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Author Topic: The Main Downfall of the Abomination  (Read 4232 times)
Davey Yungblud
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The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« on: July 17, 2007, 06:14:52 pm »

Alright, now I know it is somewhat heretical to even mention the abomination (SCNot3) on this board, but I thought I'd share a few of my thoughts on what really made it suck. I've decided to break it down into 3 major categories: What actually was OK, What needed fleshing out, and What just plain sucked.

What Actually Was OK:

Ships: The Vyro-Ingo Invader, Daktaklakpak Vivesector, Harika/Yorn Ravager, Ploxis Plunderer, the Deep Child Podship (I just liked a green podship, ok?).

Weapons: The Invader's Ramming shield, the Invader's Wake Generator, the Vivesector's drill, the Vivesector's mines, the Sanctorum's Phase Shift, the Enigma's enemy teleportation device, the Ravager's Bolo Missles.

Races: Harika/Yorn, Vyro-Ingo, Lk, Xchagger, K'Tang Kaktori, Daktaklakpak.

Story: The Lk evolved from Precursor waste materials. The Daktaklakpak are actually short-circuited Precursor "maid-bots" (though everyone knows they were just a substitution for the Slylandro probes, another result of a lack of creativity on Legend Entertainment's part.) The Xchaggers evolved from Precursor cheese (deffinately not canonical, but I found it funny that anything that comes from a Precursor just happens to evolve and acquire sentience according to the abomination).

What Needed Fleshing Out:

Music: The battle theme was tolerable, but needed to be updated, or even performed by a band as opposed to composed in Cakewalk.

Story: The Vyro-Ingo and the VUX are two parts of a Precursor experiment. I actually kinda buy that, but they didn't really explain it very well, there was no way to tell if it was actually canonical (then again, nothing from SCNot3 can be considered canonical.)

What Sucked: Too much to put in a post, let's just say everything else to save time and space, eh? :p

But I have the number one reason why SCNot3 sucked. THERE WAS NO FRUNGY IN IT!!!!!!!!

"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day --  it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 06:39:58 pm »

Some of the ships in SCn3 had the potential to be interesting, for sure. The problem is that any time they got any sort of idea in their heads for a ship ability, they felt the need to recycle it at least once. Thus, there are 3 ships that can regenerate crew, 2 ships with ramming attacks, 2 ships with hybrid mine/projectile attacks, 2 ships with movement restriction attacks, etc.

Also, I can't figure out what you see in the Invader. That had to be the crappiest ship design ever.
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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2007, 07:27:16 pm »

The only things I liked about this was the K'tang, and the Owa. The K'tang had the potential to become real badasses, but all we got were bushism intergalactic space wimps hiding beneath rather cool looking mecha. I might make drawings and an overhaul of K'tang the way I see them.

The Owa were also showing off the more creative side of things, and had some nice ships. The Harika & Yorn were also a good concept, but they needed fleshing out, because they were more or less *grrr I hate you* *grrr you gave us serum*.

The Vyro-Ingo drove me nuts *plus having the worst ship in the game*, and what was the point of the VUX merging with this nutso race, a Star Control reject if you will. I want to like the Xchaggers, but something tells me they are also another Star Control reject.

The Ploxis were interesting, lets say if they actually made a canonical sequel they'd be quite good by the side of the Druuge as cunning trading partners- you could even have Ploxis pirate ships, so much potential untapped, but unfleshed out, makes way as a Star Control reject, personally.

The Lk were Star Control rejects, why have fungi when you have the Mycon which were turned into baskets for some reason in SC3, it's like 'woah, lets forget about this race here, introduce a race more along the same lines, then focus on 'our' new race'.

Heralds as a race had potential, but instead became Ilwrath ripoffs except with side-ways Star Destroyers with innaccurate projectile guns. Star Control reject if unfleshed out.

Doog I thought were funny, they are were too stupid to develop an interstellar community but somehow they did it.

Concs were retarded, they simply filled in the 'hey lets annoy the player constantly with the best ships available to the Crux in the game' and as a race they constantly were hammered with Taalo canon to make them worthwhile, despite being so.. boring.. rejected.

Exquivans were an alright-ish concept, but space monk ewoks.. nah. I'd rather have them as a Shofixti cult.

The Colony Ship also deserves to be called 'the pen ship', because it makes a pen-firing sound, and the missiles look like pens too. Eat ink death alien scum.. no.. just doesn't do it for me.

Daktaklakpak were interesting, space vivisectionists with mine layer droid ships, but I don't like them much if you ask me. They had a nifty ditty though, got to give them credit for that.

Finally, the plot of SCnot3 sucked.
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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2007, 08:03:35 pm »

The Pages of Now and Forever had a good list of all the game's problems.

I have to say I agree with at least 95% of this.
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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2007, 08:04:19 pm »

Alright, now I know it is somewhat heretical to even mention the abomination (SCNot3) on this board, but I thought I'd share a few of my thoughts on what really made it suck. I've decided to break it down into 3 major categories: What actually was OK, What needed fleshing out, and What just plain sucked.

Could everyone just stop doing this? If you want to discuss SC3, then that's fine. It was a badly executed idea with some interesting points. But you don't have to preface EVERY thread about it with how it was an abomination and Not3 and whatnot. It just seems that people are blowing this out of proportion. I doubt a lynch mob is going to show up and tring people up if they admit to liking parts of SC3 without prefacing it with a whole lot of "abominational crotch spawn of the she-devil RAARGH!"

There were a lot of good concepts in Sc3, but as has been stated many times before, the story wasn't very well fleshed out, and the engine was actually broken.

What's up doc?
Davey Yungblud
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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2007, 08:26:15 pm »

Well, the only reason I actually liked the Vyro-Ingo Invader was because it was equivelant to the Thraddash Torch : A ship that is best suited for defense, but can be a great offensive weapon is used correctly.

The Colony ship was a complete disaster. Before I even started playing the single player game, I thought it'd be cool to play a little of the "hyper melee" first. When I saw what I thought was a precursor service vehicle, I was estatic. I mean, seriously, what we've always wanted, a suped-up flagship in melee! But then, when I used it in combat, I tried to fight...and I was crushed! IT WAS WORSE THAN THE EARTHLING CRUISER (Which I didn't think was possible)! But I will admit, having up to 25 ships in a fleet was pretty badass. If you could have that many ships in SC2, you could theoretically have one of every ship in the game, excluding the Sa-Matra (which, everyone knows if it was usable in melee, would take up at least 10 spaces).

"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day --  it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2007, 03:28:48 am »

Ok, my biggest gripes with the game....

1) Certain established spaceships, especially the Kohrah, have been made blockier. Sure, it's supposedly more 3-D, but at what cost?
2) Plot-holes
3) Especially, the Koh-rah subplot. What would have been cooler is if the Ploxis leader lied to the Koh-rah about saying "the Crux will eliminate all non-Crux races first, and then destroy ourselves." And then some Koh-rah are "taxied" via the Warp Bubble express to other worlds
4) "Colony Management"...need we say more? Seems like someone thought to incorporate that element from, say, Masters of Orion, apparently unaware that it's a completely different franchise and concept.
5) RUs? Cool. But how to spend them? Apart from the Doog subplot and "seed" resources to help a colony start more quickly....nothing.
6) What about Talana? She only gets a cameo appearance (and you find out she's with you aboard your ship)'s one of the more interesting ways to get a game over (hint: Go to Picus real early in the game and stay there, even if your tech team says to leave) You'd think there'd be the occasional mention of her a bit more often, since she supposedly is the captain's girlfriend
7) Planets are more similar to each other.
Cool And the Rainbow Worlds aren't as psychedelic as they should be
9) The only "boss" ship in this game is just an imitator of your flagship!
10) Two words. "Landing" and "Pods."
11) Ok, normally such lists have 10 items, but....the ending. If your name isn't Yoko Ono or Philip Glass, then hearing minimalist Arilou music while watching the credits and hearing this short "feel-good" message is a total ripoff. Did anyone even care?
12) Methinks the problem is...things were rushed. Normally associated with a certain game company that's referred to by two letters, it seemed Accolade wanted to do the same thing. Rush it out. Haven't you heard of Atari's ET debacle of 1983? Those that don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.
13)  Muzak. The main two themes, one of them seems like something you'd hear at a funeral, the other seems like someone took SC2's "in the star system music" and sucked all that was good out of it. Ok, who's the orangutang responsible?

Sorry, had to get mes deux sous/la'u lua sene/$0.02 out of the way


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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2007, 09:46:14 am »

13)  Muzak. The main two themes, one of them seems like something you'd hear at a funeral, the other seems like someone took SC2's "in the star system music" and sucked all that was good out of it. Ok, who's the orangutang responsible?
Blame this guy.

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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2007, 10:07:16 am »

Most puppets are bad, Syreen and Arilou are especially ugly.
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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2007, 07:09:48 pm »

13)  Muzak. The main two themes, one of them seems like something you'd hear at a funeral, the other seems like someone took SC2's "in the star system music" and sucked all that was good out of it. Ok, who's the orangutang responsible?
Blame this guy.

Actually, there were one or two good pieces in the game this guy composed. It's just you don't hear them that often. It's the "muzak of waiting" you hear, two songs that are depressing. The funeral and the muzakified-SC2 music.

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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2007, 12:51:14 pm »

A star ship hurtles through a dark universe speckled with stars. Suddenly, a hole opens in space and an armada of enemy alien ships darts through. The scream of an electric guitar erupts. Ambush! The reverberating wail picks up as the aliens streak for the starship.
If the visuals aren't jolting you sufficiently, that insistent guitar will sure do the job.
Thank composer Andy Frazier for putting you in a panic. The 31-year-old Middleboro resident and the makers of the CD-Rom game "Star Control 3" want to make sure the player has an adventure of sound as well as sight.

Only one word can describe this.. LOL

Thanks for that Novus, I needed a good laugh Cheesy
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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2007, 04:21:51 pm »

You know, for the the main problem with the game was that I got half way though and progress stopped. I fell fatal to a bug in the game that if you do things in the wrong order (accidently in my case) then the plotcomes to a stand still. The only choice I has was to start over from the beginning, with a walkthu so I didn't fall to the same bug again. I was far enough in the game, and without the prospect of beating it myself, that I just decided it wasn't worth the trouble.

It's not that it was a bad Star Control game, it was at that, but that's not the main issue. It's a buggy commercial release, which makes it a bad game no matter the franchise it's trying to ruin.

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Re: The Main Downfall of the Abomination
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2007, 04:58:46 am »

Terrific. No thought out "proper" responses for those who "jumped the gun." At least in SC2 they did have things that happened if you tried to do events out of order. Like rushing to free the Chmmr would result in a nasty Illwrath encounter. That's much better than having the game become unwinnable. Not to mention that SC3 seemed to have a few too many ways to get a game over. Geez! Lying to the Owa? Getting the Serum taken by the Harika? Oy!


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