Topic: Better than banter: OUR single favorite ship (Read 69643 times)
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Yea, the Ur-quan, Mycon, Vux and perhaps Ilwrath have the deadly music field cornered.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Voice: Spathi is hilarious, especially the Ultimate Evil and the Spathi prayer. Ilwrath is quite good too. I've never liked the Ur-quan one that much.
Music: Remixed Druuge, Yehat.
Another category... Victory Ditty: Kzer-za.
Hmm, victory ditty...that's a tough one.
It's a tie between the Ur-Quan, VUX, Androsynth, and Thraddash for me.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I don't like Thraddash. Doesn't really suit the race.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Druuge, then Earthling, and then Mycon have the best victory tunes.
Zebranky food

Posts: 38

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I agree. The Druuge have the best victory ditty.
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

Deep fried Lemur, anyone?
I have to say that I like the Orz dittie. But the druuge is cool too. They both convey a creepy-evil sort of mood.
Frungy champion
Posts: 84
Despite this topic being very, very old, no one seems to mind its previous ressurections and I dearly want to talk about ships. That said, after reading this long and detailed document I yet have a few things to add.
Cruiser: There are two things I would like to get off my chest.
First, the sometimes-argued policy of not firing directly at your target with nukes, despite the tracking system (or rather because of it) The shot still generally hits along a slightly curved arc, but more importantly the hit usually isn't centerlined, and is therefore far harder to shoot down. Granted, a human player is less likely to do things like shoot down nukes but once you see the computer do it it's hard for an opponent to not try a few wild shots.
Second, I don't think it has been stated that if you gravity whip with good precision, you can create the situation where you are constantly wrapping the screen in a chaotic manner. The computer is not effective at closing the distance and this also usually foils human opponents, baring luck which is very fickle to both sides in this situation. Despite all the problems of close-passes, asteroids or the rare time there's an actual interception, this is the best situation for the Cruiser player to be in, similar to the mycon.
To regale my childhood days I have to say this was my favoirite ship, and to shamelessly brag I quite masterful at using it too; Most heavier ships I could hold my own, even in battles that are traditionally very challenging, such as Kor-ah, Broodhome or Ur Quan. I admit, however, that in my playing group no one really favoured the truly heavy ships (other than the avatar) and consequently no one got really good at using them.
Syreen: In SC1 I would have called this the most dangerous ship in space, as you could always try to find a colony and full crew them. In SC2/UQM, this ship has fallen back to a dangerous but not overpowerful ship only because you can no longer keep full crews on them. Out of every weapon available, none of them will do more damage over time than that call, if you can get in range.
Torch: Though this ship is often derided, I find this vessel one of the more dangerous ships in the game. Many people use the afterburner as its main weapon, which is effective, but one should never underestimate the Torch's main gun. Weak, but it has fantastic range; Burning away and using the main gun is a tactic that can't be countered easily by ships slower than it, and ships that do close will still have the standard afterburner tactics to worry about.
Scout: Like the torch, this ship is reasonably fast, very maneauverable and has a weak gun. You have to get closer, but dancing with the main gun is effective, even more so against human players that will bug out and desperately attempt to gain range from its bomb. Sadly enough, I lose a lot of bomb oppourtunities by attempting to dance with it, but with some skill dancing is again quite effective.
Stinger: I hated this ship. Not because I can't use it (though it is true that I can't use this ship effectively) but because when I was a kid, one of my friends got very, very good at using this ship. Leyland Tounge Strafing was almost an art in his hands, much to my frustration.
Avatar: Everything is argued about this ship. While I agree it is not all powerful it is still highly dangerous. More importantly to tactics is that it is basically immune to stand-off ships like the Mycon, X-form or my beloved Cruiser, and since I was effective with the cruiser most of my friends would keep one, just in case I got too successful with the earthling fleet.
We also dueled often in this ship, which is very, very amusing. Very hairy situation and it had a very heavy, majestic feel to the battle. Strangely enough, there IS a method to winning that madness.
Skiff: In recent attempts, I have been using (for some reason) this ship well. Or better at least, which isn't saying much because I couldn't use it effectively at all when this game was still Star Control 2 and I was still a wee earthling duking it out on a 386. Odd.
Probe: This is another ship that one of my group got very good at using. Though the vile things were indeed good at cutting down my crusier contengient it wasn't so bad as 'a ship designed to eat cruisers.' Still, this may be because we played small point games and played very conservatively; Unlike what appears to be the norm here, standing off and long, drawn out battles were the norm, and we did enjoy ourselves despite that.
anyway, thank you for letting me get that off my shoulders.
Frungy champion
Posts: 74
Why does everyone like the Druuge ditty? It's kinda cool, but I think the Androsynth, Kohr-Ah, Utwig, and Orz ditties are all much better.
Androsynth just have good music, and I really would have liked to see them in SC2. Alas, we do not.
That's not so bad, though, because we get the Orz. Their ditty is fitting, and still dangerous.
Kohr-Ah and Utwig are just good. Chmmr also fits in this category. They beat the Druuge at their own game in my opinion.
As for music, Arilou hold the unremixed first place, with the remixed VUX, Thraddash and Kzer-za all being really good.
Orz gets the "most appropriate" title.
Zebranky food

Posts: 17

*Bloody campers* are the best
I ACTUALLY created lyrics for the Androsynth ditty. It goes like this.
Singin' in the shower makes you feel so good! Makes you feel squeaky clean!
I made those because the captain picture looks like three guys taking a shower. Thus the androsynth nickname... the shower boys
I personally like the earthling, It is only good against a limited number of ships though and it doesn't need strategy, thus the name "Fire and forget" nuclear missiles.
I created a weird tactic for the Pkunk, i'm sure some people have done it.
Fly up to any ship and spin around really fast while shooting out pellets, anything within the ships range radius will be showered upon by molten pellets. I call it the merry-go-round tactic.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The cruiser doesn't need strategy? I'd seriously disagree. You need to figure out a good trajectory that won't be easily intercepted, you need to keep track of the planet, you need to decide whether to fire one or two missiles, and if you fire two, whether to fire the first at an angle so as to get them to come in close to the same time and be harder to dodge.
There are a lot more important choices with the cruiser than many other ships. Not as many as some, but quite a few.
Posts: 1044

While true, however, it's also easy and reasonably effective to play the Cruiser as a simple "fire and forget" ship. Since it has long and short range weapons that both home in on targets, it's pretty simple for anyone to use. Mastering those choice will make it even more deadly, of course, but it doesn't take much effort to use it decently, which is much more than you can say for a lot of other ships.