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Topic: UQM Fork: Story Idea - Black Spathi Squadron (Read 17066 times)
mike guthrie
ok... first I had to take a few mins to stop rolling on the floor laughing at the ideas for names for a forward torpedo. That is the stuff that people come to message forums, even if none of it ever gets implemented in a game.
Black Spathi?!? sounds like clam digging around an oil tanker spill. Less support option is more appropriate imo. little mods also, perhaps longer range torp, and or faster energy, more battary, faster rate of fire.
Plotwise, I suppose fighting the urquan is the most convienient way to work them into the storyline. I don't think they could effect the timetable of the conflict even if the change of their focus is an option. but getting a ship or two from them would be nice, I like flying the spathi (I do a pretty good job of killing kzer-za with them. Perhaps they would only trade them if you offered some minerals.
Mike Guthrie Wile E. Coyote
Life is a journey, which way to the highway?
Davey Yungblud
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 111

Scum? I don't think so. "Master" is more like it.
Well, I'd hate to dig up a burning bag of dog crap, but I'm just so tempted to speak my mind here, so I am
Okay, if you people had actually read the fanfiction that was posted on PoNaF (Which was very well written. I don't know if other people consider it canon, but I do. It just fits so well), you would know how the BSS got the funding for the damn ship designs. Also, you would know that they actually were painted black, not made out of a different material. Also, you would know that the Dagger's design was already pre-developed with a faster, stronger BUTT missle and a stronger front gun. They were somewhat slower, and also had less crew. But it also had a larger battery amount. There's my two cents about this.
"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day -- it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
Zebranky food

Posts: 26

Well, after reading this topic I had an idea for a marginally interesting special ability for the (porbably permanently) hypothetical Spathi Hostile Noun. Tracking retrorockets! Hear me out!
Spathi are cowards by nature right? So the BSS would probably suffer from the occasional (at least) panic attack; so the BSS leaders get together, attack an Umgah ship, and reverse engineer the reverse propulsion system they use. Now all BSS ship captains have a special lever mounted on their controls, the lever is clearly labeled "Emergency Escape Propulsion", however, when pulled the ship's computer rockets the ship *towards* the nearest enemy.
Yeah, it's kinda' lame, but I thought the backstory was funny enough to post this.
EDIT: maybe the EEP does damage to both ships? kind of a combo blazer/drone/scout deal?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 02:16:58 am by Ohma »
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