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Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« on: September 04, 2003, 08:45:46 pm »

Instead of arguing over which ship(s) are best, why dont we simply give strategys of OUR single favorite, it's strengths and weaknesses, and how to use it effectively against the other ships. No arguments, no saying "hey, that doesn't work" or any of that, just solid fact about your favorite ship and it's traits.

I guess I'll start off, and my favorite is no suprise...

Androsynth Guardian

+: Relatively large crew for it's size, bubbles make excellent shielding, and of course the DOGI trick.

-: Slow, relatively poor turning radius, relatively slow energy regeneration.

General Tactics/Notes:

-All-Arounder: This ship is an excellent blend of offence and defense. Using the bubbles while being chased makes opponents turn away, and the Blazer mode will atomize anyone unfortuante enough to get caught.

-Care for a quickie?: Blazer mode can only be outrun by five ships, the Arilou, the Slylandro, the Pkunk, Thraddash on Afterburner, Reversing Umgah and the Druuge @ full backblast speed. It is also quite handy when turning in Blazer mode, use this to your advantage.

-Choices, choices: Two distinct players show themselves when playing the Guardian: the Spittlebug and the Fireball. The player that learns to use both well will be able to defeat most anything that gets in their way.

Specialized Tactics:

-Avatar: Tough cookie to break, especially with that tractor beam. Blaze, and pray that you stick in the wing crevaces. If you do, instant kill. If not, the Zap-Sats will wear you down, or, in unlucky cases, the main laser will cook you.

-Avenger: Hehehe, bubbles still randomly move even though he's invisible. Get a grav-whip, wait for him to turn around to meet you head on, bubble about 80% of your batts and blaze away. The poor suckers'll fly right into the cloud.

-Blade: Good manuverability makes bubble clouds a little tricky, but I've found a relatively good tactic. Send out one or two to make the Blade do its evasive manuvers, but before the bubbles get there, crank the ship 180 and cloud one of the sides. By the time the initial bubbles get there, the larger cloud will have dispersed and you may get a lucky hit or three. If this method is too slow, Blaze, but be warned, the Blade can turn quite rapidly.

-Broodhome: DOGI trick, ram 'em in normal form. Nuff said. Once the DOGI trick works no longer, send three or so bubbles to make the Broodhome go shatter crazy trying to defend itself from the bubbles. One he's out of energy, ram.

-Cruiser: Blazer. Nuff said. That little laser will drop two crew at max.

-Dreadnaught: Cakewalk. They will usually send fighters (droves of them) to you. Bubbles can absorb three points of damage, so each bubble has the potential to drop three crew from the Ur-Quan. When he's low, flank n Blaze.

-Drone: These guys are screwed if they even think about zipping. Watch and wait for them to turn around to zip at you, then cloud when they start. Instant kill. Blazer is dangerous as the cone can rip you to shreds.

-Eluder: Bubbles can be used as distractions to fend off BUTT missiles. When he gets close, Blaze and jam yourself inbetween the side pods (purple and blue or red and green) and watch the fireworks.

-Fury: A lot of these tactics depend on operator error. The Fury can easily escape Blazer, so it's really a hit-and-miss bubble war from the Guardian's perspective. Hope he screws up and hits them, and pray he doesn't respawn. A typical fight like this takes about 5 minutes for me. One trick I have discovered is to cloud and then hide within, forcing the Fury to get close for the short range guns.

-Guardian: Ah, Guard vs. Guard. This fight is totally dependent on what the opponent does. If the opponent prefers to Blaze at you, create a bubble shield and sit in it. If he's a bubbler, its a total bubble war, as Blazing at a Guardian isn't the smartest idea. Sometimes the comp and yourself can get into races, weaving in and out of each other, scoring lucky hits every now and then, but dont expect a solid chance to win in this situation. Bubble wars get dangerous, especially when both Guardians expel their clouds at once. Whose are whose? A tough fight.

-Intruder: At the beginning of the fight, Blaze the second you hit the screen to escape those damn limpets and that laser. Once you've gotten away, the rest of the fight is easy. The VUX has to chase you to get any chance of firing or getting a limpet hit, so use the cloud-gravwhip tactic and the VUX are history. Smarter human captains will know that limpet ranges are long, so they might grav whip themselves, send walls of limpets, and later come in for the kill. Blazing is not advised against Intruders, as limpets still stick.

-Jugger: Wear down his shielding with bubbles (those things are so chaotic he'll shield whenever they get near) and once he's drained, continue the onslaught. Don't try to Blaze him either, the quad-guns can lay the hurt on pretty quickly.

-Marauder: This guy sucks, but I've found a tac that will work about 80% of the time if its the computer. Send one or two bubbles toward it. The comp will burn off both FRIEDs to defend from the bubbles, leaving him energyless for a moment. Turn around and head toward him, then, at the last moment, turn and cloud like crazy. The Kohr-Ah turns well, but the engines don't respond fast enough to avoid the cloud, and you can usually drop about 1/3 of his crew by doing this.

-Mauler: Get him to go full speed (most Druuge human players don't control their recoil: big mistake) then intercept and cloud, or, if you're a good aim, Blaze him.

-Nemesis: My favorite fight. The Orz send marines, usually in groups of 6. Blaze the crap out of them, but be careful when they bunch together, as some (usually 1 or 2) can break in whilst the others are getting pulverized. Once the Nemesis is low enough on crew to stop sending marines, Blaze and stuff yourself inbetween the back fins. Damn Orz. Angry

-Penetrator: Bubbles for defensive clouds as the Penetrator chases you, and Blaze only to escape. Crew will get sucked out and you'll comet their guts out of existance. Force the Penetrator to follow you into the gravity well, then bubble.

-Podship: Mwah. Let it fire it's two plasmoids at the start, then Blaze when the get close, dodge them and crush the stupid fungi. If you're feeling particularily mean, note that all Mycon go for the planet right after their first two shots. Beat them there and cloud the hell out of the planet.

-Probe: The ship to NEVER use Blazer against. Get them to follow you, then bubble a few to drive it off course. Head toward the planet, and you'll notice that most times it will try to cut you off by orbiting the other way. Big mistake. Get there first and cloud up the planet. Sly die easy.  Grin

-Scout: STAY AWAY!!! That Glory Device will clean your clock! Don't ever Blaze offensively. Get it to chase you, then cloud. Most humans (and the computer) are cocky enough to think they can make it through the cloud. They can't.

-Skiff: Long, drawn out battle. One trick that'll work every now and then is to lay a medium sized cloud, then Blaze after the Skiff, aiming it toward the cloud. It'll either teleport (hopefully into the cloud) or you'll force it to turn and risk getting rammed.

-Stinger: Bubbles are your friend here too, as three licks from the Stinger send the Guardian to Androsynth Heaven. If you can manage to flank it (somehow), more power to you, Blazer time.

-Terminator: Ugh. Bubbles make good distractions, but most times they are smart enough to shield from them. Your best bet is to, in normal form, meet the Term coming head on. When you're just out of gun range, Blaze past it, then turn around to flank it and ram the crap out of it. If you get too close, twin-barreled death awaits. Too soon, and they'll strafe you.

-Torch: Hehehe. Make it use it's jets by chasing it, but lay a cloud before. Most often it'll run into the cloud, or, you can turn around in Blazer form and trash it coming head on. That little pea-shooter is nothing to worry about.

-Trader: Beware their screwer-upper beam, it'll leave a Blazer helpless. Stick to Guardian mode, and get it to chase you (if possible) with bubble trails to make it blow up a charging shot. Once the Trader is under half power (enough to fire the screwer-upper) Blaze at will but beware the front of the ship. Their bullet automatically comes back if it's destroyed and they've got enough power.

-Transformer: Totally dependant on what aspect it's in. X-Form, Blaze it but make sure to flank or you'll take pretty heavy casualities from twin lasers. Y-Form, Blaze and chase it a ways to get it going, then 180, meet it head on, and lay fiery death upon them. If you miss, bubble the area they're going through. They turn so slow in Y-Form that they'll have a very slim chance of escaping some damage.

Well, I hope someone adds to this. I spilled my guts on how to fly a Guardian well, I hope that someone else will spill on how to fly their favorite ship better.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2003, 01:40:09 am by NECRO-99 » Logged

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2003, 12:21:37 am »

I wonder what my favorite ship is. Back in SC1, my favorite ship to use was the Arilou, because I could wipe out any ship in the Hierarchy with it. Unfortunately, it's not good enough to be used much in SC2. Nevertheless, I'll pick it.

Ariloulaleelay Skiff
+: Fast, instantly accelerates to full velocity, no inertia, teleportation.
-: Short weapon range, teleport to unfortunate places, low crew.
I like to use this ship near planets since other ships have a more difficult time navigating it. Like the Pkunk and other quick ships, being a good pilot with quick reflexes is essential.

Against the Hierarchy:
Dreadnought: This is more of a pain to kill in SC2 than SC1. In SC1 the computer was stupider and would fly into the planet if you positioned yourself correctly on the other side of the planet. Also, the fighters could be wiped out on the planet so there was no problem from them. Unfortunately, SC2 fixed both of those problems. Now the idea is to stay away from the UrQuan while he launches fighters at you and try to wipe them out on the nearby asteroids. When you finally get the UrQuan to the point where he doesn't launch the fighters, sit by the planet and wait for him to come to you. While he negotiates the gravity, run out and fire at him.
Podship: This is the easiest matchup for the Skiff. Run up to the Mycon, fire at him, dodge his fire, and then rope the fire into running into the Podship. It's almost too easy.
Eluder: This is a standard hit-and-run. Or in the Arilou's case, hit-and-hyperjump.
Guardian: In SC1, the computer would lay down clouds which the Arilou could navigate around while taking the occasional shot at the Guardian until he was dead. In SC2, the Guardian seems to favor the Blazer form which means that the Arilou should sit next to the planet while the Blazer tries to hit you.
Intruder: First thing, hyperjump away. If this is your last engagement, then a sure-fire way to kill the Intruder is to sit at the planet and take shots at him as he limpets you. If this is not your last engagment, then you may not want to try this since you will be limpeted for your next enemy. In that case run at him, taking care to avoid the laser and the limpets.
Avenger: Sit by the planet and shoot straight ahead. It takes patience, but the computer seems to have an aversion to hitting the planet even if it gets it the kill, so it keep sweeping by you and you can take shots till it's gone.
Drone: Sit by the planet and shoot when the Umgah comes near. The Umgah does not have a very successful time avoiding the planet either, which makes your job even easier.

Against the Alliance:
Broodhome: Impossible. Well, maybe not, but I've never had any luck. You can't sit by the planet since the DOGIs will bounce you into it or away from it. You can't get close to the ship since it will send shards at you. A hit-and-jump is your only bet, but it only takes three shards to destroy you.
Terminator: Also hard. The planet works, but take care because his bullets are long range. Always use the planet as a shield.
Transformer: In Y-Form, it's a piece of cake, hit-and-run. In X-Form, be careful. Planet works against X-Form pretty well though.
Skiff: Make sure you have more battery power than your opponent when you two close on each other.
Penetrator: She'll suck your crew, but that's life. If you're quick you can stay behind her and she can't turn fast enough to get a clear shot at you. Then after you've killed her you can retreive your crew.
Cruiser: Hit-and-run/jump, all the way. The missile are pretty easy to avoid. You're sure to lose some crew due to its PDL, but that can't be helped.
Scout: Mutually Assured Destruction.

Avatar: You have to be extremely, extremely patient for this one, but if you sit around the planet, you can convince him to crash into it. You need to do this multiple times. The tractor beam doesn't work on you, thankfully.
Blade: I find the planet keeps the Blade off-guard enough to get some good shots in. Hit-and-run works best. It's hard to come away unscathed though.
Fury: I like the planet, but it's not necessary. Hit-and-run vs. hit-and-run, but it's easier for you to hit him than for him to hit you.
Jugger: This is tricky as anything because he turns so quickly. If you run up to him, he'll instinctively put up his shields. Do this a number of times until they're gone. Then try to hit him before he hits you. Again, the planet is your friend in these times.
Marauder: Be quick, stay sharp, don't hit the blades. Initially get close to him and jump away so he'll use his ring of fire. Then come back and circle around him, taking whatever shots you need. Just be careful about the blades.
Mauler: The only problem with fighting this guy is that a lucky shot is all he needs. Jump away when he starts firing, force him to kill his crew. When he gets fast enough, intercept him and fire all you have.
Nemesis: Tricky, but not impossible. Avoiding the marines is fairly easy unless an ill-placed jump puts you next to them. Hit-and-Run/Jump is the way to go. Just watch out for the omni-directional gun.
Probe: It's faster than you and it's lasers reach farther, but your lasers are quicker. Hit-and-Run/Jump.
Stinger: They move quick and turn quick. The planet is good to confuse them. Avoiding their fire isn't altogether easy though. Definitely a win, but hard to come out unscathed.
Torch: No inertia, no momentum. Rush towards him, but if you're about to run into fire, stop. No need to jump. His pea-shooter isn't going to beat your laser. If you're quick, you won't even get hit by it.
Trader: Turns too slowly. Rush up from behind and make sure you DON'T FACE FRONT! Being robbed of your jumping ability sucks and if you've been firing at him at close range, he's probably been nursing his fire to lethal colors (purple or red are both instant kills).
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2003, 02:49:59 am »

Orz Nemisis is the best. About the only threat to it is the Avatar and the Guardian.

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2003, 04:26:44 am »

Favorite Ship: Chenjesu Broodhome

+: Crew and Battery second only to the two Ur-Quan ships and a Chmmr (and the unlikely event of a fully staffed Penetrator)
-: Slow. Slow to turn, slow to thrust. Fast ships are annoying.

Notice that I said this is my favorite ship, not the best ship to use. Best is probably the Jugger, about the only way to beat it in any kind of fight is to be tricky. And the Broodhome is just tons of fun...

Arilou: Blah. Teleportation is not fun, but a few lucky "ack-ack" shards can see 'im off.
Androsynth: Blah, blah. They're one of the sneaky nasty enemies to fight. The best tactic is to, whenever possible, hose him with photon crystals. Three to four direct hits means he's dead.
Chmmr: This is a fun fight. But only if you do it properly. Close the range, line him up and rapid fire the photon crystal. In a head on fight, you can't lose.
Chenjesu: Slugfest! Fun. Or not fun, depending on how weaselly they are. Dogis dodge sharding, and in a head on fight crystals cancel each other out.
Druuge: Dogi 'em. Either that or be very patient. These tend to kill me.
Earthling: Fishbait. They're slow. Gravity whip and take 'em out.
Ilwrath: Figure out where they are, if the screen minimizes, use ackack shards to get his direction and fry the booger.
Pkunk: Another annoying fight. Ack ack works best.
Ur-quan: Close the range desperately. You fire about three times as fast as him, so you can't lose unless his fighters getcha.
Kohr-Ah: Keep your distance and shell him. Your crystals make effective blade-stoppers.
Spathi: If you can catch 'em, eat 'em.
Slylandro: Too maneuverable. Hit 'em with ack ack when they come near.
Supox: Slam dunk.
Umgah: Most of the time, slam dunk. Conage is pain, however.
Utwig: Dogi and hope to god you pull it off. This ship is almost unfair.
Thraddash: If you stay put, it's hard to get killed by this thing. Not a slam dunk, but easily do able.
Melnorme: Confusion ray is enough to make one weep. Try to use fire arcs to dodge it, then waste 'em, or waste 'em with ackack.
Mmrnmrhrm: They'll peck you to death. Full out pain.

I kinda like the chenjesu even better in timewarp, as it's full of ships that the chenjesu just sorta plows through. This ship is lots of fun in a scrap, mainly because it has decent speed (if you're a snail like the Chmmr) and it's got the best forward weapon in the entire game when used properly.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2003, 07:58:40 am »

Orz Brain, could you elaborate on your tactics a bit to us? What do you feel are the Nemesis' advantages, disadvantages, general tacs and ship-specific tacs? Personally, I'm a cruddy Nemesis pilot, and I could stand to learn some tacs. Only one I really know how to wax with it (of all ships possible) is the Avatar.

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2003, 04:48:20 pm »

Orz Nemisis is the best. About the only threat to it is the Avatar and the Guardian.
The Avatar? Huh? Turret to the back (if he followd). Your range is greater, use it. Fire from full energy (3 or 4 rapid shots, only 2 get defended, the others will hit satelite od Avatar). I thought it easy.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2003, 06:29:12 pm »

Heh, thats the exact tac vs. Chmmr that I use. After I've dropped two of the ZapSats, I start to be a real jerkoff and send Marines. It can't turn fast enough to fry them Grin

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2003, 07:21:45 pm »

Heh, thats the exact tac vs. Chmmr that I use. After I've dropped two of the ZapSats, I start to be a real jerkoff and send Marines. It can't turn fast enough to fry them Grin
Same tactics with the Supox Blade. Just kill his Zap-Sats (at the point where they pass the Avatar in your direction, giving them less time to remove your spits) and only then start shooting the Avatar itself.

The Avatar is an easy to use (because self-defending) weapon, but definitly not the best one around. It can be killed by quite a lot other ships. It's just good for beginners, definitly not the weapon which could singlehanded remove the Kohr-Ah and Kzer-Za fleets.

BTW: coders: Do the ZapSats loose energy when shooting (limited amount of self-defence lasershots, like 1 damage when shooting?) or do they only take damage when hit? How high is their damageabsorption anyway?  Thanks!!!!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2003, 07:23:01 pm by Krulle » Logged
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2003, 07:46:32 pm »

Caveat: I am not familiar with the UQM codebase; this is derived from experience and spoilers.
ZapSats have 8 crew-equivalent. They do not have battery per se, but their fire rate is limited (however, it is far faster than the terran equivalent)
« Last Edit: September 05, 2003, 07:47:10 pm by Death_999 » Logged
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2003, 09:25:58 pm »

Hence my name, I tend to favor the powerful, albeit slow might of the Kohr-Ra Marauder, but I also tend to favor the mighty Orz nemesis and Arilou Skiff. Since a Skiff profile has already been performed. I shall do one for the Marauder and if permitted, Orz as well.


+:Largest crew compacity, equal to the Urquan Dreadnought and Chmmr Avatar. Decent speed. High energy regeneration,

-:Slow turning ability, weakened greatly by DOGIs, susceptible to Skiff hit and run tactics.

Although this ship suffers in turning is has terrific defense potential and even better offense abilities. I have been able to eliminate an Urquan dreadnought at close range with a single F.R.I.E.D. attack. As well as eliminate most close range ships with the same weapon.

Its main weakness is to DOGI's which unless eliminated by the F.R.I.E.D. gas balls, will constantly drain away it's fuel, leaving it highly vunerable.

The shuriken is highly useful for creating a defensive wall, the A.I. piloting heavy crafts will almost certainly pilot itself straight into the oncoming barrage.

They are also handy for destroying other weapons and even zap satellites. Although using the F.R.I.E.D. attack will eliminate them quicker, you must come into close range combat, so the shurikens are sometimes much more... convenient.

Well, I would type more, but I am more than likely boring you by I shall leave you to read my long and tiresom description.


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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2003, 09:31:05 pm »

8? Well I always thought they had 6 because I took them down with one dreadnought fusion or mauler shots. Well nevermind. Here is my favourite ship.

Favourite ship: But ofcourse! Yehat terminator ( I was mycon frick, that has changed in uqm. Thanx for the voices!)

+ Shield and rapidfire pulse gun. Very deadly. Small ship like the pkunk, it will fly away easily and that's exactly what you want.
- Slow turning, low battery and the tactic is hard to manage.

The problem with this ship is the shield control. Not like the jugger if you hold the special key it will drain the shield faster. There is another problem. Big one. Called the planet.

Arilou: Hard. You have to have great aiming. DON'T LET HIM TO ATTACK YOU FROM BACK! Shoot on him while using the shield and hopefully he will get hit and wrap away without leaving a scratch on you before your battery ends. Gravity whip isn't neccesery.
Androsynth: One of the hardest fights against human controlled ship. But against the computer you do simple thing. You approch him and NOT SHOOTING HIM until he do a cloud of bubbles. Use the shield and then attack him. He won't have much energy to ram you.
Chmmr: To easy to believe it is easy! If you can, use gravity whip. If not, make him use the tracor beam and then he is history. Use the shield while firing, until the battry is drained you will be far away from him. Repeat.
Chenjesu: Chase him. Use the DOGI to accelerate(small ship or not?)
Druuge: Chase. He shoot, (shield, shield, shield) he flys away. Then he flys next to you. Then he explode.
Earthling: Hack and slash!
IIlwarth: Hack and slash!
Pkunk: Hack and slash!
Ur-quan: Kill the fighter and... Hack and slash!
Koar-ah: Make him to drain his battery then ram him. Then shot on him while you fly away from him(You won't fly much fast then him, so you could kill him before you will be out of range)
Spathi: look at pkunk
Slylandro: Nightmare. You can destroy it but with many dead crew.
Supox: Use gravity whip or if you want use the AI weakness and make him "strafe" to you.
Umgah: More range. More speed. Pulse shots go through the anti-matter ray. Easy fight.
Utwig: Long fight. Use gravity-whip.
Thraddash: Stay still, wait him to come. Use shield and finish him. (or don't use shield and lose 1 crew)
Podship: Chase him. Annoying!!!!
Vux: Make him chase you. Beware of the limpest!
Yehat: Make him chase you. Turn around and finish him.
Transformer: Patheint.
Syreen: Try to finish it with 1 skirmish if you can't finish it while the ship is after your crew.
Shofixi: There is a reason why they made them thier "children". The glory device.
Orz: Kill the marine then the vessel itself.
Melnorme: Try to sneak from back and then run!!!
ZPF: For all the fans..... Hack and slash!!!!

Overall this ship can beat all other, and I like it. Second place or not?

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2003, 02:36:26 am »

Orz Nemisis is the best. About the only threat to it is the Avatar and the Guardian.

what bout the ariloo, spathi, pkunk. the orz isnt that fast

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2003, 06:47:41 am »

Chrispy: This topic wasn't started to criticize other's notes about their favorite craft. Perhaps Jiffa doesn't have a problem with the ships you mentioned. This topic was for people to give tactics out to others to improve their gameplay, not to critique it.

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2003, 07:14:53 am »

Utwig Jugger

The Utwig Jugger is one of most powerful ships in Star Control 2. If not the most poweful in the right hands and conditions.
Pros and Cons
+ damage absorbing shield, good firepower without energy comsumtion, very good turning rate, attack affected by interia

- cannot regerate it's own energy without absorbing enemy fire,  low crew for a large ship, poor acceration, average top speed, much more vurniable when it's powerless to use it's shield.


Avatar: This match requires very good reflexes between using your shields and weapons. Once you have this the Avatar is Utwig fodder the Avatar stands little chance to kill you. But, it's much more difficult to kill without receving some damage though. Let it pull you in to absorb it's laser if not then use the zapsats instead keep collading until you just outside it's range and then fire away to wear it down.

Avenger: The Avenger stands very little chance against the Jugger. Let it come to you when it attacks shield yourself and run off and fire in the general direction the Avenger will get scrap in no time.

Blade: This is a challaging fight for the Jugger. Pillbox let the Blade attack you it can't effectively fake you out so absorb the damage. When the Blade comes close fire away until it ether escape or you destroy it.

Broodhome: This is one of two ships that are effective against you. Try to destroy their DOGIs before your denergized or your Broodhome fodder. Try to chase it when you get close blast away and try to purposely get in the line of fire to renergize your shields.

Cruiser: This ship stands very little chance against you simply absorb the nukes and engage it till it's within range then blast it to atoms.

Dreadnought:Go and engage the Dreadnought head-on It's fighters are you greatest threat try to blast them away and let it fusion bolt you to renergize you in no time. Then fire when the Dreadnought is rechanging  it's battery if there are no fighters are harssing you.

Drone: The Drone is a joke it stands virtially no chance against you. It's cone will simply reenergize your shields. You attack does penerate the cone but, not very well so it will require many blasts but, it will bite the dust eventally.

Eluder: This is the second ship that is effective against you. Eluder's BUTTs are very trickly to judge if they are going to hit you or not. So expect some lost of energy and crew. Try forcing the Eluder to fight around the Planet this is also haphazard for the Jugger to do as well.
These battles require patence and skill but, you should stand some chance against the Eluder.

Fury: This fight is very annoying the best way to win is reliae on your turning rate to fire away to discourge the Fury to apporch you if the player makes a misteak you can score a hit or two. The best way to fight is orbit the planet by forcing the Fury to gravity wipe into your direction to attack and shield against a conuter attack this requires quick reflex though.

Guardian: This is a difficult battle but, it's possible to crush the Guardian. Although it's comet doesn't renergrize the Utwig's shield. It will protect you against it's attack. The turning rate of the Jugger is key to blast it when the comet comes. When the Guardian decides to bubble you try to hit by the bubbles but, the chaoic nature of the bubble especially in small doses can denergize you so be careful.  If the Guardian blazes away from danger if you pursue it then try to the planet trick to force it come close enough for you attack it.

Jugger: The one with the best reflexes wins this fight.

Marauder: The Marauder is Jugger fodder. The blades launch and travel too slowly to get a lucky hit. They also track when you get near easly renergizing your shields. The FRIED gives you full power when absorbed. Just go and pursue the Marauder head on like the Dreadnought repeat the cycle of firing when the Marauder is changing it's battery and when it attacks put up your sheilds.

Mauler: This fight requires quick reflexs and a good eye on where the Mauler shot is going. Let the Mauler blast you purposely to renergzied your shields and when it propels back to you blast it to damage until it's destroyed.

Nemesis: Another challaging fight for the Jugger. Just run and blast the Nemesis's marines to pieces if the pliot releases them depending on what range some may get on board. If manage to kill most of the Nemesis crew off then finish it by orbiting the planet forcing it to attack you. Be careful of the Nemesis's RPG the projective travels very fast it can hit you before you can put up you sheids.

Well, I'm getting tried of typing maybe, I'll contiune in another time.    


Wimps in space eat hot, flaming, plasma death!
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Vlik Dweller

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2003, 07:24:38 am »

i didnt mean any offence to the ship, or the guy who brought it up. if any was taken, may i take this oppertunaty to appologise.
i was just trying to contribute to the description of the talents of the orz nemasis.

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