Topic: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship (Read 69653 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
There is a tactic to win every Battle in SC1 with a X-Form against any hierarchy ship:
Stay in Y-form an keep firing. Then just keep max distance to the enemy and don't care about aiming. Most missiles will miss, but some will hit, so its just a question of surviving long enough. That is possiple when you keep the ship heading in a 90° angle to your opponents direction of flight, never head directly away from him, since your flying directly into him on the other side.
Against Avengers just keep distance and fire unaimed missiles. It takes time, but it works.
The only way to harm the Y-Form is using a drone, but it should be easy to escape it with low damage.
In SC2 (and uqm) this tactic still works on many ships.
My favorite ship is the scout. Though it has a glory device, it still has a gun and is manouverable. Ever gunned a Marauder? This is fun!
The Torches is also a great ship. Just remember that the gun is a long range weapon and your fast enough to escape most ships an missiles. I just went through the sa-matra and its guards with a single torch. It is easier than you might think!
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

Deep fried Lemur, anyone?
You wanted favorite ships, huh? I have to go split between ZFP and Thraddash. I won't go into great detail as they've both been done already.
Zoq-Fot-Pik General Tactics: Get up to speed, then turn around and strafe. Firing while flying backwards increases range. Gravity whip like crazy. It is the best tactic for escaping/closing with the enemy. Tongueing!!! To be used in conjunction with the gravity whip! If you are good, you can tongue by strafing. Fly sideways at the maximum tongue range and LICK that sucker.
Special Tactics: I will only list my favorites here: Ur-Quan: Strafe the fighters, then gravity whip and tongue broadside. Utwig: Rush them. For some reason, they turn away as if they want to run. It only takes two tongues to kill a jugger. If you wait until the very last second, they won't shield. Kohr-Ah: Dart in, evade the F.R.I.E.D., and tongue. Thraddash: Just kill it, okay? Arilou: You can head straight at it and tongue at the last second. You may lose half your crew, but it usually works.
General Tactics: AFTERBURNERS!!! Don't waste too much time on your gun. It uses more energy than is practical, leaving you without a quick escape. If you can't wait for a recharge, just hold down the burners and they will accelerate you to the same speed as otherwise, it just takes longer. If you want to turn on burners, kick in your regular engines, make the turn, and burn again. For some reason the normal engine acts like a brake. This can be used offensively, too. Just drain your battery and use burners and engines at the same time, moving in a zig zag pattern. Put this between you and your enemy and they will often run into it. Great for small, fast ships. Laying fire around planets when the opponent gravity whips is good too. Not unlike NECRO's gaurdian tactics. Special Tactics: Ur-Quan: Wait till the fighters get close, then fire burners and lay an arc facing them. Bye-Bye fighters. Then use the afterburner to kill the big ship, it is too massive to avoid it.
Androsynth: Wait till it blazers, and try to make it run into your burners. It dies fast, if you hit it.
Utwig: It only shields sometimes with burners. Self evident. Same with the Yehat.
Chmmr: Let it get close, then burn off the sats. Fun.
Those are the really fun battles with those, in my opinion.
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

Deep fried Lemur, anyone?
The Jugger will stop shielding even when it's running through the flames. This way is quicker, if you fly it right.
Just because you think it's a good tactic against the computer doesn't mean it is a good one. Most human pilots will shield against Thraddash flames.
The computer, even on awesome, does a lot of tactically stupid things, this being one of them. If you can abuse one of these things against the computer, it doesn't mean it will work on a human pilot.
The Jugger will stop shielding even when it's running through the flames. This way is quicker, if you fly it right.
So... now that we went through ever ship... it's time to pick apart strategies, and suggest counter-strategies, right?
For example, I really dislike the sections in the Chejenzu battle guide that say "close in", especially vs powerful opponents. The main advantage that the Ch have is that they DON'T need to close in. Let the other guy come to you, taking damage all the way. Actually, if feasable, given opponent speed vs your own, run away while firing.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, the idea generally is,
Big ship --> easily DOGI'd --> can temporarily become helpless until pushed faster than DOGIs move --> pin enemy between you and DOGI so they can't escape or fire --> Mutilate!
Example vs. Kohr-Ah:
launch a DOGI, charge. DOGI will circle around back if the Kohr-Ah faces you, and will require a FRIED. You can then close in and wipe out the Kohr-Ah while they're low on battery.
Against Chmmr, you will not be able to maintain range, so you might as well charge.
So you might as well waste the 3-4 shots that might mean the difference between survival and being blown up? Riiiiiiiiight. 
Also, if you charge, you're more likely to overshoot (especially small ship) and have a ship firing at your back, while you oh so slowly turn...
Against the computer, the Torch is always the first ship I go for, because it’s efficiency incarnate; except against the Druuge, most fights don’t last long, the Torch is low-casualty (it’s hard to even hit at all; if it does get scuffed up, just slap in a few crew into it and it’s as good as new) and easy to replace at 1000 RU per ship. Imho, RU point for RU point, the Thraddash Torch is the single most efficient ship in the entire game.
By the way, with one Torch and some spare crew, you can rack up massive amounts of RU in very little time simply by visiting a Yehat-controlled star and roasting scores of them. It’s even faster and safer than using an Arilou to blow away scores of Mycon, and the RU you’d get is roughly the same either way.
As far as human v. human, I prefer the Orz Nemesis; the turret pointing (esp. backwards), speed, maneuverability, and space marines give it NO WEAKNESSES since you can’t shield/absorb with Yehat/Utwig. It's a Swiss Army Knife. The Chmmr Avatar is NOT a Swiss Army knife; it's overrate, takes too many hits because it's slow, and it's is in for a bad day if it meets an Utwig attacker.
------------------------------------------------ Anyway, on to Torch Tactics 101:
The computer will be either aggressive (flies towards you like Ilwrath, Kohr-Ah) or evasive (tries to fly away/around you; like Pkunk, Slylandro). Against the aggressive ships, just fly towards them. After you reach top speed (which takes only a second), turn around, riding your inertia so you are going on direction even though you’re facing the other, and when your butt gets close to the aggressive ship, hit the afterburners and let the enemy fry itself. Against evasive ships, I have found some tactics to work well (see below). Androsynth: Aggressive. Let it make a comet and follow you; when it gets close, fry it with flame.
Arilou: the programmers probably intentionally gave computer pilots occasional hiccups. Just lay down a line of flame and quickly move in such a way that the Arilou is on one side and you’re on the other; the computer will half-heartedly dodge the line but eventually cross it and die. This may take a few tries. You can also do gravity well cheese (see Druuge).
Chenjesu: Evasive. DOGI batt-suckers aren’t hard to kill. The trick is to get the Chenjesu to build up inertia and then quickly turn around; by the time the screen wraps around, you’re close enough to lay down a fire wall for the Broodhome to run into. Do this enough times and you’ll win.
Chmmr Avatar: Aggressive. Afterburn it.
Druuge. My least favorite opponent. Basically just steer the Torch close to the planet and keep the planet between the two ships; the Druuge ship will eventually crash into the planet enough times to die.
Earthling Cruiser: Close in, but out of laser range, and keep firing in its direction. Even if you miss, the Earthling will waste valuable battery on lasering your misses. 18 hits later, you should win.
Ilwrath: Let it chase you and then burn it.
Kohr-Ah: Shoot a couple of times in its direction or else juke a little bit to get it to waste its battery. Then get close enough to lay down a long stream of flame. Repeat if necessary to kill it. Switch direction of flow sometimes, else you may run into a spinning shuriken.
Melnorme: The comm-jammer can go right through flame, so be careful to dodge laterally. Treat it like a Chenjesu.
Mnhrmmm(sp? I hate spelling it): Get in front of its slow form, then guess which direction it’ll go next and lay down a fire wall; you have a 50-50 chance of it transforming into the fast form and running through the wall. Repeat.
Mycon: Treat like a Chenjesu. Be careful to not get right in front of its cannon.
Pkunk: Get close to a planet and slow down. When the Pkunk ship gets near, it will gain a lot of speed. Exploit that interia by laying down a lot of flame. The Pkunk will be unable to dodge it. Repeat as necessary. Orz: It’s not hard to eventually burn up all of the marines that are chasing you. Once that happens, see Pkunk.
Shofixti: See Pkunk.
Slylandro(sp?): Treat like Arilou or Pkunk, your choice.
Spathi: See Pkunk. Even more annoying than Pkunk thanks to the seeking missile.
Supox: See Pkunk.
Syreen: Like the Druuge, a pain in the ass. See Pkunk for tactics; you may lose some crew due to the Syreen special ability, but they’ll probably get sucked into the planet, so at least the Syreen won’t get them.
Torch: See Pkunk.
Umgah: Let it chase you and afterburn it.
Ur-Quan: Fighters are easy to burn up. Else, treat it like a Kohr-Ah with low battery.
Utwig: See Yehat.
Yehat: For some reason, it doesn’t use its shields if you are far away enough, so just treat it like an Avatar.
Vux: Let it chase you and afterburn it.
Zot Fot Pik: See Pkunk.
Against HUMANS: Orz Nemesis:
I like this against human players, because you can set the gun to shoot backwards, have great speed and turning, and nothing good can catch up to you without getting marined (e.g., a Chmmr Avatar can try to suck you in, but just keep turning as if you were trying to orbit it, and you’ll do a dance of death and resemble a pair of binary stars in the process. Just shoot at it once in a while. Incidentally, I do the same dance of death when I’m in an Avatar v. Avatar situation against the computer, and my records is 16 straight kills with one Avatar, and the 17th computer Avatar had six crew left.).
Against the computer, the Nemesis is going to have a rough day sometimes against the very fast ships, but the good thing is that humans trying to pilot fast ships usually can’t steer as well as the computer can, so make use of those marines!
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

Deep fried Lemur, anyone?
One thing with Thraddash vs. Chenjesu or other big, slow, lumbering ships, is that you can ram them with afterburners to get them moving and make it easier to hit them with the afterburner. That's about the only way I've won against a chenjesu with thraddash, because the other player tries to just sit there and fire at you so they won't get burned.
Zebranky food

Posts: 38

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
This is a great post. I have many favorite ships One of the best though is the Utwig Jugger. Sure it's slow, but it has fire power. It has a force field shield that protects it form anything and is recharged when its on and the ship is hit. Even though you may run out of shield energy, it can destroy any other ship out there. You really have to train yourself though.
All time favorite: Spathi. They are fast and manuevarble. My favorite tactic is their "poop bomb" (sound). Against most ships and all ur-quan, fly close until enemy is in range, turn 90 degrees poop bombs away! Very affective against most ships, but you have to omit Mycoon.