, Delta Crateris, rainbow worlds, item worlds, homeworlds...

In the "godly random map generator" you could set it to generate names too, using the "alpha/beta/gamma" + "lalande, centauri" generation system and set it so the stars in any given area of the map are always the constellations. But it would be neat to have Alpha Centauri, plus only two centauris, or have a six star Wolf constellation near earth. I think it would be really awesome... having more or less planets in some systems, also...

If I really could have anything I wanted in a random map generator for UQM, I'd have a whole screen for the new game, with difficulty settings, number of stars, size, and everything. occurence of supergiants, ratios of star colors... can anybody imagine how awesome it would be for a veteran player to start a game with 1000 star systems? I suppose it would be even cooler to have it reposition the key items, move the sa-matra. but i think that might be nigh impossible to make work with the dialogue. (and the vux beast's clues and so forth would be nulled)

But I think if there was some way to make the hunt for the sa-matra, looking for the ultron parts and the gateways to quasi-space different every time... there'd be no reason to ever stop playing this game.

I suppose it would be really cool to select "frames" for your precursor ship. Like the standard frame, one with more guns, one with more modules and less guns, one with more engines, etc... that would be a LOT of graphical work. Making the map bigger, though... I would really, really enjoy that. Maybe if I ever learn programming, I'll try.

One of my most fond dreams ever was to find some way to replay Star Control 2 and have all of the mysteries, all of the secrets in.
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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #69 on: September 08, 2003, 01:52:15 pm »

In the "godly random map generator" you could set it to generate names too, using the "alpha/beta/gamma" + "lalande, centauri" generation system and set it so the stars in any given area of the map are always the constellations. But it would be neat to have Alpha Centauri, plus only two centauris, or have a six star Wolf constellation near earth. I think it would be really awesome... having more or less planets in some systems, also...

Hang on, doesn't UQM already generate most of the starmap with a pseudo-random generator? And didn't someone already hack it to produce completely different systems?

If I really could have anything I wanted in a random map generator for UQM, I'd have a whole screen for the new game, with difficulty settings, number of stars, size, and everything. occurence of supergiants, ratios of star colors... can anybody imagine how awesome it would be for a veteran player to start a game with 1000 star systems?

Changing these parameters should not be too hard.

I suppose it would be even cooler to have it reposition the key items, move the sa-matra. but i think that might be nigh impossible to make work with the dialogue. (and the vux beast's clues and so forth would be nulled)

Actually, you'd probably have to move all the key items anyway to get the game to work after changing the systems. I believe this was the part that prevented an earlier attempt at randomising the map in UQM. Then, you'd basically have to go through the entire dialogue, looking for references to star systems, coordinates and such, and replace them with references to whatever is generated. This works fine in text mode, but synthesising the speech would be a real pain (the "easy" way is to record all the possible star names in all voices).

But I think if there was some way to make the hunt for the sa-matra, looking for the ultron parts and the gateways to quasi-space different every time... there'd be no reason to ever stop playing this game.

Even if you randomise the positions you'd still have the same plot over and over again; you'd know exactly whom to ask for every coordinate, anyway. A more ambitious idea would be to randomise parts of the plot, too, although the result would be probably just as confusing as Captain Blood.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2003, 01:52:31 pm by Novus » Logged

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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #70 on: September 08, 2003, 05:34:52 pm »

huh? :-/ What the hell...
« Last Edit: September 08, 2003, 05:35:06 pm by Deep_Jiffa » Logged

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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #71 on: September 09, 2003, 01:23:10 am »

All he's saying jiffa, is a way to randomize maps (I assume meaning more planets, other interesting bits to run into in space [nebulas, etc]).

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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #72 on: September 09, 2003, 02:47:31 am »

Randomizing planets within (fixed) starsystems is incredibly easy;  just a one line edit.   Randomizing starsystem locations is a little harder, since Fred Ford hard-coded them into place.  It's not impossible though, it's just more work than making random planets.

Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #73 on: September 09, 2003, 03:41:04 am »

Heh. Right on many counts, friends.
I meant speech. Oog... should be user, then can edit. Text, in the SC2 ver, would be really cool and easy, you're right. You'd just have to come up with new coordinates and new hints. Maybe even rotate the direction of the arrow to the core in terms of rainbow worlds?

It WOULD be the same plot, true. That would be a bit of a drag, popping the Sa-Matra again and again. Then again, if you are disgruntled by the thought, what are you doing here? Cheesy Fun and kidding aside, I was thinking more along the lines of what Diablo did, having smaller subquests as you go along, building to the same goal; blowing said Sa-Matra / killing Diablo in Diablo.

If any serious voice acting is done to reconstruct parts of the PC text, I would consider alternate endings, like where you save the wonderful Precursor Service Vessel but let the universe go to crap. I mean, already the text has three mentalities; evil, good, and innocently ignorant (as mentioned in some other thread somewhere). One should have a plotline to fulfill all of these; the evil captain, the good captain (we already have that), and innocently ignorant. "But it's MY ship... it's sooo prettty..."

Anyway. That would be neat. New planets and new stars, more playing area, and more shit in quasispace, dammit!! Like, systems full of emerald worlds and the like! Not to mention a less all-purpose service vessel frame might be fun. Like a ship designed to be a battleship, maybe with the ability to fire two shots forward for a longer range, more slots, etc... My little pipedream while playing the game of kings.

No, not frungy, SC2.
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Re: UQM 'Frenzy' Fork: Melee ideas
« Reply #74 on: September 09, 2003, 07:31:32 pm »

The ideas mentioned about the Mark I present some interesting thoughts:

Regular Frame: The one we all know and love. Average in firepower, crew, cargo space, engines, fuel and fighter compliment.

Combat Frame: Bulkier and more suited for fights. Better in firepower, average in crew, less cargo space, average engines, smaller fighter compliment (it's going to be doing the fighting itself, after all). Perhaps, as mentioned, twin fore-guns, or better homing/PDL equipment.

Exploration Frame: Smaller and more manuverable. Less firepower, more crew and cargo space, average engines, more fuel and average fighters compliment. Could carry MORE landers (15?).

I'm certain its kind of a goofy thought, but custom frames as well. Every stat aforementioned (Firepower, Crew, Cargo, Engines, Fighter Compliment) would start at...oh, lets say 5. (10 for Fighter Compliment, I think thats how many the Vindi can carry max?). Each point you take away from another stat would allow another to be boosted as you see fit for your own custom ship, and you would have to have 0 points left over once you've finished. So you could totally scrap your fighter compliment to have a massive battle platform, or ditch your cargo space to make engine room and have a ship that is sometimes confused with an Arilou for dead out speed. Grin

Obviously, these modifications to the Mark I would take about a month to do, and cost a (very) large hunk of RU, so it would be the bane of an indecisive captain to keep switching frames. Some people would stay with the old standard, others could shape and bend their craft into the Vindicator they've only been able to dream about up until now.

Also, an addition of items to be purchased from the Melnorme/others for the Vindicator would also be neat. Nothing like the godly-but-unsexy Cloaking Device, but useful stuff. Just a few from my twisted brain:

-Asteroid Net: The Vindicator, once engaged in combat, could deploy this Electromagnetic field that would pulverize asteroids that passed through and collect their remains for RU. Of course, this would cause the ship's turning/thrust to be diminshed somewhat, but that's a risk worth taking...isn't it? (I'd love this for fighting the Slylandro Grin)

-Esper Crew: Not really bought from anyone, but random amounts of crew are Psionics, this is mentioned when Zelnick finds the Taalo Shield. Perhaps a way of defining the Esper crew from the rest of the crew (purple squares instead of green?). Not really sure what good it'd do, but its just a thought. Maybe someone can run with it.

Ack, Im out of ideas. Sad
I know these would be difficult to implement, as the pictures for each bodytype would be different, but hey, this is just an ideas thread, right?

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