Yet another update: I've added in a Quasispace fuel calculation and portal display 1) Load the map. Hence forth, every stable version of the starmap will be compressed. This compressed version is a mere 29k
The download-link does not work, and the map-CGI gives errors, like * "XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location:" * Error: Star name not found!
Has this project been moved / archived somewhere else ?
Kohr-Ah Death: Sorry for the slow response. I've not checked this forum in some time. The pages that display all the planet views are generated at the time you request the page. The only preset graphics are those that I didn't make myself (basically anything from SC2 itself). I wouldn't even want to contemplate how big these would be if they were in a static JPG or GIF format. But science fiction has taught me that the answer is probably 42.
Since I'm writing a message here anyhow, I thought I'd just mention that I've taken a copy of the current codebase to my personal machine. The "stable" version of the database will remain where it is, but I have a "current" version availible on, with updates on an irregular basis.
One thing I'm taking a long hard look at is making this compatible with as many browsers as possible. Unfortunately this will require redoing the vast majority of the JavaScript currently in use. I now understand the wisdom of a sane, logical order and standards compliance when doing any sort of programming, and this entire project has shown me just how much of a pain it is to redo code because of short-sightedness.
Wow. I just discovered your map and am suitably impressed. I wish Adobe would support Firefox with it, but I can gladly jump over the IE (shudder) for such a wonderful tool. Thanks!
The bleeding edge version at is actually making decent progress at compatibility with Firefox and Opera. So far I've managed to at least display the SVG elements, though the Javascript itself is working only partially in either of these browsers.
I've also figured out a way to output the normally SVG parts as either GIF or PNG (I could do JPEG too, but the quality loss is too horrible to bear). The current version will only do this for the Hyperspace map. I just have to get around to making this for the Quasispace and Interplanetary views. My plan for this is to have a "backup" interface in case someone's browser is unable to render SVG. I have yet to implement this fully, but you can have a look at the hyperspace map at these two links:
The value set by "zoom=" can be adjusted to anything between .5 and 8.
All the parameters set to 1 can technically be set to anything, but removing them will cause the indicated aspect of the map to vanish. Later on I'll be making individually toggled spheres; this is just a temporary solution while I try to tackle more important matters with this script.
Again, there is no interface to make this "easy" to use yet. That is for future upgrades. Right now my highest priority is reorganizing and cleaning up this mess I've made.