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Topic: Earthling Cruiser: The Ship that Could Have Been.. (Read 9331 times)
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Yes i know Timewarp and i actually play it more than SC Melee. I like the challenge of fighting 2 opponents in the same team. The AI is good, but sometimes with several ships it just makes some stupid faults, faults humans would do. That's what i like about it. And the variety of ships. Although i always disable the ship Gaia. I just hate it when the planet (not gaia) starts flying around like crazy.
And the starbases are funny too... Especially when you use the Ostoks special near the planet...
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
It's very easy to change the ship values in TimeWarp. You just edit the right ini file.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
bigfoot256, the following forum has been used the most for TW tech support, so that's become its unofficial role. If you post something there, either myself, youBastrd! or GeonmanNL will see it fairly quickly (I think we're the three programmers who are present the most lately).
I've never heard about your problem, but I hope it's easier to fix than the problems I'm having getting UQM to run on non-standard architecture (square pegs, round holes; where's my hammer?).
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
I remember when i was looking for sc2 clones i fould one where you could set have fleets to attack each other in a melee screen. and in that clone i loved to set up battles to see which side would win. i set both sides to auto. the funny thing is when you set a equal fleetin points of ur-quan vs earthling cruisers the cruisers would Slauter the ur-quan. like there would be 10/14 earth cruisers left and 0/10 urquan ships. those numbers could be wrong.
but if you want to make earthling cruiser godlike the replace the point defence with a cloaking device. could you live with yourself if you had such a ship? forget the mark 1, use earthling cruisers and rule the galaxy.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2004, 02:08:39 pm by BioSlayer »
Zebranky food

Posts: 32

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
In my weird 'fury' mod, I wound up making the Earthling Cruiser the most feared ship in the game just by providing a blast radius to its missiles - each missile was essentially a toned-down version of the Shofixti Glory Device, that did 8 damage at core and petered out to 1 damage at the edge. Then the missiles were given a 'proximity fuse' so they would detonate at their closest point of approach, if they could do damage. Fun, fun fun.
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