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Author Topic: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship  (Read 69591 times)
Sander Scamper
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #105 on: July 20, 2004, 12:41:09 am »

Personally, for a little bit of variation, i enjoy playing as the Vux intruder.

Kind of because the best method to kill anything is like slow torture (i only kill it when i can barely make out what ship it is (portrait) due to limpets =p)

Of course, i get creamed but anything that doesnt need to turn to fire.

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #106 on: August 10, 2004, 06:50:03 pm »

I also use the VUX a bit, although only against human opponents who use heavily crewed ships. Limpet it till its all green as you said BUT don't kill it - let it kill you by moving yourself in front of it - THEN bring out a Syreen, move behind and steal ALL its crew - then finish it. This leaves you with a fully staffed syreen, which in the right hands is a VERY tough opponent.  Grin

Favourite ship still has to be the Androsynth though, although I have no intention of doing a write up since NECRO's strat guide basically covers everything I would say.

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Sander Scamper
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #107 on: August 10, 2004, 08:49:13 pm »

Wow, thats positively Evil...I love it!

I think that's an ingenious use of game tactics that exemplifies just how good the Super-Melee really is...I can't think of many other games this much fun =p

The Syreen is an excellent ship for very fast moving, small opponents. Try it against Pkunk on awesome, youll see.

Mind you, the Chmmr still is the best ship imho to take out both Arilou, Zot Fot Pik, and Pkunk, and all the other pain in the ass ships. =p

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #108 on: August 13, 2004, 06:48:14 pm »

I once beat a Chmmr with an Arilou - although it was vs the computer. If you Go arilou, and just sit as close as possible to the planet, you can just wait, and it eventually hits the planet. Warp, Repeat If Desired.

One thing I noticed with Chmmrs, is that if a zapsat 'hits' the planet - It doesn't get wiped out of the orbit around the Avatar. It doesn't even take damage [none got destroyed over the course of the battle during which the Avatar hit several times, and hence it's Zap-sats hit several times], nor does the Avatar as a whole take damage if a zapsat hits  and the main ship doesn't - the zapsat just superimposes its image above the planet until the Avatar moves away. Is this a bug? Surely if a Zapsat hits a planet it should be knocked out of orbit or at least take damage - I mean a Dreadnought can be reversed in direction by a planet hit - so why can't a puny zapsat? If this did happen - It would give short range ships more chance if they could lure the Avatar near the planet, get the planet to wipe off its zapsats and THEN attack it.

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Sander Scamper
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #109 on: August 13, 2004, 09:01:43 pm »

Never actually seen this...

My main issue with Chmmr is that the tractor beam doesnt work like real physics. BOTH ships should move towards eachother, relative to their mass, of course.

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #110 on: August 13, 2004, 09:27:33 pm »

You can beat human chmmr players with an ariloo simply by running away. Eventually they will commit suicide.


Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #111 on: August 15, 2004, 02:46:47 pm »

Never actually seen this...

My main issue with Chmmr is that the tractor beam doesnt work like real physics. BOTH ships should move towards eachother, relative to their mass, of course.

Though the solution to this is very simple; just figure out which direction the tractor beam's pulling you and have omnidirectional thrusters that push you in the opposite direction, and you will remain stationary relative to some third party (like the planet) while the other guy moves.

Or, since the Chmmr don't seem to have such engines on their ship but do have magic gravity-manipulating powers, just use the same magic force on the planet that you're using on the other guy's ship to push or pull yourself relative to the planet and cancel out your motion. Either way, if you cleverly apply forces you can easily make it so that you and the planet don't move while the other guy does (if you have that godlike sort of making-magic-forces power in the first place).

What's interesting is that much of SC2's combat engine only makes sense if you assume this kind of compensating happens all the time; for example, that the ships have a maximum velocity (relative to the planet) because the ships' computers purposely fire small retrorockets or somesuch to decelerate once they accelerate too close to this max velocity, because the safety standards for battle consider moving too fast relative to the planet unsafe, since tracking the planet's location is very important for whatever reason. (The idea of using the planet's gravity field to control the battle, limit the playing field, and so on might be very important in the SC2 universe and might explain why every single combat encounter must be fought near a planet.) Similarly the ships must always automatically fire thrusters to dampen recoil from the projectiles they release, except the Druuge Mauler which either consciously chooses to use its recoil velocity or else is just too cheap to install compensators.

And don't even get me started on inertial dampers that make asteroid collisions harmless. You can come up with a rationale for it -- like, say, it needs to track all masses ahead of time to be able to compensate for their inertia or whatever, so it works on asteroids but not shurikens -- but it's not going to be a *good* rationale. That whole phrasing was probably the most obvious reference to Star Trek handwaving in the manual and was a cute way to explain-by-not-explaining an unexplainable game element.

Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #112 on: August 15, 2004, 02:53:19 pm »

You can beat human chmmr players with an ariloo simply by running away. Eventually they will commit suicide.

Yeah, and then they'll never play you again. Not wise to adopt such a blatantly cheesy and annoying stonewall strategy in a game that's currently designed for in-person play (though this sort of thing would soon become very common if UQM were playable over the 'Net).

This sort of thing only counts as winning the battle in the same rough sense that the "Smack him in the face and run his ship into the planet while he's distracted" strategy is.
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #113 on: August 15, 2004, 05:35:35 pm »

I agree with Art.

If I play humans on Melee, continually running away is seen as morally wrong. Whats the point? Melee means 'fight' - not 'run away'

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Sander Scamper
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #114 on: August 15, 2004, 06:11:05 pm »

That's why spathi should be banned from human/human melee =p

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #115 on: August 15, 2004, 06:34:30 pm »

Sander - I could not agree more.  Grin

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #116 on: August 16, 2004, 06:19:07 am »

I see your point with the ariloo, my post was only pointing out the possibility. I do not agree with the spathi however. It is very possible to kill a spathi, I can do it fairly well with the orz. I guess I'm a bit more easily entertained then you guys.

Sander Scamper
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #117 on: August 16, 2004, 08:23:27 pm »

For every ship, there is a counter ship. But what happens if you just want to have fun? Its like using hacks in CS (not that ive ever considered playing that travesty). Its just the virtual equivilant of a middle finger for the sole purpose of making yourself a bigger man. Grow up to those who would do this.

(I of course do not mean you, Chrispy, im just talking to those who do these things =p)

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"Space is a dangerous place where wimps eat flaming plasma death" -The Zot....or is it the Fot?? We may never know...unless the guy in the back tells us!

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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #118 on: August 30, 2004, 10:52:57 am »

Good to see this is still somewhat alive. Hope all the tactics contained herein are of assistance to people. I'd write more, but, well, there's no more ships to write about. Tongue

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Sander Scamper
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Re: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship
« Reply #119 on: August 30, 2004, 12:39:39 pm »

Why not branch off this a bit?

If you had the options to create new ships for each race, what would they be like? What abilities, how powerful, special weapons etc?

I would shamelessly rip off Startrek, and have a Voyager like ship. Primary fire is similar to the Arilou, except that it has 2 times the range, does twice the damage, costs twice as much energy, and fires half as fast. Alternate fire would launch a photon torpedo, which is a lot like the Podship's attack, but fires straight at the enemy, and doesn't steer, It should also be much smaller, and cost less energy.

Crew would be about 30, and Energy would be enough 4 Torpedoes.
It should be about par with the Yehat, speed wise, and similar to the Mrnhnrhmm in Laser form turning wise.

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"Space is a dangerous place where wimps eat flaming plasma death" -The Zot....or is it the Fot?? We may never know...unless the guy in the back tells us!

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