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Author Topic: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship  (Read 69601 times)
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #90 on: October 23, 2003, 12:43:55 am »


Wait, Precursor cheat? What is it? How does it work?
According to PNF, it's only in the sega genesis version:
« Last Edit: October 23, 2003, 12:45:55 am by Culture20 » Logged
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #91 on: October 23, 2003, 05:22:11 am »

For those of you too motivationally challenged to click links, all you do is, right before you choose a Full Game scenario to go into, hold the left key and hit start. You'll hear the "thud" confirming your selection, and another "thud" instantly afterwards. It makes about 80% of the planets contain Precursor relics, but they're obviously open to both teams.

I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #92 on: November 04, 2003, 12:43:22 am »

They're half the race they used to be.  They're disky, they're afraid of vowels like the plague, they're the...

Mmrnmhrm Transformer

+: Dual modes present multiple ways of tackling opponents, all ship +'s and -'s dealing with engines, turning, and batt regen are related to the form it's in. Excellent R.O.F. in Y-Form.

-:Low crew, small battery.

General Tactics/Notes:

-It takes TWO: USE both forms, you cannot win some fights without both used in conjunction with one another.

-Swoop: Use the Y-Form's excellent speed and acceleration to get moving toward your opponent, then switch back to X-Form. Your excellent turning and better regeneration will allow the X to cut a good swath in most opponents. When Swooping on ships, aim the Y-Form to where the ship will BE, not to where it's at. If you time it right, you can switch to X, be there when your opponent gets there, give them a severe hosing as you sail past, punch (hah) the X's engines and give them ANOTHER hosing.

-Strafe: Use the X-Form's excellent turning rate to face your opponent when conducting a Y-Form missile barrage. If your missiles are having problems hitting, switch to X, turn to face, switch to Y, and continue harassing.

-Circle Strafe: The Bigship killer. Staying in Y-Form, use your poor turning to your advantage. Keep a loose holding pattern around your opponent, all the while pelting him with Torpedoes. The slow turn prevents you from accidentally closing on most ships, and allows you to pick them apart with impunity.

-Angular Firing: Remember: The Y-Form's missiles do not come directly from the nose of the ship: they're fired at about 30 degree angles from the starboard/port of the ship. Remember this when using Far Strafe.

-Post-Mortem: After a fight, switch to Y-Form ASAP and get moving. This will let you be ready to set up a Swoop or Flyby should the need arise.

-Flyby: Using Y-Form, start in one direction and stay going that way, plinking off missiles all the while. It's painfully slow, but you'll eventually wear your opponent down. If they get wise to your tricks...

-Reverse!: Going to get caught whilst in Y-Form? Quickly switch to X-Form and hit your engines. You'll slow down drastically, and will be able to turn away from your foe, so once you've got a full battery again, switch and flee.

-Laser Camper: Camp the planet. If your opponent approaches, drill them with Twin Lasers, or try to get them too close so they bash into the planet. If you're worried about them (a big ship, usually), switch to Y and jet.  
(I used to have an evil trick with SC1 for this ship. Get 2 Dynamos and a Fuel Tank or Two. Doing this, you wait for your opponent to come at you, switch to Y and scoot, but quickly switch back to X to come full about at your opponent, switch back to Y and run them into the planet.)

Specialized Tactics:

-Avatar: Ugh. Either stay in X, get sucked in, get your pounding in, die, and move on, or, if they've lost 2 or all ZapSats, try Y. Y's engines are strong enough to keep from the Tractor, but don't get lazy in turning. Your half-progeny is pretty hard to kill.

-Avenger: Staying in X, you can be caught by the Avenger. You've got slightly longer range than it, so start dealing out damage before you start taking it. If you're REALLY patient, switch to Y and start dumbfiring Torpedoes. You'll get lucky shots eventually, and it will slowly die.

-Blade: Get going in Y form and picking them with Torpedoes. If your opponent is a chaser, and not that good with the Blade, switch to X and quickly 180 for a Twin Laser strike. Most will forget the Omnidirectional piloting and turn to escape, letting you score a hit or 3 on them. Don't stay, however, in X-Form, as you will be picking seeds out of your teeth.

-Broodhome: Keeping away from DOGIs can be a chore. Try Swooping in on the Broodhome right after it's released a DOGI, which keeps you from taking too much Ak-Ak in the process. When running from the DOGIs, keep picking away with Torpedoes. Circle Strafing will spell the Broodhome's end.

-Cruiser: If you're not already, switch to Y to dodge the Nukes that will be incoming. Swoop past the Crusier, and quickly stop. The acceleration of the Crusier is so poor that it will continue to drift into your already cooking Twin Lasers. You might take a few PDL shots in the process, so stick to Y and Circle Strafe if you're low on crew.

-Dreadnought: Cakewalk, actually. Circle Strafing will eventually wear down the Dread, but make sure to steer clear of the Fighters they will undoubtedly unleash upon you. Don't bother with X-Form to kill them, just run. Once the Dread stops sending fighters, you can Swoop if you're feeling brave (I do it all the time for flair points  ) or continue Circle Strafing.

-Drone: Circle Strafe. The *blip*ers of the group can only do so for so long...once your opponent has run out of batteries, continue Circle Strafing. If you get Butt-Slammed, switch to X-Form and engage engines to bring yourself to a quick stop. Switch back to Y and continue Circling.

-Eluder: Sticking to Y for evasion, move toward your opponent. (Yes, for once, CHASE the Eluder). Your engines are more powerful than theirs, and eventually you'll catch up with them. Once you're within range, switch to X and flash-fire your Twins. The Eluder will run, granted, but you'll get a good hit in. Just repeat.

-Fury: Ugh. Go to Y-Form to hit top speed, then switch to X-Form and drift. The Fury has to get close to hit you, well within your range. You may (probably) will get cut up pretty bad by the guns, but the Twin Lasers can block quite a bit of flak from the Fury. Kill it, and if it ressurects, kill it again.

-Guardian: Ugh. You will get Blazed if you stay in Y-Form, so get a head of steam up in Y, then switch back to X and drift. If they Blaze at you, give 'em hell with the Twins. If they're a Spittlebug, you'll have to cook the bubbles and get close. The Guardian can, however, outrun you.

-Intruder: Get and stay in Y-Form. Get away from Gigawatt death ASAP and Circle Strafe the VUX senseless. Avoid the Limpets like the plague, as you'll get trashed if even one connects.

-Jugger: Stay at range, Circle Strafing, but make your aim off on purpose to wear down their shielding. Once it's gone, get accurate. Beware the Jugger IS fast, and may catch you on a wraparound. Don't let it.

-Marauder: Ugh. If you're fighting the computer, send two sets of Torpedoes to burn off the FRIEDs while you are approaching the Marauder. Switch to X when close enough and Swoop past. Repeat, if you can manage to stay out of the Shuriken rain you're more than likely catching.

-Mauler: Stay in X-Form. Let yourself be lined up with, and simply juke when Shells start raining on your parade. The Mauler will probably go sailing due to recoil, and you meet them coming, Twin Lasers ready. In Y-Form, it seems far too easy for the Mauler to line up shots on you, so stay slow.

-Nemesis: Ugh. Stay in Y-Form to keep the Marines at distance. When you get the chance, Swoop, but beware, as you're liable to catch a few shots from the Howitzer. If you really need to kill Marines, get going in Y, switch to X and slow down to their speed, or just slightly slower. When they get close, present them to the Twins.

-Penetrator: Stay in Y-Form, to keep your crew yours. Circle Strafing is difficult here, as the Penetrator is relatively quick. If you're feeling mean, lure the Penetrator into a chase. The Y-Form, when going directly forward, isn't affected by a gravity whip too much, letting your opponent think they can catch up. When they are, switch to X-Form, whip around, and tag 'em.

-Podship: Y-Form to escape and harass, X-Form for Swoops. If you're feeling like you're aim is good, run the Podship's own Plasmoids into them. If you need to, use X-Form to cook the Plasmoids down, but I usually simply outrun them.

-Probe: (I would've had an easier time if KEYJAMMING wasn't an issue. Apparently, when playing a Transformer, if you are firing and you turn LEFT, you will STOP FIRING. This caused me many missed shots and deaths. Hope it's resolved in the future.) Get moving as Y-Form, or get a grav-whip as X, and stay in X-Form. The Probe has slightly better range than you, but the shots take a second to reach you, so hammer your foe when they get too close. Y-Form = Lightning Rod.

-Scout: Keep in Y-Form to avoid premature death due to the Kamikaze. Dance around the edges of the screen, or don't let your opponent wraparound, and keep pelting away with Torpedoes.

-Skiff: Get going in Y-Form, drift in X-Form. The Skiff has to close to shoot, and your range is significantly greater than theirs. When they're close enough, let 'em have it. Teleportation gets pretty annoying, but eventually you'll hold out. If you stay in Y-Form, you're going to get flanked and smoked.

-Stinger: Mwah. Stay in X-Form, and when your buddy tries to tongue you, let 'em have it. If they're a strafer with the Gatling Gun, switch to Y-Form to pester them with Torpedoes, then switch to X-Form and drift when they get themselves in range.

-Terminator: Ugh. You're probably going to wind up Twin Cannon fodder, so stick to Y-Form and hope that your opponent misses their shielding from time to time. Otherwise, this is a losing battle for you.

-Torch: Switch to Y-Form, and try to meet the Torch head-on. Once on collision course, switch again to X-Form and fry the Torch as it rockets past. Don't follow them, lest you wish to suck heavy Afterburner.

-Trader: Per par, avoid the Screwer-Upper. Swooping is highly recommended here, as well as Circle Strafing. Watch out for greengunners, though. If your opponent Greenguns, get close with the X-Form and hose 'em.

-Transformer: Whee! What's usually going to happen is that you and your opponent will both go into X-Form and slug each other into submission. Y-Form races are fun, but slow to fight.

Well, there's the Mmrnmhrm. Wonder who's next?

I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #93 on: February 07, 2004, 11:00:44 pm »

I am saddened that I never found this thread and put up an Orz strat guide while I had the chance.

Had a hard time believing no one did this one from the start, but here goes. The ship I love to hate...

I resent that.
Orz Nemesis  
+: Decent crew/battery, decent primary weapon range, turreted weapon allows for angled shots/strafing, turns well, autonomous attackers.  
-: Moderate engine, primary weapon drains energy quickly, medicore energy regeneration.  
General Tactics/Notes  
-*GO! GO! GO!*: Be careful with your Marines. They may pack a punch, but release too many, and you'll only be able to absorb light damage before you bite the dust. On the flip-side of this, Marines themselves can take up to three points of damage before dying, know how to grav-whip, and don't need to return to the Nemesis like Dreadnought Fighters. If you're being chased and know you're going to get hit with something painful (Fusion Bolt, Photon Crystal), drop a Marine. It will die, yes, but it will soak up the entire shot. Better to lose one than six. Also take note that when a Marine enters a ship, it instantly kills one crew.  
-Now or Later?: Dropping Marines at the start of the fight makes them Harassers; pestering the opponent into evasive manuvers and setting them up for your Howitzer. Marines dropped at close range are Invaders; those that will most likely get into the ship for damaging purposes. All Marines obviously have the potential to be Invaders, but agasint faster ships, they will likely be Harassers if they don't get into the ship right away.

So far so good.
-Terror of Turrets: Your flanking abilities in this ship are only outdone by the Skiff and the Probe. Crank the turret to a 90 degree angle, pop a few shots on the fly-by, then turn around, readjust the turret to front, and flank away.

I dislike using the turret on the sides because the angle the wings are at make it very difficult to aim well, which is a travesty since you need to make every shell count. I usually just stick to front or back.
-Sniper?: Know the range of your Howitzer. It's good, but it's not a true sniper. It will outrange most, though, so use this to your advantage. It also, at full fuel, can only fire 3 sucessive shots in a row, so be accurate.

-Between a Rock and a Killer: Box your opponent between you and the planet when you've got Marines about. They'll have to decide: Attempt a grav-whip, leaving them vulnerable to the gun? Try to kill the Marine, also distracting them from you? Or just soak up the Marine and get it over with?

I don't actually understand this one at all.
-Different Damage: It's been said before, and it seems to be true: Marines kill different races faster than others. Humans, Syreen, Umgah, Orz (yes, themselves) and both Ur-Quan (of all the races!) drop like flies (av. 6-10) when being attacked by Marines, while Chenjesu, Mmrnhrmn, Chmmr, and Mycon can beat them back with only minor losses (av 1-4). Other races (Thraddash, Supox, Ilwrath, Utwig) sustain average damage from Marines (around 4-6).

You guys already went over this, so...

Specialized Tactics:  
-Avatar: Mwah. You can stay away from the Tractor for a good while, but eventually it will catch you. When it's getting close, turn about 30 degrees and keep going. This usually screws up the Tractor and the person will disengage and turn to face you again. When this happens, Turret to 180 and Howitzer the living daylights out of the Avatar. It's just a matter of time before it dies. Marines only after it's lost a ZapSat or two.  
-Avenger: Don't bother with Marines, they'll just come running back or possibly get cooked. Do some rangefinding, and once you've got a fix, keep firing. It can't catch you.  
-Blade: At the beginning of the fight, send one Harasser after the Blade. This will keep it occupied while you box/flank it and Howitzer away. If it kills the Marine, send another, but don't do this more than 3 times, as it seems wasteful if the person is that good a shot. Try to Rock-and-a-Killer it, that seems to work.  
-Broodhome: Send 4 Invaders to *dance* with the Broodhome, no more than this though. Ak-Ak will wreak havoc if you get big groups of Marines sent. Avoid DOGI's; actually, they're really easy to kill. DOGI's only avoid the front of a ship (where the gun USUALLY is.) Turret to face them and blast 'em.  
-Crusier: Send 3 Invaders to force the Crusier into a gravity well. Once there, Howitzer and let the Marines finish the job.  
-Dreadnought: Stay the wrath of your Marines; deal with the Fighters first. Try guiding them into asteroids, or get them all in a line and send a Howitzer shot through the lot of them. Once the Dreadnought stops sending Fighters, it's your turn. By this time the Dread will be quite weak, so 2 or 3 Marines should do the job. If you're feeling mean and like to think of things in a homicidal-poetic sense, send about 8 Marines and watch the Dreadnought "hatch like an green egg with a blossom of violent parasites" when it dies.  (Yea, I'm partially sadistic.)  
-Drone: Beware the Cone, your Marines cannot withstand such punisment. Get behind them and THEN send Invaders. Harassers are not recommended as they will more than likely get hosed by the Cone. If they even think about Reversing into you, drop a Marine to change their minds.  
-Eluder: Unless you are at point-blank range, all Marines will be Harassers in this case. Send about 3 to harass, then box and Howitzer. If you get close, drop an Invader for help. You can stay out of the range of the Punt Guns, but the BUTT's range will prove lethal if you're not careful.  
-Fury: Pesty thing, all Marines are going to be Harassers again, and they unfortunately die quite quickly to a Death Blossom. Wait for the Fury to get within range (it has to), and try a Howitzer spread. One at an left angle, one directly on, one at a right angle. When it jukes, you might get lucky.  
-Guardian: Marines are ill-advised here; the Blazer will comet their fishy guts all over the cosmos. Go for the planet and take a whip to keep away from the Blazer, taking pot-shots all the while. A good time to drop a Marine or three is when the Blazer is just about to run out of energy (2 or 3 points). Send a Marine then. About the time the two converge, the Blazer will run out of gas, leaving it vulnerable. If it's a spittlebug, the Howitzer will blow through bubbles about 45% of the time if it's a big cloud, so keep shooting.

-Intruder: Get away from the Laser and move to flank. Once you've flanked him, Marines-ho! 4 usually do the trick for me. Stay away from Limpets, too, as they cause problems for thrust (turning doesn't matter as much due to the Turret.)

-Jugger: The Shield will keep Marines busy, but they can't hold it up forever. Try to get a flank (easier said than done) and send one or two their way. If they shield, the Marines bounce, but they still lose energy. You can also play with human opponents by swiveling the turret around JUST before you fire when you're aimed at them, thus making them think they're going to be hit and wasting precious fuel.

-Marauder: Howitzer twice to burn off FRIEDs (vs. computer), or get close enough to where a human thinks a FRIED will connect. Once they're low on gas, Invaders, around 5, and a Howitzer headache will spell the end. Beware Shurikens, as they eat Marines quite handily.

-Mauler: Mwah. Send 2 Harassers to start the recoil process, then get in their flight path and drop a third. They sail across the screen and catch a Marine! As for a direct firefight, you're the one to be on their toes. Your Howitzer is no match for the Artillery they've got, so try to get close (or catch them on the wraparound) and blast away.

-Nemesis: Eheh, this is a hard fight, actually. Send one (1) Marine only to Harass(and possibly Invade) the Nemesis. Once you've got them busy (and no doubt you'll be busy fending off Marines as well), gravity whip away from them and give 'em hell. Once your buddy stops sending Marines, if you've still got enough crew left, send some yourself. It's all about skill, here.

-Penetrator: GET AWAY! Each crewmen sucked out is a potential 6-10 kills! Gravity whip to keep distance, and spew Marines. I will purposely go overboard with them to keep the Penetrator at bay, usually around 6.

-Podship: This thing is a pain. Flee from the Plasmoids, although they will catch you eventually, fire 3 into the Podship, and start sending Marines. The player will have to choose; potentially kill the Marines with Plasmoids, or regenerate while the Marines are in the ship? Neither option is good. Make them decide multiple times.  

-Probe: Good Probers can zappify the Marines with impunity, so don't bother if you know your opponent knows how to handle the ship. Orbit the planet (careful not to get knocked by the Probe) and let 'em have it once they get close.

-Scout: 2 shots. Gravity whip away. No Marines. 'nuff said.

-Skiff: Play hell with them by dropping 2 Harassers just to piss them off. Forcing the decision between teleporting or shooting isn't one many people will take on the side of shooting, so make sure the planet is in view and hope for that 1%! While they're in range and not being too harassed by Marines, Howitzer to harass them yourself.

-Stinger: Rotate 180 and Howitzer while running. Marines aren't worth it here, but if you're feeling like a game of overkill, go ahead.

-Terminator: You can outrun him, so crank that Howitzer 180 and start shelling. Marines usually get chewed up by Quad Cannons, so user beware. An evil trick is to Howitzer your three to lower their batteries, then send a Marine to get in while their shield/Cannons are out. Just keep pounding and you'll eventually win.

-Torch: Sit still, wait for it, and blast it to bits with your Howitzer. No Marines here, as they are apt to suck Afterburner in the worst kind of way.

-Trader: Screwer-Upper is your enemy here, as it will null both Marines AND Turreting. If they've got a charge held up, keep away and no Marines. If they're Greengunning, send Marines, as the Trader can't escape them. 3 to weaken it (sometimes destroy it, I guess) and then a brief shower of Howitzer to finish it off.

-Transformer: vs. X-Form: Keep your distance from those Dual Lasers. Marines, once inside the arc of the Lasers, have no trouble getting in, but they may get cut down passing through. vs. Y-Form: Send one or two Harassers to keep them busy while you get into their flight line and Howitzer them senseless. If you can manage to bump the Y-Form, it may give your Harassers a chance to become Invaders.

There it is. I'm going to do Thraddash next, so if anyone else wants it, do it now. Think I'll modify the Guardian one to include General Tactics/Notes too.

The specialized strategies are very good, though they seem to be geared towards fighting the computer. The Dreadnought fight in particular stands out like this.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #94 on: February 10, 2004, 12:55:35 am »

I resent that.

Tough. I'm an Androsynth, what'd you expect? Warm, fuzzy lauding of a magestic craft?

Rock and a Killer:
I don't actually understand this one at all.

Drop Marines to harass, then intercept your opponent as they flee. Try to herd them toward the planet, so they have to do some snap decision making, giving a chance to fire, drop another Marine, etc.

ADD: Errps...
As for the fights being geared toward the computer, they aren't. The player in question enjoyed torturing me with all craft that had autonomous crew abilities. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2004, 12:57:08 am by NECRO-99 » Logged

I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
Captain Smith

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #95 on: April 14, 2004, 03:11:46 pm »

Resurrecting this thread and bumping it up - I think it'd be relevant for a lot of people to read.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #96 on: April 28, 2004, 05:42:27 pm »

I haven't played this game much since 1995, and I can't get uqm to install, but I figure I'd update this guide.

Zot-Foq-Pik Strategy Guide
This guide is for computer in awesome.  This guide assumes that you have only Zot-Foq-Pik available for combat, but that you may have more than one, since they are so cheap.

"Basically a weak light ship with good short-range weapons, but again they're short range weapons which makes you an easy target."

An important thing to note about the spray gun is that it is one of the few weapons that can get around the discrete rotation issues.  Most ships can only line up a shot at 16 angles, but the Zoq-Fot-Pik spray can still hit even if you're in between.  I also consider the spray gun a medium range weapon.  It outranges quite a few guns in the game (Chmmr, X-form, VUX, Arilou).  It is also significantly more powerful than the various peashooters that outrange it (Shofixti, Thraddash, Spathi)

Your most effective tactic is a gravity whip/tongue combo.  Some ships you want to ram and stop thrusting, so you bounce away, usually back towards the safety of the planet.  The planet can be used simply to hide, or for a second gravity whip to escape.  Others you want to strafe past, so that your momentum is preserved, carrying you to safety.

"Ur-Quan: Difficult fight.  Stay away from the main ship and swat fighters.  The spray gun works quite well for that.  Then use the tongue to finish."

Computer will launch fighters down to about 12.  Then, hang around near the planet and wait for an opening to lick them.  If the computer has to deal with a planet, it will be forced to face forward as it gravity whips.  This is your best chance to broadside it with your tongue, even if has plenty of crew.

"Orz: Difficult fight.  Same thing as the Ur-Quan basically.  Use the spray-gun to finish."

The Orz's weakness is a slow regeneration rate.  Wait until there are no marines deployed.  Line up to the east or west side of the Orz and try to make it waste ammo.  Then go in for a spray gun shot or a tongue while it is reloading.

"Chmmr: Difficult to Impossible fight.  Circle the ship and use the spray gun, keeping away from the zapsats and the main gun.  One mistake will end it."

Give up.  It's not worth the hassle to try to win a prolonged battle with a single Zoq-Fot-Pik.  Instead, make a kamikaze run and tongue a zapsat.  If you don't collide with the Chmmr itself, you will sometimes live long enough to make a second kamikaze run.  After 2 successful kamikaze runs (which may mean that you are on your 3rd or 4th Zoq-Fot-Pik), just spray gun the Chmmr until it folds.  You can stay at the edge of the spray gun range, and if you start getting tractored, you can run the Chmmr out of power.  A Chmmr will take me anywhere from 2 to 4 Zoq-Fot-Piks to kill, but even if it took 5 I'd still come out even.  I think my record is losing with a heavily wounded Zoq-Fot-Pik but taking out a zapsat, and winning with my second.

"Mycon: Moderate fight.  Avoid the plasma, come in, tongue, shoot away, lead the plasma into the ship."

Alternatively, just broadside a moving Mycon and shoot.  A Mycon can't hit something to its side, unless it fires a shot the long way around.

"Earthling: Moderate fight.  Avoid the missiles, come in and go."

/nods  Don't bother trying to lick one unless you have it down to 12 crew.

"Ilwrath: Moderate fight.  Stick back and use the spray gun."

I'd rate this easy.  You can outrun and outrange an Ilwrath.  The biggest danger here is if the Ilwrath can manage a speed boost off of the planet, or if you get very unlucky with an asteroid.

"Chenjesu: Impossible fight.  Get in close, either use the spray gun or tongue, get your shot in and move on."

Chenjesu has a slow reload rate.  Get it to waste some ammo on you during the approach, and you'll be able to either tongue it and get away relatively unscathed, or just fly by and spray.  You can try to lick a dogi, but if you miss you'll have to back off and spray it.  If you can convince the Chenjesu to move at a decent rate, you can usually gravity whip, tongue, and bounce away to safety before you take too much damage.

"VUX: Difficult fight.  Use your spray gun and fire away.  Very close quarters fight, one mistake could end it."

I don't remember this one being too hard, especially if you're willing to accept a couple limpets.  It's been a long time.  Just circle around a moving VUX until you can strafe it with your spray gun, which outranges the VUX laser.  You want to be in front of it if you can, to the side if not.  repeat.  Alternatively, I think the VUX is a small ship.  Just gravity whip/tongue it if you have to, since the laser won't kill you in time if you come at it fast.

"Arilou: Impossible fight.  Basically hard to hit this guy.  You might get a lucky tongue hit, but in truth you'll get wiped out."

I don't really know what I'd do vs. a human here.  I run and try to get the Arilou to chase me.  Then, I coast, spin around, and spray gun it.  If an asteroid hits you at this point, you're in big trouble.  It usually works, and if it doesn't, keep enough ready for a tongue.  Moderate if you keep it out of range, Difficult to tongue.

"Shofixti: Difficult to Impossible fight.  You can spar with this guy pretty well - stay back though.  If he decides to use the Glory Device and you get close enough, you're done though."

If he Glory Devices on you, you're only down 1 point anyway.  (5 vs. 6 point ships)  Just approach from a little off east/west, then shift into the line of fire and cancel your approach once you're in range.  Your gun is better than his, so trade blows.

"Mmrnmhrm: Difficult fight.  Approach this ship in X-form and use the spray gun and dance around it.  If it switches to Y-form, stand there and shoot away."

This one isn't bad.  The X-form has no range and no acceleration.  You can hang around outside of its range and just shoot it to pieces.  The Y range has weapons that are pretty much impossible to aim at a moving target, and you can avoid being in front of it due to the horrible turning radius.  Hang out near a planet and try to gravity whip into a tongue.

"Slylandro: Impossible fight.  Too fast and blocks most of the shots from your spray gun anyway."

This one is closer to moderate.  Gravity whip/tongue, then try to bounce off of it back into the gravity well to escape.  2nd lick should kill it, if I remember correctly, or you can try to finish with the scatter gun.  Slylandro only does moderate damage over time, so you should survive the first tongue.

"Pkunk: Difficult fight, chase, turn and fire the spray gun.  Patience is a virtue here.  If he resurrects, you'll likely be a goner."

I prefer gravity whip/tongue, but trying to dance around him with the spray gun isn't too bad.  The benefit of gravity whip/tongue is that if you have a good approach, the pkunk will die beore it can do much to you. If your approach isn't going to get you close enough, abort.

"Kohr-Ah: Difficult fight.  If you are good at avoiding the blades you can time it, whip around and tongue the ship - if you don't thrust, the blow will blow you back away from the ship."

What hurts like heck is the flame burst.  Get the Kohr-Ah to shoot enough blades that it can't burst, then run in and tongue it.  Make it shoot once more and you can repeat again quickly.  A good desperation measure from medium range or higher is to tongue a single incoming blade.  Dodging them is the highly recommended method, but if an asteroid whacks you, it's time to practice licking them.

"Druuge: Difficult to impossible fight.  Get him to fire, come back and either tongue or scatter gun him."

This one is easy!  Druuge weakness, as everyone knows, is reloading.  Line up a shot with the Druuge at long range.  Know exactly which shot the Druuge is trying to line up.  Dodge shots until the Druuge is either out of ammo or careening out of control.  In the first case, run up to it and tongue it, keeping an eye out for the Druuge to sacrifice life to repeat the process.  In the second, get in front of its flight path and get ready to tongue.

"Supox: Difficult fight.  Dogfight with the scatter gun.  Very easy to get the tongue in too if the Supox makes a big mistake."

This is easy!  The Supox has 12 health.  Get near a planet and one-shot it with a gravity whip/tongue.  If you miss, run like heck!

"Umgah: Difficult fight.  Try to shoot around the cone with the scatter gun.  In truth though a very long fight in doing that."

I honestly don't remember what I did with these.  If you mess aroudn with an Umgah long enough near a planet, it usually reverses right into it.  Otherwise, you can usually get a few shots in as it swings past the planet itself.

"Spathi: Difficult to Impossible fight.  If you avoid the BUTTs you can shoot him down and beat him with the scatter gun - in truth though it's a pain and he'll likely outlast you."

Get the Spathi to run at you.  It can shoot 5 times on a full power bar.  Have it shoot at you, and empty your spray gun into it.  If you dodged well, you should hit a couple times and it should miss with all shots.  If you didn't dodge so well, you probably hit more than a couple times.  Repeat.  The key is knowing that your gun has twice the damage potential per volley than the Spathi's forward gun, in addition to a higher tolerance for aiming.  Occasionally, the Spathi can't figure out which way to turn in order to run away.  In this case, tongue it as you fly past each other.  This is preferred because regardless of the outcome, it happens sooner.

"Utwig: Impossible fight.  Try to come in fast and tongue him - maybe you'll catch him when he's of the mind of firing on you instead of shielding."

Here, the inaccuracy of your gun is a boon.  Fire a shot at it.  If you're fortunate, it will raise shields to defend.  The Utwig is much more likely to lose power than it is to gain power, due to the low damage of the gun, combined with the low accuracy.  Repeat until it is out of power, then take potshots from extreme range.

"Syreen: Difficult fight.  Can pick off your crew very easily, but you can scatter gun/tongue this ship easily if you are on the ball."

Try to fight it peashooter vs. scatter gun.  Once both of you are moderately wounded, go in for a tongue and try to pick up your crew afterwards.

"Zot-Foq-Pik: Moderate fight.  Basically a big dogfight - he with the skillz wins."

There are no tactics here.  Just shoot your scatter gun and hope for the best.  The computer has better aim out in the open, but you're probably better near a planet.  Try to pick your fight near there.

"Yehat: Impossible fight if their reactions with the shield is good.  Get in front of the guns you're done.  Usually I like to just charge this guy and hope I can get the tongue in before I go down."

Run away from the Yehat and make it chase you.  Decelerate and acccelerate until you have matched it's speed and are within gun range.  Take potshots (or just hold down fire for extended periods of time) until the Yehat dies or you have to dodge an asteroid.

"Thraddash: Moderate fight.  As long as you're careful about avoiding the shots and the afterburner fire, you can use the scatter gun or tongue to take this guy down rather easily."

This is like trying to catch a pet cat (or a Spathi).  Don't make any threatening motions and approach it slowly.  Your goal is to make it fight you face to face, much like the Spathi fight.  Your gun is bigger than his peashooter, so just duke it out.

"Melnorme: Difficult fight.  One hit you're done (greengun or charged).  He steers so boxy that you can tongue him rather easily, stay away from the main gun or you're done."

Fake out the main gun and then charge.  You'll be assaulted with a flurry of uncharged guns, most of which should miss.  Stay at close range and you should be able to kill it first.  Like the Kohr-Ah, you can tongue incoming charged shots if desperate, but this defense is even more difficult.

"Androsynth: Difficult to Impossible.  If he bubbles you, just charge in and try to tongue him (time it to bounce out).  If he comets you try to turn and give him the tongue."

This isn't difficult at all.  Don't get suckered in.  Wait for the Androsynth to get anywhere a planet, and gravity whip in front of its path.  Two things should happen.  First, your scatter gun should do a little bit of damage.  Second, he should enter blazer form and chase after you in a futile effort.  Get back near a planet if you can, so you can perform a second gravity whip.  Coasting is usually safe, unless it tries to get you the long way around or you hit an unlucky asteroid.  Keep a close eye on the Androsynth power, and charge it just as power is getting low.  An Androsynth with no power is helpless.  It might get to launch a single bubble before it dies.  Don't stand in front of it, or you might get hit with the blazer.  It doesn't have the power to sustain blazer form for more than half  a second, but that will be enough if you park yourself right in front of the business end.
*Many bubbles*
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #97 on: May 07, 2004, 11:08:04 pm »

My brother uses this extremely annoying "Mycon tactic", which is to run away, never coming into your direction. Most of those tips don't help at this situation.

Especially Kohr-Ah is a true pain in the ass. The only ship capable of destroying a defensive Kohr-Ah is ... uuh... Utwig. But as Utwig comes closer, he retreats.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2004, 11:08:31 pm by Fsi-Dib » Logged

The unofficial music critic.

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #98 on: May 08, 2004, 05:49:47 am »

To defeat Kohr-Ah, try...

Androsynth. If you're good at getting stuck with blazer, then try this one. The tactic is to avoid getting fried and trying to get stuck on the side of Kohr-Ah.

Chenjesu. Crystals destroy Marauder's killers. Due to poor maneuverablity of Chenjesu ship this is a hard match, but avoid getting fried!

Chmmr. Run away from Kohr-Ah, use tractor beam to give Kohr-Ah slightly faster speed than you and force him to follow you. If Kohr-Ah comes directly towards you with small speed difference, fried will not work well. If Kohr-Ah uses gravity whip, use tractor to stop him and continnue to do as written before. Chmmr should be victorious and lose only about 35-50% of his crew even if Kohr-Ah pilot knows what he's doing.

Melnorme: If you're a skilled marksman, use confusion so Kohr-Ah cannot shield against the red bolt. Whatever you do, do not get close to Kohr-Ah, because fried will eat the red even if you don't shoot it. Stay in distance and shield against killers with red.

Slylandro. If you're good pilot, these things work surprisingly well.

Umgah. If you're good at using these ships, they can really surprise Kohr-Ah and burn more than half of their crew.

Yehat. Very difficult match, but if both run out of battery, Yehat has the upper hand.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #99 on: May 10, 2004, 09:33:31 pm »

I can't believe you neglected the Spathi in that list!

Supox can also do good, but a human Kohr-Ah player who knows the limitations of the Supox can mitigate its strengths.

But in general, yeah, a camping Kohr-Ah is very annoying.

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #100 on: May 11, 2004, 04:50:41 am »

Spathi's banned in the melee game group I play in, and choosing Traddash or Utwig is highly frowned upon. I agree it might not make sense if we speak of balance, but we don't want to be spend hours with a Yehat vs. Spathi match.

Also, a human Kohr-Ah should be able to take a human Spathi. Kohr-Ah can defend against the butt missiles with fried or killers and Spathi has hard time getting close enough without getting hit.

Kohr-Ah isn't overpowerful. I'd say Avatar is better use for 30 points, but that's after you learn to use the tractor beam really well.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #101 on: May 22, 2004, 04:46:13 am »

My brother uses this extremely annoying "Mycon tactic", which is to run away, never coming into your direction. Most of those tips don't help at this situation.

You just need to smack your brother at this point.  When using this tactic, he can't kill you either.  You can drag quite a few fights in the game to a stalemate by just running away constantly.  You either have to ban the tactic, or ban the ship.  I could pick Arilou or Slylandro vs. Chmmr (pretty unwinnable battles) and last hours, but that doesn't mean a thing.  Generally, if no damage happens in a couple of minutes, one side is just being annoying and avoiding the conclusion of an unwinnable battle.  If the Mycon is injured and trying to heal, then this is of course an exception.

Mycon is a fairly slow ship though, you should be able to gravity whip into its path and then chase it down.  In the case of Mycon, you could always charge up a red Melnorme shot, chase down the Mycon, and ram the Mycon with it after using it as a shield.  Unless you know how to kill a Mycon in a single pass, then you'll have to pick something that can outmaneuver it.  Personally, I've found the Mycon to be an easy target for most ships though, so I'm not sure exactly what you mean.  It's only the particularly mobile ships that can extend a fight indefinitely.

Especially Kohr-Ah is a true pain in the ass. The only ship capable of destroying a defensive Kohr-Ah is ... uuh... Utwig. But as Utwig comes closer, he retreats.

It's damn hard for a Kohr-Ah to retreat.  Generally, it hunkers down behind a screen of saws, and doesn't move except to ensure that the saws stay between it and its opponent.  Utwig and Kohr-Ah strategies are probably pretty obvious, so I'll skip those.  A healthy Chmmr can usually just barrel through the special and kill it, if it can get enough tractor momentup to bring it into range without too much damage before the Kohr-Ah special.  A Chenjesu can use the primary gun to shoot down incoming saws, and then fight from long to extreme range.  I've had some luck fighting with an Orz at the Orz's max range.  Just swing the gun to the side, and take potshots.  Slylandro actually works here, if you can fake out the special attack or otherwise avoid strafing into several hits of it.  Melnorme can power up to red, use it as a shield, and then confuse it and land a shot.  Most other ships are out of luck, though most have a way of doing some damage on the way out.
Mr. Anderson

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #102 on: May 22, 2004, 04:57:29 pm »

My brother uses this extremely annoying "Mycon tactic", which is to run away, never coming into your direction. Most of those tips don't help at this situation.

Especially Kohr-Ah is a true pain in the ass. The only ship capable of destroying a defensive Kohr-Ah is ... uuh... Utwig. But as Utwig comes closer, he retreats.

In these both cases, use Chenjesu. U can destroy Mycon even if it retreats and Chenjesu has more firepower than Kohr-Ah. If Kohr-Ah plays defensive, just destroy him.  
Thraddash Maniac

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #103 on: July 18, 2004, 03:26:13 am »

i'm kinda a n00b to UQM so you'll have to bear with me on the whole 'lack of specific tactics' thing.

I personally very much like the torch. Whilst it is easily killed by say - an arilou,  it can do large amounts of damage to almost all other ships. I played the origional alot, and kicked ass with the arilou, so I'm used to dodging and the like. Basically other than the arilou and *oddly* the spathi I can take down any ship one on one using general hit and run tactics i.e. rush and then circle burn and run away, or flank and use the 'pea-shoota'. I've only had the game two days, but with a team of all torches [and maybe one nemesis for kicks] I can take out ANY of the premade teams on the highest cyborg level.

One quick question off topic guys - how do i enlarge the view window. I know there is a key code, but i'm not sure how i ACTUALLY use it or what it is. I'm on XP - if thats an issue.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #104 on: July 18, 2004, 03:56:36 am »

Just curious - Do you play with just a cyborg or a human?

As for the question, I believe that Defiant just answered that today in the tech section.
right click on your short cut

select properties

look at where it says "target"

you should see the command line like this

"C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\uqm.exe"

to modify the resolution, pass this command after the quotes, like this

"C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\uqm.exe"  -r800x600

you can change to whatever resolution you like as long as you keep the -r command

all examples are based on the default install location.


« Last Edit: July 18, 2004, 03:58:20 am by FalconMWC » Logged
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