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Topic: Bugs in v3 (Read 2306 times)
Bugs in v3
« on: September 15, 2003, 12:00:38 am » |
After installing the game (uninstalled v2 first) it runs fine however it appears like the voices, when skipping through via arrows (skip back and forth) the synchronization gets screwed up and chops some words. I perused quickly the boards to see if it was announced already but it appears not. Sorry if someone else already brought the topic up.
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
What sound driver are you using? I have this problem when using openal, but not with mixsdl.
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

BeWaRe ThE iNtErLoPeR, rIp OuT iT's LiFe!i!
I've searched BugZilla and the Forums and can't find a post about this - so sorry if it's already in the forum...
While playing UQM, I've noticed that if you set an Auto-Pilot path, and then save the game while in a solar system, when the game returns it loses the auto-pilot path navigation...
This was a little annoying as I was in Ur-Quan space and there were a WHOLE BUNCH of those little black dots to the left of the screen (in hyperspace), so I set a navigation path to exit to the right... Just before I left the system I saved my game (fortunately), but that lost the nav path, so when I appeared in Hyperspace, the ship didn't move anywhere - got attacked by LOTS of Ur-Quan dots...
Like I said - searched BugZilla and the forum and couldn't find this bug anywhere, so many humble appologise if it's been posted before.
Thanks guys for making a SC2 fan EXTREMELY HAPPY that I can play SC2 (UQM) without having to boot to dos - and use a REALLY old Sound Card...
YAY - SC2 (UQM) RULES!!!!!
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