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Author Topic: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship  (Read 69605 times)
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #75 on: October 07, 2003, 01:30:11 am »

Had a hard time believing no one did this one from the start, but here goes. The ship I love to hate...

Orz Nemesis

+: Decent crew/battery, decent primary weapon range, turreted weapon allows for angled shots/strafing, turns well, autonomous attackers.
-: Moderate engine, primary weapon drains energy quickly, medicore energy regeneration.

General Tactics/Notes

-*GO! GO! GO!*: Be careful with your Marines. They may pack a punch, but release too many, and you'll only be able to absorb light damage before you bite the dust. On the flip-side of this, Marines themselves can take up to three points of damage before dying, know how to grav-whip, and don't need to return to the Nemesis like Dreadnought Fighters. If you're being chased and know you're going to get hit with something painful (Fusion Bolt, Photon Crystal), drop a Marine. It will die, yes, but it will soak up the entire shot. Better to lose one than six. Also take note that when a Marine enters a ship, it instantly kills one crew.

-Now or Later?: Dropping Marines at the start of the fight makes them Harassers; pestering the opponent into evasive manuvers and setting them up for your Howitzer. Marines dropped at close range are Invaders; those that will most likely get into the ship for damaging purposes. All Marines obviously have the potential to be Invaders, but agasint faster ships, they will likely be Harassers if they don't get into the ship right away.

-Terror of Turrets: Your flanking abilities in this ship are only outdone by the Skiff and the Probe. Crank the turret to a 90 degree angle, pop a few shots on the fly-by, then turn around, readjust the turret to front, and flank away.

-Sniper?: Know the range of your Howitzer. It's good, but it's not a true sniper. It will outrange most, though, so use this to your advantage. It also, at full fuel, can only fire 3 sucessive shots in a row, so be accurate.

-Between a Rock and a Killer: Box your opponent between you and the planet when you've got Marines about. They'll have to decide: Attempt a grav-whip, leaving them vulnerable to the gun? Try to kill the Marine, also distracting them from you? Or just soak up the Marine and get it over with?

-Different Damage: It's been said before, and it seems to be true: Marines kill different races faster than others. Humans, Syreen, Umgah, Orz (yes, themselves) and both Ur-Quan (of all the races!) drop like flies (av. 6-10) when being attacked by Marines, while Chenjesu, Mmrnhrmn, Chmmr, and Mycon can beat them back with only minor losses (av 1-4). Other races (Thraddash, Supox, Ilwrath, Utwig) sustain average damage from Marines (around 4-6).

Specialized Tactics:

-Avatar: Mwah. You can stay away from the Tractor for a good while, but eventually it will catch you. When it's getting close, turn about 30 degrees and keep going. This usually screws up the Tractor and the person will disengage and turn to face you again. When this happens, Turret to 180 and Howitzer the living daylights out of the Avatar. It's just a matter of time before it dies. Marines only after it's lost a ZapSat or two.

-Avenger: Don't bother with Marines, they'll just come running back or possibly get cooked. Do some rangefinding, and once you've got a fix, keep firing. It can't catch you.

-Blade: At the beginning of the fight, send one Harasser after the Blade. This will keep it occupied while you box/flank it and Howitzer away. If it kills the Marine, send another, but don't do this more than 3 times, as it seems wasteful if the person is that good a shot. Try to Rock-and-a-Killer it, that seems to work.

-Broodhome: Send 4 Invaders to *dance* with the Broodhome, no more than this though. Ak-Ak will wreak havoc if you get big groups of Marines sent. Avoid DOGI's; actually, they're really easy to kill. DOGI's only avoid the front of a ship (where the gun USUALLY is.) Turret to face them and blast 'em.

-Crusier: Send 3 Invaders to force the Crusier into a gravity well. Once there, Howitzer and let the Marines finish the job.

-Dreadnought: Stay the wrath of your Marines; deal with the Fighters first. Try guiding them into asteroids, or get them all in a line and send a Howitzer shot through the lot of them. Once the Dreadnought stops sending Fighters, it's your turn. By this time the Dread will be quite weak, so 2 or 3 Marines should do the job. If you're feeling mean and like to think of things in a homicidal-poetic sense, send about 8 Marines and watch the Dreadnought "hatch like an green egg with a blossom of violent parasites" when it dies.  (Yea, I'm partially sadistic.)

-Drone: Beware the Cone, your Marines cannot withstand such punisment. Get behind them and THEN send Invaders. Harassers are not recommended as they will more than likely get hosed by the Cone. If they even think about Reversing into you, drop a Marine to change their minds.

-Eluder: Unless you are at point-blank range, all Marines will be Harassers in this case. Send about 3 to harass, then box and Howitzer. If you get close, drop an Invader for help. You can stay out of the range of the Punt Guns, but the BUTT's range will prove lethal if you're not careful.

-Fury: Pesty thing, all Marines are going to be Harassers again, and they unfortunately die quite quickly to a Death Blossom. Wait for the Fury to get within range (it has to), and try a Howitzer spread. One at an left angle, one directly on, one at a right angle. When it jukes, you might get lucky.

-Guardian: Marines are ill-advised here; the Blazer will comet their fishy guts all over the cosmos. Go for the planet and take a whip to keep away from the Blazer, taking pot-shots all the while. A good time to drop a Marine or three is when the Blazer is just about to run out of energy (2 or 3 points). Send a Marine then. About the time the two converge, the Blazer will run out of gas, leaving it vulnerable. If it's a spittlebug, the Howitzer will blow through bubbles about 45% of the time if it's a big cloud, so keep shooting.

-Intruder: Get away from the Laser and move to flank. Once you've flanked him, Marines-ho! 4 usually do the trick for me. Stay away from Limpets, too, as they cause problems for thrust (turning doesn't matter as much due to the Turret.)

-Jugger: The Shield will keep Marines busy, but they can't hold it up forever. Try to get a flank (easier said than done) and send one or two their way. If they shield, the Marines bounce, but they still lose energy. You can also play with human opponents by swiveling the turret around JUST before you fire when you're aimed at them, thus making them think they're going to be hit and wasting precious fuel.

-Marauder: Howitzer twice to burn off FRIEDs (vs. computer), or get close enough to where a human thinks a FRIED will connect. Once they're low on gas, Invaders, around 5, and a Howitzer headache will spell the end. Beware Shurikens, as they eat Marines quite handily.

-Mauler: Mwah. Send 2 Harassers to start the recoil process, then get in their flight path and drop a third. They sail across the screen and catch a Marine! As for a direct firefight, you're the one to be on their toes. Your Howitzer is no match for the Artillery they've got, so try to get close (or catch them on the wraparound) and blast away.

-Nemesis: Eheh, this is a hard fight, actually. Send one (1) Marine only to Harass(and possibly Invade) the Nemesis. Once you've got them busy (and no doubt you'll be busy fending off Marines as well), gravity whip away from them and give 'em hell. Once your buddy stops sending Marines, if you've still got enough crew left, send some yourself. It's all about skill, here.

-Penetrator: GET AWAY! Each crewmen sucked out is a potential 6-10 kills! Gravity whip to keep distance, and spew Marines. I will purposely go overboard with them to keep the Penetrator at bay, usually around 6.

-Podship: This thing is a pain. Flee from the Plasmoids, although they will catch you eventually, fire 3 into the Podship, and start sending Marines. The player will have to choose; potentially kill the Marines with Plasmoids, or regenerate while the Marines are in the ship? Neither option is good. Make them decide multiple times. Tongue

-Probe: Good Probers can zappify the Marines with impunity, so don't bother if you know your opponent knows how to handle the ship. Orbit the planet (careful not to get knocked by the Probe) and let 'em have it once they get close.

-Scout: 2 shots. Gravity whip away. No Marines. 'nuff said.

-Skiff: Play hell with them by dropping 2 Harassers just to piss them off. Forcing the decision between teleporting or shooting isn't one many people will take on the side of shooting, so make sure the planet is in view and hope for that 1%! While they're in range and not being too harassed by Marines, Howitzer to harass them yourself.

-Stinger: Rotate 180 and Howitzer while running. Marines aren't worth it here, but if you're feeling like a game of overkill, go ahead.

-Terminator: You can outrun him, so crank that Howitzer 180 and start shelling. Marines usually get chewed up by Quad Cannons, so user beware. An evil trick is to Howitzer your three to lower their batteries, then send a Marine to get in while their shield/Cannons are out. Just keep pounding and you'll eventually win.

-Torch: Sit still, wait for it, and blast it to bits with your Howitzer. No Marines here, as they are apt to suck Afterburner in the worst kind of way.

-Trader: Screwer-Upper is your enemy here, as it will null both Marines AND Turreting. If they've got a charge held up, keep away and no Marines. If they're Greengunning, send Marines, as the Trader can't escape them. 3 to weaken it (sometimes destroy it, I guess) and then a brief shower of Howitzer to finish it off.

-Transformer: vs. X-Form: Keep your distance from those Dual Lasers. Marines, once inside the arc of the Lasers, have no trouble getting in, but they may get cut down passing through. vs. Y-Form: Send one or two Harassers to keep them busy while you get into their flight line and Howitzer them senseless. If you can manage to bump the Y-Form, it may give your Harassers a chance to become Invaders.

There it is. I'm going to do Thraddash next, so if anyone else wants it, do it now. Think I'll modify the Guardian one to include General Tactics/Notes too.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2003, 01:31:33 am by NECRO-99 » Logged

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #76 on: October 08, 2003, 07:47:58 am »

-Different Damage: It's been said before, and it seems to be true: Marines kill different races faster than others.

It is also absolutely false.  Wink  The way the "marine code" works is (basically) that at various points in the game, it picks a random number between 0 and 255, inclusive.  If that number happens to be of a value below 144, the marine kills one member of the crew, and if it is below 16, the marine dies.  In all other cases, it does nothing at all.  Much like the Pkunk respawning, we seek to find patterns in a set of events that are, at heart, purely random.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled strategy discussion.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2003, 08:24:28 pm by Nic. » Logged
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #77 on: October 08, 2003, 09:32:02 pm »

Another myth dissolved. It just must seem like it is all.

I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #78 on: October 10, 2003, 12:27:57 am »

My best ship in SC2 was and is the Airlou ship.  I could take on my friends all day with that little bugger Smiley
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2003, 04:49:00 pm »

I dont know if the Chmmr Avatar has been mentioned before, but here i will mention it with some tactics against some chmmr-killers (orz, Supox..)

favorite ship(s): Avatar, Nemesis, Dreadnought. (following tactics are for the avatar)

+: Zap-sats and its powerful laser
-: Slowness, bulkyness, its size.

Avatar vs:

Supox Blade-> Pretty easy when you know the trick.. ALWAYS run away from the blade , this sounds cowardly, but when you see the rest of this tactic, ull know what i mean. When the blade follows you (it will, trust me..) and when it comes close, TRACTOR it!!! IT will bump into you, and the zap-sats will do big damage to the blade, repeat this (and when your opponent stops following you: use the gravity whip)

Orz Nemesis-> same as with the supox blade..

Umgah Drone-> Fairly easy.. face towards the drone and tractor it, when it comes close, fireeee!!!

Androsynth Guardian-> Bit hard... just ALWAYS face towards the guardian, wait for it to come to you.. if it doesnt come towards you, turn 180 degrees and wait until it does comet toward you. now turn back towards the guardian and shoot it! You will get severely punished, but you'll make it...

Kohr-ah marauder-> Yikes, hard battle.. First rule in this one is that you should NEVER LET THE MARAUDER GRAVITY WHIP TOWARDS YOU, and NEVER LET IT DO ITS SPECIAL WEAPON, it will frag all of your zap-sats! Nice tactic: use gravity whip yourselve, when you fly towards the marauder, fly a bit to its side or its turn 90 degrees so youll face the marauder, and keep shooting.. Note: this tactic works best when the marauder has zero battery..

good luck Smiley
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #80 on: October 10, 2003, 05:34:26 pm »

That's against the AI (with Supox vs. Chmmr)?
I never (!) hunt a human player in a Chmmr. I always try to come from the front (wrap the map). And i always stop following when i reach weapons range (with Supox i then hit the Rally-gear, like the R in a car). That's still too far away for the laser and therefor still enough time to react on a sudden gravitypull.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #81 on: October 10, 2003, 08:11:29 pm »


It is also absolutely false.  Wink  The way the "marine code" works is (basically) that at various points in the game, it picks a random number between 0 and 4294967295, inclusive.  If that number happens to be of a value below 144, the marine kills one member of the crew, and if it is below 16, the marine dies.

Not quite. The random value is cast to a BYTE, thereby only taking the lowest 8 bits, giving a value between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
So each time the chance is 1/2 for an intruder to kill an enemy, 1/16 to die, and 7/16 to do nothing.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2003, 08:14:04 pm by meep-eep » Logged

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #82 on: October 10, 2003, 09:27:03 pm »

With Chmmr hunting fastships, I like to grav-whip up to very high speed, then use the tractor to pull them in for brief bursts of terawatt laser. When it takes some effort just to stay out of your way, it isn't so hard to tractor the hapless critters in.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #83 on: October 10, 2003, 10:17:07 pm »

Not quite. The random value is cast to a BYTE, thereby only taking the lowest 8 bits, giving a value between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
So each time the chance is 1/2 for an intruder to kill an enemy, 1/16 to die, and 7/16 to do nothing.

Well that makes more sense. I couldn't help but think that the way Nic described it meant that a marine should pretty much sit around doing nothing a whole lot of the time.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #84 on: October 10, 2003, 11:11:35 pm »

With apologies to NECRO-99, but he did leave it open to someone else.

Thraddash Torch
+: Relatively fast, good range, afterburner, extremely fast with afterburner; gun bullets indestructible(?).
-: Puny gun; puny firing rate; limited crew

General tactics:
- It's all about the afterburner. It leaves fire trails like there's no tomorrow. There's three ways to use it offensively and two ways to use it defensively.

-Offensive number one (O1): Burn a vertical wall in front of your opponent's flight path. If he's slow, he'll crash into a number of your fires before being able to avoid it.

-Offensive number two (O2): Burn a horizontal wall in front of the opponent's flight path. It increases the chances of a ship crashing into it, but only one of two will hit him so the damage will be less.

-Offensive number three (O3): Burn an arc around your opponent. This is much like O2.

-Defensive number one (D1): Zoom away. This may seem obvious, but the afterburner makes the Torch one of the fastest in the game.

-Defensive number two (D2): Burn an arc away from your opponent dividing you from him. This will force him to turn away. It will also block most of your enemies fire and/or other surprises.

-I find burning paths around the planet works really well since the Thraddash is very manuverable and not too affected by the planet. Most of your opponents are as lucky.

-Just how strong is that gun of the Torch's? It pierces a Drone's cone and doesn't seem to get zapped by a PDL. Two Zapsats do seem to be able to get it though.

-Short random burns do a good job of screwing up your opponent's aim.

Specialized tactics:
Avatar: Either really easy, or really hard. If the opponent pursues you, you can use O1. If he pillboxes, you're screwed. (Fortunately, the computer does the former.)
Avenger: Don't burn, you can outrun him with your regular thrusters (though if you constantly turn, he will catch up with you). Though you can coax him into your fire, I find it easier just to fire at him with the gun.
Blade: The comptuer is pretty stupid with this ship too. It will sometimes fly into your fire. Regardless, I do O2 near a planet.
Broodhome: Hard fight. The crystals fly through your fire like they weren't there. Killing DOGIs is easy, but you have to kill the Broodhome and that's hard. O2 is the best attempt. Use your gun if you have the chance.
Cruiser: Burning is too much effort. Come up on him using your thrusters and take him out with your gun. If he tries to use his PDL, it won't work, and if he does fire nukes at you, burn away from them.
Dreadnaught: Use D2 against the fighters. Then use O2 or O1. Hope he doesn't pillbox.
Drone: No burn, just gun. I'm not sure if the gun bullets are really indestructible, but you can fire right through the Umgah's cone like it wasn't there.
Eluder: I use O2 near a planet.
Fury: O2 near a planet.
Guardian: O2 near a planet, but if he's stupid enough to blaze, you can really take him down with your burner. (The computer always blazes and so he's an easy kill.)
Intruder: You can O2, but the guy is so slow the fire normally dissipates by the time he gets there. Still an easy kill.
Jugger: The computer is stupid again. It will run into your afterburner without shielding sometimes. Why? I don't know, but I'm glad. Hard kill otherwise, you basically have to hope the Jugger will run into your fire. O1.
Marauder: O1 works pretty well against this guy. Just leave a short burn for him to FRIED and then leave a long burn for him to deal with. Hope he doesn't pillbox.
Mauler: Not very easy. A good shooter will be able to get you from anywhere, and the only way he'll get burned is if he doesn't stop his recoil. Make him waste his fuel then shoot him.
Nemesis: D2 against the marines. Then either O2 or your gun.
Penetrator: O2 near a planet. Try not to get too close.
Podship: Using the speed from your burner, you can pull the Mycon's fire back on him. Of course, you can just O2 or O1 (or O3) or use your gun.
Probe: Hope for a bad pilot (like the computer). O1 works better than O2. O3 is pretty good too. D1 when necessary.
Scout: O2 near a planet can kill the Scout before you both die.
Skiff: Like the Probe, hope for a bad pilot (like the computer sometimes). O3 or D2 seem to have the best luck for me. A close-up fight will be very hard for you.
Stinger: O2 near a planet.
Terminator: Like the Jugger, the computer has no concept of shielding to protect from the burner. (Well, okay, it has some concept, but it doesn't always do it.) O1 or O2 near a planet will probably get you something with a smart pilot.
Torch: O2 near a planet or use your gun if you're a better shooter than your opponent. Your own burn won't hurt you. Make sure you know whose burn is whose.
Trader: Don't get hit by the confusion ray. Ever. Your small crew makes you a fairly easy kill for the Trader once he's got you confused. Otherwise, O2.
Transformer: X: Use your gun, stay out of his range. Y: O1, O2, or O3. His poor turning will really kill him.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #85 on: October 13, 2003, 11:00:49 pm »

Spurk, your strats are good, so no apologies needed for doing the Thraddash. Tongue

Well, I'll finish off the list. They're callous, they're evil, they're...

Druuge Mauler

+:Heavy damage weapon, amazing range, decent battery size, a good pilot can use recoil to their advantage.
-:Horrendous battery regeneration, moderate/low crew, secondary sacrifices structure for power, weak engines

General Tactics/Notes:

-Argh!ing: Don't get overzealous in Argh!ing your crew, you may need them later. I usually Argh! them only if I absolutely, do-or-die, need an escape for fuel, or unless I note otherwise. Also, don't ever Argh! two crew at once. You may need the one to soak up damage.

-Sniper: Hands down, you are one of the most lethal non-homing sniper ships in the game. Use your Shell's insane range and high velocity to your adavantage. Also remember as a sniper, you should typically...

-Keep your distance: If you get close, you're more than likely going to be pulverized. Unless you're really bad aim and you need to point-blank someone (P:0 when mentioned from now on), stay away from your opponent.

-Recoil: You may, in some cases, burn up 2 or 3 shots to get yourself going to escape an opponent. 5 (I think) is your maximum velocity, but it gets quite difficult to control a good, safe stop when doing this. If you're lined up with a slower ship, or one that got Limpeted, simply keep thrusting while firing, you'll experience about half the recoil you usually do.

-Planet Slam: This is tricky, but quite effective. Catch a ship when it is attempting a gravity whip. They're usually larger ships, so they can get Shelled with ease. Besides the damage they take from the shell, they'll also potentially get pushed into the planet, wreaking more havoc!

-Broadsides: This ought to be obvious, but keep your skinny side pointed at your opponent at all times. If you get caught with your long, vulnerable broadside to someone, Recoil away or try to turn fast enough to get a shot off.

Specialized tactics:

-Avatar: Mwah. Turn to face them A.S.A.P., and let them tractor you somewhat. When you've got a bead on their bigger-than-the-broad-side-of-a-barn ship, Shell them. You'll probably need to Argh! one or two, but your recoil will be partially offset by the Tractor, so don't worry too much about massive backblast.

-Avenger: All you can do is judge where they are and hope for a lucky shot. You are slightly faster than the Avenger, so drifting is an excellent tactic.

-Blade: Ugh. A skilled Blade pilot will dance around you and make you burn up Shells and Argh! crew. Your best bet is to try to Pillbox (stand still and wait for them) and get your shots when you can. You only need 4...

-Broodhome: Keep away from those DOGI's, they'll hose you like no other. Keep the Broodhome in your sights, and don't let up on the barrage until it falls. Beware however, it has potentially limitless range, and your Shell vs. it's Photon Crystal = draw. A good time to open up is when it has just released a DOGI and is low on battery for a time. Gravity whipping will keep you from DOGI's, and, in a pinch, Recoil away from them. Planet Slam if possible, but I'll just assume it's a given on larger ships.

-Cruiser: The PDL won't stop a Shell. 4 shots to kill, but beware the Nukes, they can put a dent in you.

-Dreadnought: Keep away from Fighters, but don't try to shoot them down. You can try dragging them into asteroids, but don't concentrate on this too hard, as you'll have Fusion Bolts raining down on your head. Keep your distance from the Dreadnought, and take shots when the fighters turn to head back to the ship.

-Drone: Your Shell will pierce their Cone. Keep your distance (not too difficult) and Shell when you can. *blip*ers will be problematic, but you can just off-set your course a bit to their rear and chuckle when they Reverse right into your Shell.

-Eluder: They're fast, but their large form presents a target just begging to be blasted full of holes. Gravity Whips (possibly) keep you at pace with the Eluder, but Recoiling away works better. Keep from BUTTS, and Shell away.

-Fury: Ugh. This thing is the bane of Maulers. One shot is all it can handle, but regardless, ugh! Try Pillboxing to get off a lucky shot, and hope they don't ressurect.

-Guardian: The Bubbles won't stop a Shell, so if they're a Spittlebug, blast away. A Fireball player presents a bit more of a problem. Get going to near full Recoil speed, and hope you're accurate, because if you're not, you're Blazer food.

-Intruder: Recoil away from them the instant you hit the battlefield. Those Limpets spell your doom, and that Laser isn't too friendly either. Once you're away, Shelling them into submission isn't too difficult.

-Jugger: Ugh. You're a flying resupply ship for the Jugger's batteries. Try to do a Planet Slam on them, but don't hope for anything spectacular.  You're more than likely going to get chewed up and spit out.

-Marauder: Stay away from Shurikens as best you can and Shell away. The FRIED soaks up a shell, but leaves them at half power. Then is when you strike. You need 7 hits to kill, so fire away when you've gotten lined up.

-Mauler: Sniper war. Wheee. Grin They who have the better aim wins.

-Nemesis: Shelling Marines may be fun, but it's not too economical for you. Recoil away from them, but just fast enough to keep pace, not to escape. When an opening in the fleeing takes place, take your shot. Depending on the player, you'll need 2 to 4 shots to drop the Nemesis, so take them sparingly.

-Penetrator: Shell them. Don't try any tricks. Argh! crew. Its better to have fuel than your crew in their ship. At first, you only need 2 shots, but if they soak up your crew, you'll need 4 or so. Don't let them get anywhere near you. EVER.

-Podship: Shoot the Plasmoids, then Planet Slam them when they invariably go for their grav-whip. They can't regenerate fast enough to keep up with your damage demands.

-Probe: Ugh. As I mentioned in the Probe strat: The contorting body can be a pain to hit. Recoil at full speed away. This isn't enough speed to outrun the Probe, so this will make most people chase you. When they do, show them the error of their ways with 3 well place shots.  Grin

-Scout: Try to put it away before it Kamikazes you all over space. This devil is hard to hit, so be very patient, until you feel you're within range of the Kamikaze, then Recoil like mad to get away.

-Skiff: Ugh. Teleportation makes sniping very inneffective. Try faking out a friend to force them to Teleport, and hope they hit the planet. All you need is one lucky shot, need you be reminded...

-Stinger: A close fighter that has little chance against you. They can juke your Shells, but eventually they'll make a mistake. 2 shots to drop the Stinger.

-Terminator: Ugh. Shell them and hope for an error in their shielding judgement. If they're good shielders, however, you're going to the Unspecified Afterlife as stated in the Druuge's documentation.

-Torch: Sit still. The Afterburners can't affect you if you don't go anywhere. When they get close, fire to either the right or the left fo the ship, as most Thraddash pilots will swerve to avoid the (expected) incoming projectile. You only need 2...

-Trader: Ah, the Trade Wars. Screwer-Upper will disable your Argh!ing abilities, so if you get hit, make your shots count. The Melnorme ship is a nice large target, so take your shots whenever you feel you've got the chance to hit. As always with the Trader, beware the Purple and Red Orbs, they will cause you significant pain.

-Transformer: X-Form: Shell them with impunity once you've gotten lined up. They can't catch you, so concentrate on evading asteroids and that ever-sneaky planet. Y-Form: Get in the direct path of their flight and Shell away when they're in range. more ships to talk about.
You know...if we wanted to keep this post going, we could mention ships that others did, and have others talk about the ones we talked about if we have different views on the way to pilot. So, I can't do:

If you guys like that idea, run with it. If not, well, Ima do ships till there are no more, so phooey on youey. Tongue

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #86 on: October 21, 2003, 02:42:35 am »

Shofixti Scout

Introduction: Although the Shofixti is far from a great ship, it's not that bad. A scout can kill many of the ships, and seriously weaken most of them. There aren't ships in the game that can stop a well-flown shofixti from exploding pm. I usually throw a couple onto my team and keep them in reserve.

-   Use the gravity whip! The scout benefits from it a lot. Makes you MUCH harder to hit.
-   Always go in with your guns firing. That gives you a bit of extra damage, and can make the difference between killing a medium-sized ship and weakening it.
-   Remember, several of the ships can be destroyed without self-destructing.
-   Needless to say, always arm your bomb at the beginning!

Androsynth: Against the computer, shoot the comet a couple of times, then glory device. It's a little trickier a against a human though, cause they can often fake you out and make you self-destruct not close enough, doing little or no damage. I reccomend getting a gravity whip at the beginning to avoid the comet, or try to outmaneuver him if the planet is too far away. When the fuel is depleted, fire your peashooter a few times and KYAAIEEEE!  

Arilou: Easy. Wait till he gets close and explode. Human players can sometimes teleport at the last second though.

Chenjesu: An interesting tidbit: DOGIs give the scout a huge speed boost! Smiley  Anyway, it's actually possible to get behind and use your nerf gun to wear him down, cause it just outranges the ack-ack.  What I usually do is run around behind the broodhome shooting it, and when I'm down to 2 crew (that's 2 shard hits), I use the glory device.

Chmmr: Let him have it with the glory device! If he's stupid enough to tractor you in, then it's easy. If he doesn't use the tractor beam, go for the planet and fly in acclerated by a grav whip. You'll take out his zapsats and over a third of his health - the next ship should be able to mop up.

Druuge: The gun isn't that hard to dodge, but one screwup will kill you, so be careful. Wait until he's flying backwards, get behind him, and self-destruct. Against decent human pilots, they'll know better than to go flying backwards against a scout, so you'll need a gravity whip.

Earthling: The nukes aren't difficult to dodge, just wiggle away at the last second. Against the computer you can get behind him and shoot at him, laughing as he stupidly wastes fuel on point defense. However, humans will just fire a nuke right into your face, so against a human player go in with guns blazing and explode.

Ur-quan - This ship probably has the worst AI in the game. Against the computer, you can pick off all its fighters until it's really low on crew, then kill him with your glory device. Against humans, get a gravity whip, go in with guns blazing, and explode.

Orz: Tough fight. Head for the planet FAST before those marines get anywhere close. Pick off the marines, but watch out for the orz coming in to cut you off while you're shooting them. Use the planet a lot, and hopefully you'll eventually get close enough to explode. Don't hold out too much hope though.
Mycon: Probably the third easiest fight for the shofixti. Run around shooting his sides and aft, and steer the globs into him.

Ilwrath: You can pinpoint the computer's location, just pick him apart with the peashooter. Humans are a little tougher cause they use the planet, but it's still winnable.

VUX: Definitely Shofixti fodder. Just run away, stay back, and blast him.

Shofixti: Neither one can win...

Mmrnmhrm: Get close to the Y-form with the planet and by taking advantage of his poor maneuvarabilty, and then detonate. If he stays in X-form, use similar as against the VUX.

Slylandro: You're utterly screwed. He's much faster, even if you use the planet.

Pkunk: Detonate and hope he doesn't reincarnate.

Kohr-Ah: The stupid computer saves no fuel for the FRIED! Dodge the blades, run aruond shooting the stupid computer, and detonate.   Against a human, you can try to fake him out, but the shofixti isn't quite fast enough to do this.

Supox: Run in and use the glory device.

Umgah: Fly in a circle, shoot his sides you're at an angle. A human player will probably zip - you know what to do if this happens.

Spathi: Gravity whip around the planet, go in with guns blazing and self-destruct.

Utwig: Run in and explode. His shield can't block it.

Syreen: Go in and use the glory device.

Zot-Foq-Pik: Use the gravity whip to get close, then let him have it!

Yehat: Run in and self-destruct.

Thraddash: It's possible but tricky to win with the peashooter. I reccomend the glory device.

Melnorme: It can't maneuver well. Flank him, take a few shots, and use your big bomb.

Just out of curiosity, how balanced do you guys think melee is? Some ships are certainly better than others, but that's intentional. Personally I really think that this is the best-balanced game I've ever played. No ship is clearly the best, and all of them are useful to some extent (except the Umgah IMO, but there are some who argue that even the Drone is decent).

« Last Edit: October 21, 2003, 02:46:12 am by JWJ » Logged
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #87 on: October 21, 2003, 08:33:20 am »

Hey, the Umgah Drone can be quite good if used properly. At least, that's what I've found...

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #88 on: October 22, 2003, 11:16:45 pm »

Use my Drone Tactics, you'll fare better than usual I'd wager...Butt-Slamming is one of the most enjoyable things with the Umgah.

This isn't UQM, but SC1. I was playing Hierarchy in the Escalation scenario. I (naturally) used the Precursor cheat, and went scouting with my Drone. Here's how he wound up...
4 Crew Pods (36 total crew max)
3 Turning Jets
4 Engine Boosters
2 Dynamos (dont do much for Umgah, but hey, its bragging rights)
2 Fuel Tanks (42 max batt)

I was eating Broodhomes and crapping Terminators. My Drone was more powerful than your average Dreadnought! Good ol' Chez'ef', now my favorite Umgah name.

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #89 on: October 22, 2003, 11:32:26 pm »

This isn't UQM, but SC1. I was playing Hierarchy in the Escalation scenario. I (naturally) used the Precursor cheat, and went scouting with my Drone.

Wait, Precursor cheat? What is it? How does it work?
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