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Author Topic: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship  (Read 69617 times)
Death 999
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #60 on: October 02, 2003, 07:59:30 pm »

In an Kzer-Za vs. Kohr-Ah battle you recommend that the Kzer-Za maintain distance?
The Kohr-Ah have a vastly superior long-range weapon. Unless the Kohr-Ah pilot is incompetent, the Kzer-Za can do much better nose-to-nose. The rapid fire of the fusion cannon can reduce anything to slag in no time. Maybe launch one pair of fighters early on to lure out a FRIED so it has diminished battery power for the slugfest. But if your opponent is good at blading the fighters to death, don't bother, it'll just lose you 2 crew.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #61 on: October 02, 2003, 08:30:36 pm »

Spurk, I've been running these tests from my desktop link. Only last night did I realize that it was my .2 link! Tongue I don't think that anything will change, except when I did the tests in 0.3, the Chmmr crew didn't get zappified. Ugh. *trashes outdated link*

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #62 on: October 02, 2003, 10:17:09 pm »

Wow, this filled up fast. Lets see what we've done.
Terminator (although something besides "hack and slash!" would be nice Tongue)

So, that leaves...

Hmm.. what to tackle next.

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #63 on: October 03, 2003, 12:42:20 am »

Terminator (although something besides "hack and slash!" would be nice Tongue)

Hey, not my fault the ship is so powerful that too many ships count as "hack and slash" figures Cheesy

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2003, 12:44:45 am »

Well Jiffa, I (and the rest of us, probably) would like you to get into gory details about your "hack and slash!". Do you drift your opponents? Strafe? Head-On? Each ship has different ways of killing it. Ex, I wouldn't Head-On a Stinger, etc.

I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #65 on: October 03, 2003, 12:50:18 am »

Ok I'll explain, but before it, a little correction about the avatar weight classes. The yehat are in light weight. Yea in the beginning they act like "medium" weight but after it they are the second fastest ship with the treacor-beam bust(pkunk is first ofcourse).

Like I said in my post, the primary disadvantage of the terminator is the dynamo regenaration speed, and because the ship is too slow to raise the shields, shot and getting to a safe place before the dynamo power runs out, the primary strategy is gravity whip. The problem with the gravity whip is the planet. Newbies with this tactic will get hit by the planet many times and even "experts" will sometimes. Hack and slash means using the gravity whip and it is called "hack and slash" because you can finish him with one good gravity whip.

Just my 2 NIS.

Deep Jiffa Owns j00!
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #66 on: October 03, 2003, 01:49:09 am »

Some call it pitiful and weak, but I call it...

Umgah Drone

+: AM Cone makes a great shield, large energy capacity, weapon doesn't drain energy, high damage weapon, Reverse presents unique opportunities for this ship.
-: Low crew, poor regular engines, poor weapon range, poor turning.

General tactics/ notes:

-Shielding: The Cone can be maintained indefinitly, you might as well do it. It can block most everything, but a point blank VUX/Chmmr Laser will puncture (usually the ship has to be within the cone for this to happen). Fusion Bolts, Chenjesu Photon Crystals (whole), Melnorme Red Fear Orbs and Druuge Shells do not fall victim either, so user be warned. (Do Shurikens? I haven't got a chance to check.)

-Energy: You regenerate your energy in one huge lump after 8 seconds of not using the Cone or Reverse. Remember that. Probably put this way as a joke to the Umgah, who knows. Tongue Also, you probably don't want to use up all the energy the Drone has all at once.

-You missed! Har! Har! Har!: If a non-homing projectile is dead on target with you, Reverse one little *blip*. It'll miss. If it's a homing projectile, turn your cone on and Reverse one *blip*. Using this on human opponents (especially Druuge) will get them very, very angry, making them more reckless in firing.

-Small Frame: The Drone is a TINY ship, making it hard to accurately hit. This coupled with Reverse can make this craft quite a nuisance in the right hands.

-Spread Weapon: The Cone sticks out about 30 degrees from the edge of the ship. Use this to your advantage when grazing someone.

-Full Speed...Backwards!: You can go a screen and a half if you burn up all the energy in the Drone going "straight backwards". You can also cut a half-circle using all the energy and holding down a direction. Naturally, you can alter your course less than this, but it's pretty useful at times.

-Drive-By: Reverse slightly to the side of your opponent, and crank the Cone on. You'll graze them for a few points as you go speeding past.

-The Umgah Butt-Slam (Har! Har! Har!): Reverse into your opponent. The Drone, as I mentioned in the Avatar tac, is a heavyweight despite it's size. They'll go sailing with the same speed the Drone has when it's in Reverse. Good for sending opponents hurtling (and hurling! Har! Har! Har!) into the planet. A way to amplify the Butt-Slam is to hit your opponent while they're manuvering the planet. Box them between you and the planet, and Slam 'em, but hold Reverse on. They'll hit the planet and deflect off, but guess what will still be coming at them? You'll grind them against the planet, and they'll die VERY quickly! Works against orbiters, too.

-One ship NOT to flank: As mentioned above, when fighting an Umgah (a human that's got some brains, anyway), don't flank it. More often than not you'll get a big Butt-Slam kiss and a round of Har! Har! Har!s from your buddy.

-The Lure: Get a faster...well, get ANY ship to chase you, turn around to face them, and Reverse one *blip*. This brings you to a full stop, with them still coming at you. Crank the Cone up, and let the bodyparts fly! Har! Har! Har!

Specialized Tactics:

-Avatar: You may not survive, but you can sure have some fun with the Avatar. One little *blip* of Reverse will effectively negate the Tractor beam, and it needs a constant pulll; you need but *blip* once in awhile. If it does manage to Slingshot you, try to graze it's ZapSats with the Cone as you sail past. Butt-Slamming isn't recommended due to the ZapSats, but if they're not there, DO IT. Avatars suffer huge casualties when they hit the planet slow, imagine what they lose at high speeds!

-Avenger: Heh, these poor devils. Your Cone stops the Hellblast, and keeps going. Just make sure not to touch the nose of the Avenger. Then the Hellblast WILL get through to you. Get the Avenger within the Cone, then just *blip* one back every so often to keep you safe and it toast.

-Blade: This ship is a PAIN. The Seedgun won't penetrate the cone, but it doesn't have to. The Blade can dance circles around you. If it does try to flank, give it a complementary Butt-Slam for it's troubles. To destroy a Blade, get them to chase you, turn to face, and use The Lure tactic I mentioned above. Hopefully, the player will be caught off guard and either die or suffer some heavy casualties.

-Broodhome: Butt-Slamming isn't recommended, as the Ak-Ak will get you, but, in Umgah spirit, I must comment how FUNNY it is to watch one of these brusiers go flying! Har! Har! Har! Anyway, the DOGI's will hamper your mobility, so try to either gravity-whip, or, if you get lucky, hose them with the outside edges of the Cone. Reverse past the Broodhome (arcing around the body of the ship), park, and Cone on! Beware that the full crystal will get through the Cone, so time this trick right.

-Crusier: Cone the two incoming Nukes, Reverse at them when they're low on energy, and Cone 'em. Butt-Slamming is effective here, as the Crusier's engines suck, but you will lose a crew if you do this.

-Dreadnought: Master's fighters go away very fast in cone! Har! Har! Har! Ohh, Master's Fusion Blasts don't though. If your opponent is dense enough to send fighters, hose em ASAP. Reverse cross-screen to get to them (if possible), arc around the Dread to get behind it facing forwards, stop as close as you can, and Cone. Butt-Slamming works well here.

-Drone: Mutually Assured Destruction. Har! Har! Har! Cones don't stop one another, and both ships go boom! Har! Har! Har! Amusing is the time when two Drones Butt-Slam one another. For the results, I'll just tell you to try it for yourself.

-Eluder: Another pest. They'll try to box you to make their BUTTS useful. You can make your butt useful too. Slam them into the planet as much as possible, and shield from the Punt Gun and BUTTS when you have to. This can be quite a drawn out affair, but if the Eluder can expose your sides, your history.

-Fury: Ugh. It's too damn fast! That, and Butt-Slamming won't affect it too much, as it's engines are very powerful. Orbit the planet, facing outward, Cone on. and hope the player screws up.

-Guardian: Blazer mode the come flying at us...right into our Cone! Har! Har! Har! If the Guardian is a Spittlebug player, vaccuum up the bubbles and go for the ship. Butt-Slamming isn't advised, since the Guardian can quickly switch to Blazer, in which case the joke is on you.

-Intruder: At the start of the fight, Reverse away from the dreaded laser. Limpets get chewn up in the Cone, and so do VUX. Reverse-Arc behind them, Cone up to defend from Limpets, wait for them to turn around to come to bear on you. The cone will soak up the Laser, and as they sit there, flash-firing on you, close in and finish them off.

-Jugger: Aie. You are a refueling station for a Jugger. Use the Cone only in defense against the Quad Cannon. Butt-Slam them into the planet, you've got no other choice. Usually, only two of the four Quad shots will hit, and, if you're lucky, only one.

-Marauder: Ugh. Cone the Shurikens as they get near. Reverse PAST the Marauder, and most people will try to FRIED you. Fortuantely, you're far too fast to be hit by it (unless they predict, then you're screwed.) Once their energy is down, Reverse at them again and Cone 'em or Butt-Slam 'em.

-Mauler: Don't try to soak up Shells, you can't. Reverse next to them to make most people go trigger happy to get away from that wicked Cone. Burning crew all the while, keep doing this until they're down to their last crew. Then, Reverse up to them and kill.

-Nemesis: Cone all the Marines send at you, and once the Nemesis stops sending them, chase it. You heard me, chase it! It's Howitzer can't penetrate the cone, and if you steer it toward the planet, you can force it into a grav-whip. While they're negotiating that, Reverse across-screen (can screw up people when it zooms out like that) and catch them on the other side! Har! Har! Har!

-Penetrator: Ugh. You WILL get sucked dry. Cone your traitors, and try your best to Butt-Slam the Syreen into the planet. You can try Reverse-Arcing around them for a lucky strike or 4, but don't count on it.

-Podship: Reverse in *blip* increments to wear down Plasmoids, and then Butt-Slam the fungi into the planet, or just sailing. On the bounceback/flyby, get them with the Cone. They'll regenerate, but you can knock 'em down faster than they can bring 'em back.

-Probe: Ugh. Butt-Slamming has no use here. Cone to defend from lightning strikes, and, just to be a jerk, try herding the asteroids. They'll be forced to come to you, where you may get a few lucky graze shots off.

-Scout: Mutually Assured Destruction. You can only run for so long...

-Skiff: Ugh. Butt-Slamming, as with the Probe, doesn't work. Fortuantely it has to get relatively close to attack, so hope they screw up and get TOO close. *blip* reverse to mess with their heads, then just don't do it one time.

-Stinger: Grrr. Cone will stop the little peashooter, and they won't usually try to Tongue you, but this fight can drag on forever. Reverse near them and try to Cone, but they'll probably flee.

Urgh, sorry this took so long to finish, but I've been busy.

-Terminator: A ship that, if met head on, you stand a moderate chance against. Charge straight on, Cone up, and hope that they dont try to strafe you. Butt-Slamming works, but is not particularly advised, since most times you will wind up as Dual Cannon fodder. They can't hold that shield forever...

-Torch: He's fast, and Reverse can be quite hazardous, as you will likely find yourself sucking Afterburner. Butt--Slamming is no good either, as they can straighten out too fast. Hope the pilot screws up, getting too cocky, and hits you by accident.

-Trader: Beware Purple and Red Orbs, your Cone won't stop them. Butt-Slamming works OK here, due to the Trader's large size, but beware the Screwer-Upper, as it will leave you a sitting duck. Reverse around them if they attempt a grav-whip, and catch them as they pass.

-Transformer: Your Cone will stop both Lasers and Missiles, but the Missiles will be your inevitable downfall. If you can stop the Transformer from going into Y-Form (the pilot thinks that he's good with X or soemthing similar,) you may have a fighting chance. Get the Transformer close, close enough to turn on his guns in X form. Once your cone absorbs the damage, get in close, and Cone away. To assist your foe in draining his batteries quickly, *blip* a few backwards every now and then.

There, it's done now.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2003, 07:07:59 pm by NECRO-99 » Logged

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #67 on: October 03, 2003, 03:33:51 am »

Death_999: My words were "Don't send fighters from a distance unless he's out of energy, otherwise they're toast.", which was followed by "Close in and drop a few fighters in his lap."

I sort of indirectly stated that sending fighters from distance was good, but of course distance vs. Kohr-Ah = suicide. I suppose "potshots" would also indicate distance.

*changes the order of those sentences*
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #68 on: October 03, 2003, 05:13:09 am »

Well, I'll try.

I remember this ship, it was just too powerful! No one could beat me(computer ofcourse) but now in uqm...something happened. Still when I play it in my old computer( the pc version) something is wrong... YOU ARE THE ONES TO BLAME!!! You did something that has changed it...

But never mind, I'll get over it. It is just a game, and it is still fun to use the ship!

I am talking about the Pkunk Fury!!! (Not the ultimate-fury as chmmravatar mentioned).

+ Great engine, great turning rate, resuructions, great rapidfire, insults, lightweight.

- Low dynamo recovery, few crew, weak battery (in my opinion),hard to contol, and even when you do, it is still damn hard!!!


-Sneak attack: against ships with low turning rate just come from back and shot at them until they are almost facing you, then run. Repeat. You might manage to do it against ships with higher turning rate but you could do less damage, and you might even get hit.

-Spinning of hell: Charge toward you enemy, turn around 270 degrees(right or left, doesn't matter) then shot and spin to the opposite direction you chose to turn( If you choose to turn right, you spin left and if you choose to turn left you spin right)

-Camping near the planet: Working only against ships with low turning rate. When the ship comes to attack, circle the planet and use Sneaky strategy.

-Small punishments: This is the second hardest strategy. Just circle the enemy, but don't forget to avoid his attacks, and shoot on him. This is really hard not to miss few or none.

-Butt kicking: The hardest tactic. Just get to his back and starting destroying him. The hard part is to manage to keep him not facing towards you, especially against ships like the Jugger. Faster then sneak attack but does more damage.

Against ships:

-Avatar: Use the flipping trick( Check in one of my post if you don't know what it means) and then rush and attack him from back. Don't worry about the zap-lites, you shot too many shots for them to protect the avatar and attacking you at the same time.

-Avenger: This one is a pain in the potworm! You can't come from his back because when the ship de-cloak it will face towards you. Your only chance is your longer range. Just stay in front of him(like it matters) out of the fire and shoot on him.

-Blade: Rush and kill him. You can try to lure him to strafe and then he will keep shooting and strafe but not on you! Easier to kill that way.

-Broodhome: If the DOGI annoys you, you the spinning of hell on them. If not or the DOGI are dead sneak from the back but beware from the shredds rapid fire!

-Cruiser: Just avoid the missles and when you come near him give everything you got. Don't worry about the laser, like the zap-lites, it can't stop the shots and attack you at the same time unless he uses it in the exact moment you touch him ( if you touch him at all).

-Dreadnought: If he sends fighters, kill 'em, if not come from his back and kill him. If you come from his back and he lauch fighters, just spin and shoot. Note that you can kill the fighters in another way, harder one. It must be 180 degrees from you. You shoot on the ship with the foward cannon and the fighters are getting slaughtered by the side cannons.

-Drone: come from back and kill the damn creature. Beware from the *blip*. You can end up in the cone.

-Eluder: Just attack him and avoid the shots. Try to make him to use all BUTT and then attack him from back.

-Fury: The one with better aiming wins.

-Guardian: Try to attack while avoiding the bubbles but always from side or back. That way if it shifts into comet form it won't hit you and you could run away because you are faster.

-Intruder: Come from back and try to avoid/shoot the limpest.

-Jugger: Try to attack from back. Be paitient. The player can't stop all shots. If he holds the shield forever, just stop shooting on him and let the shied drain.

-Maraduar: Come from back and kill. Beware of FRIED.

-Mauler: Avoid the shots and attack from back or sides.

-Nemesis: Kill the marines if he sends any and attack from the side the turret isn't facing to. But never attack from the back of the ship! The marines will toast you.

-Penetrator: Just charge and try to do the max damage you can and collect as many of your crew members.

-Podship: Come from back and attack or make the plasma shots hit the podship itself.

-Probe: It is all about aiming baby. Let the probe come and start shooting on it and run away while keep shooting on him when the battry is on 5 units. That way you could escape before battery runs out.

-Scout: Charge and hope to ressurect.

-Skiff: Let him come and shoot him before he teleports. Nothing else can be done.

-Stinger: Again, attack from back.

-Terminator: Attack from back, he can hold the shields forever.

-Trader: Attack from back. Try using the flipping trick to get him "showing" his butt. Grin

-Transformer: x-form, attack from back. Y-form, attack from back but beware it won't switch to x-from and hit you.

-Torch: Let him come and kill it. If you runs instead of attacking you, this fight can last forever... With less chances from YOU to survive because basiclly, you chase him and hope to catch him without getting hit. You can try make him use all dynamo for escaping this come from the other side and hopefully to hit him before he escapes again.

For summary, the basic tactic is "to attack from the back and run".

Just my 2 NIS.

Deep Jiffa Owns j00!
Captain Smith

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #69 on: October 03, 2003, 05:21:17 am »

Shofixti Strategy Guide
More strategy list fun.  Thought I'd do a writeup on the Shofixti - don't know why but here goes.  This fits with the computer in awesome, but probably will work on human targets as well to some degree.  And this also assumes starting out with a Shofixti that has full crew, in terms of win possibility.

Basically a weak and fragile small light ship (gets tossed around HARD by every little thing too) with a big bomb attached to it piloted by an insepid little rat and 3 of his friends.  A one shot kill for just about everything in the game - why I said don't know why is the basic theme is going to be to detonate the big bomb (or GD) while you're on top of the ship (16 damage if you keep track).  Very few ships you could even fight and win against.  If you've watched the computer, it always flicks the first two switches on.  Do the same, and learn to do it quick.  For ships I do mention putting a fight up against, watch your crew and if you end up with one left or it looks like you're about to go, fire the GD next to your opponent and move on.  The worst thing in fighting with this ship is actually getting beat and a good bomb going to waste Grin

Difficulty levels are more related to your survivability than whether you can win or not since the bomb blows your ship up and makes your ship a loss just the same as if the opponent blew it away.  However in the sense of taking the other ship out, most of these are possible with the Shofixti.  Chmmr, Ur-Quan, Kohr-Ah, Chenjesu, Utwig, Yehat, Druuge (fully crewed - if you get him to chew off about 4 of his crew then it becomes possible), Slylandro, and Pkunk (if he resurrects) are the ones that are not typically possible to wipe out with this ship.

Ur-Quan: Difficult fight.  Winnable, start swatting at fighters, when those stop coming, fly in and GD.

Orz: Difficult fight.  Same thing happens as the Ur-Quan.  The GD is MUCH harder to get here though.

Chmmr: Impossible fight.  The GD cooks zapsats quite well, master timing it so you can get all 3.

Mycon: Moderate to Difficult fight.  Chase it down, avoid the plasma and shoot at it, stick next to it and when it fires, send the plasma into it.

Earthling: Moderate to difficult fight.  Same thing as the Mycon, except you'll likely get the Point defense lots either in blocking shots or if you get close.  Do watch for nukes though.  If your crew gets down to one GD and move on.

Ilwrath: Moderate to difficult fight.  Very winnable without the GD - stick back and keep firing.  If you get in trouble where it looks like you won't avoid the Ilwrath, GD and move on.  Has too many crew to wipe out entirely by the GD.

Chenjesu: Impossible fight.  Get in close, get the GD in and move on.

VUX: Difficult fight.  Stay back and fire away, if it looks like the VUX will warp in right on top of you, go for the third time on your initial and move on.

Arilou: Impossible fight.  Get in close, get him to fire and let loose the GD.  Get him to fire, because of the previous thread.  The computer likely won't do this, but if a human player is ready, there's about a 50% chance he'll teleport and survive.

Shofixti: Impossible fight.  Basically who can GD the other first.  TWo ships gone in any event.  Funny part of playing this one is sometimes you'll get simultaenous detonation...that's fun to watch Smiley

Mmrnmhrm: Difficult to Impossible fight.  Wait for the X-form to come in, back away and fire.  The Y-form is very safe for you so fire away.  Annoying fight though - remember if you get down to one crew, find your time and GD this ship.

Slylandro: Impossible fight.  Too fast to catch for the full GD most times anyway.  Just GD this ship and move on.

Pkunk: Impossible fight.  GD this ship and hope your pal doesn't resurrect.  Funny part is when he does you still get your theme (in SC2).

Kohr-Ah: Impossible fight.  GD, move on.  Extremely lethal and tricky to even get the GD in on this one.

Druuge: Impossible fight.  You might get close enough to hurt him with the GD, but in truth, being a one shot kill against the Druuge doesn't help you.

Supox: Difficult to Impossible.  Basically you can try to hurt this ship with your gun, but he'll hurt you more and you'll end up GD'ing him anyway.  Worth at least trying to see what you can do against this ship though.

Umgah: Difficult to Impossible.  very hard to get around the cone, and you need to be perfect about it too, plus if he zips you won't last long in that cone.  You can try fighting him but better to GD and get him out of the way (clue: you have to be  right NEXT to the front of the cone for the GD to take him out completely).

Spathi: Difficult to Impossible fight.  If you avoid the BUTTs you can shoot him down and beat him - in truth though it's a pain and you can GD him when you get down to the right number of crew to knock him out.

Utwig: Impossible fight.  Just GD him - Good luck in getting in and GDing him though.  You could try to pick off his crew, but he has the shield and a gun with a longer range than yours.

Syreen: Impossible fight.  Can pick off your crew and blow you away VERY quickly if it gets close.  Just get close to it, let the GD loose and move on.

Zot-Foq-Pik: Moderate to Impossible fight.  Quite easy to blow away with your gun as long as you stay away from it.  IF it gets close enough to really hit you, fire the GD and move on.

Yehat: Impossible fight. GD him and move on.

Thraddash: Moderate to difficult fight.  As long as you're careful about its shots, this guy even falls under the might of the Shofixti military Grin  If you're not so careful, well the GD takes him out just the same.

Melnorme: Difficult to Impossible fight.  One hit you're done (greengun or charged).  But at the same time, you need to take some of this guy's crew down.  Running in firing before you GD works quite well.  Of course, you might be able to continue on, but like I said a wasted big bomb is not a good thing.

Androsynth: Difficult to Impossible.  If he bubbles you, just dance around and fire away on him, if he comets, run and try to get a few shots before you GD yourself right in front of his face.

P.S. Necro yes I'm playing on SC2, the versions of UQM I've seen so far have been pretty unstable and won't let me redefine the keys (will .3 do that, I haven't seen it)'d be interesting to know whether the AI has changed much between the PC and 3DO versions.

I have Arilou and Melnorme ones already done (written before you posted yours Necro) if anyone is interested in seeing those, and could probably do ZFP, Orz, or Druuge the next time (whatever I see that hasn't been done when I decide to do another one).
Captain Smith

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #70 on: October 03, 2003, 05:22:59 am »

And yeah, before someone comments, it's 5 of his friends and not 3.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #71 on: October 03, 2003, 08:41:03 am »

Umgah: Difficult to Impossible.  very hard to get around the cone, and you need to be perfect about it too, plus if he zips you won't last long in that cone.  You can try fighting him but better to GD and get him out of the way (clue: you have to be  right NEXT to the front of the cone for the GD to take him out completely).

Actually, I find the matchup to be pretty easy. The one thing NECRO-99 didn't mention in his Umgah guide is that while the AM cone is effective at blocking shots head on, it's not as great at blocking shots from the sides. Any ship I have that fires projectile weapons uses the same strategy against the Umgah.

Fly in a circle around the Umgah and when you are at an angle, fire at him. The shot will go through the side of his cone and hit him on his back. Pretty nice and it doesn't involve trying to flank him.
Captain Smith

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #72 on: October 03, 2003, 09:01:36 am »

Agreed.  I guess I was thinking a human that might actually zip you while you're moving around it.  We do have to keep in mind that the computer will just chase you and keep the AM cone up, which makes the shoot-around scheme perfect.

As an FYI, zipping anywhere near a computer-controlled awesome Shofixti brings an immediate glory device - probably would with a human player too.


Actually, I find the matchup to be pretty easy.

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #73 on: October 03, 2003, 09:53:47 am »

I suppose "potshots" would also indicate distance.

That is what I was thinking of... *rereads*
Captain Smith

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #74 on: October 04, 2003, 10:05:40 am »

Zot-Foq-Pik Strategy Guide
More strategy list fun.  Thought I'd do a writeup on the Zot-Foq-Pik.  This fits with the computer in awesome, but probably will work on human targets as well to some degree.  And this also assumes starting out with a Zot-Foq-Pik that has full crew, in terms of win possibility.

Basically a weak light ship with good short-range weapons, but again they're short range weapons which makes you an easy target.  Takes a lot of skill and timing to be able to handle.  Use the spray gun most times, except for whenever you can get the timing down to use the tongue (if I don't say different).  You might like that sound-effect when the tongue misses, but it becomes the most annoying thing if you are using this ship.

Ur-Quan: Difficult fight.  Stay away from the main ship and swat fighters.  The spray gun works quite well for that.  Then use the tongue to finish.

Orz: Difficult fight.  Same thing as the Ur-Quan basically.  Use the spray-gun to finish.

Chmmr: Difficult to Impossible fight.  Circle the ship and use the spray gun, keeping away from the zapsats and the main gun.  One mistake will end it.

Mycon: Moderate fight.  Avoid the plasma, come in, tongue, shoot away, lead the plasma into the ship.

Earthling: Moderate fight.  Avoid the missiles, come in and go.

Ilwrath: Moderate fight.  Stick back and use the spray gun.

Chenjesu: Impossible fight.  Get in close, either use the spray gun or tongue, get your shot in and move on.

VUX: Difficult fight.  Use your spray gun and fire away.  Very close quarters fight, one mistake could end it.

Arilou: Impossible fight.  Basically hard to hit this guy.  You might get a lucky tongue hit, but in truth you'll get wiped out.

Shofixti: Difficult to Impossible fight.  You can spar with this guy pretty well - stay back though.  If he decides to use the Glory Device and you get close enough, you're done though.

Mmrnmhrm: Difficult fight.  Approach this ship in X-form and use the spray gun and dance around it.  If it switches to Y-form, stand there and shoot away.

Slylandro: Impossible fight.  Too fast and blocks most of the shots from your spray gun anyway.

Pkunk: Difficult fight, chase, turn and fire the spray gun.  Patience is a virtue here.  If he resurrects, you'll likely be a goner.

Kohr-Ah: Difficult fight.  If you are good at avoiding the blades you can time it, whip around and tongue the ship - if you don't thrust, the blow will blow you back away from the ship.

Druuge: Difficult to impossible fight.  Get him to fire, come back and either tongue or scatter gun him.

Supox: Difficult fight.  Dogfight with the scatter gun.  Very easy to get the tongue in too if the Supox makes a big mistake.

Umgah: Difficult fight.  Try to shoot around the cone with the scatter gun.  In truth though a very long fight in doing that.

Spathi: Difficult to Impossible fight.  If you avoid the BUTTs you can shoot him down and beat him with the scatter gun - in truth though it's a pain and he'll likely outlast you.

Utwig: Impossible fight.  Try to come in fast and tongue him - maybe you'll catch him when he's of the mind of firing on you instead of shielding.

Syreen: Difficult fight.  Can pick off your crew very easily, but you can scatter gun/tongue this ship easily if you are on the ball.

Zot-Foq-Pik: Moderate fight.  Basically a big dogfight - he with the skillz wins.

Yehat: Impossible fight if their reactions with the shield is good.  Get in front of the guns you're done.  Usually I like to just charge this guy and hope I can get the tongue in before I go down.

Thraddash: Moderate fight.  As long as you're careful about avoiding the shots and the afterburner fire, you can use the scatter gun or tongue to take this guy down rather easily.

Melnorme: Difficult fight.  One hit you're done (greengun or charged).  He steers so boxy that you can tongue him rather easily, stay away from the main gun or you're done.

Androsynth: Difficult to Impossible.  If he bubbles you, just charge in and try to tongue him (time it to bounce out).  If he comets you try to turn and give him the tongue.
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