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Topic: Star Control 1 with SC2's ships (Read 5840 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

Rankka Ankka
The source of SC1 is lost. Does that mean that we'll never see this piece of art? I've dreamed of it for many years and it would be sooo great to have. The strategy game was cool, but alas, no one wanted/could play it with me. *snif*
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I like sc1 too, and i have good mesage for anyone who like this game.
Sc1 was released on Sega megadrive. Sega megadrive emulated very well by many emulators. So no problem at all to play this is game via sega emulator with improving sound and good sai graphics.
If u dont can to reach sc1 rom - u can contact me by e-mail
p.s. sorry for my english.
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

Rankka Ankka
I have an old computer which I can use to play SC1 (or SC2 without sound) so I don't need the emulator (it's even got a great keyboard so the keys don't easily get locked). What I do need are the extra ships from Star Control 2. It would be so cool to get them in the game.
Hmm... the strategy part of Star Control doesn't seem very complicated to me and I believe it wouldn't be that hard for an able programmer to code. Perhaps after the current project is done our heroes could try to complete this next undertaking.
Diogenes' Dog
I'm pretty sure that Timewarp has a SC1-ish strategy game that they whipped up, altho you'd have to play the melee part with their combat engine. And I don't think you can play it online.
Anywho, my personal opinion is that a whole NEW strategy game should be coded for UQM. SC1 was nice, but it was way too hard to tell which stars were connected to one another the first couple times you played a scenario. Personally, I'd prefer something a little more intuitive. Maybe a static starmap with dotted lines connecting "adjacent" stars? Or, to make it more SC2-ish, you could just make it so that each piece has a certain amount of movement points available each turn, which they have to spend to move through space. Moving ships from star to star would be kind of like moving from star to star in the existing adventure game, except you'd be spending MP instead of fuel and there wouldn't be any hyperspace or in-system navigation. This would also give the faster ships a nifty strategic advantage (and maybe you could give Arilou the ability to move directly to any place on the map if you wanted to get really crazy).
Gagh. I went a little overboard there. Anyway, I don't think it would be too hard to make a new strategy game, and I think it would be a nice opportunity to improve on the craziness of the original.
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

Rankka Ankka
In the original game Arilous could fly past any fortifications while all other ships had to stop there. There were many fun little things like that in the game, which was nice.
Frungy champion
Posts: 98
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm pretty sure that Timewarp has a SC1-ish strategy game that they whipped up, altho you'd have to play the melee part with their combat engine. And I don't think you can play it online.
Anywho, my personal opinion is that a whole NEW strategy game should be coded for UQM. SC1 was nice, but it was way too hard to tell which stars were connected to one another the first couple times you played a scenario. Personally, I'd prefer something a little more intuitive. Maybe a static starmap with dotted lines connecting "adjacent" stars? Or, to make it more SC2-ish, you could just make it so that each piece has a certain amount of movement points available each turn, which they have to spend to move through space. Moving ships from star to star would be kind of like moving from star to star in the existing adventure game, except you'd be spending MP instead of fuel and there wouldn't be any hyperspace or in-system navigation. This would also give the faster ships a nifty strategic advantage (and maybe you could give Arilou the ability to move directly to any place on the map if you wanted to get really crazy).
Gagh. I went a little overboard there. Anyway, I don't think it would be too hard to make a new strategy game, and I think it would be a nice opportunity to improve on the craziness of the original.
Well yeah it is a bit annoying when you first play, but then it takes less time to figure out then that of the basics of SCII (at least it did for me). At first I learned to use fortifications to mark where I had to move (anything not on the main path didn't have a fortification unless it had one when the game started) and then it became quite easy to naviagate (just be glad it's not like SCIII). But, anyway, SCI is a classic which shows how SCII came to be, so if it is ever made for modern pcs it should never be messed with (it would be a waste when it's much easier to toy with SCII anyway).
In the original game Arilous could fly past any fortifications while all other ships had to stop there. There were many fun little things like that in the game, which was nice.
Yeah and Ur-Quan ships would take out fortifications without having to besiege.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2002, 06:51:55 am by Zeroarmy »
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