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Author Topic: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project  (Read 24758 times)
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #60 on: November 04, 2003, 07:45:44 pm »

I finally downloaded an SVG viewer for a windows box and your map looks great!.  Unfortunately, there aren't any SVG viewers that work with up to date linux browsers (mozilla's built in SVG is a little unusable, and adobe's SVG viewer only seems to work in pre-1.3 mozilla).
« Last Edit: November 04, 2003, 07:46:26 pm by Culture20 » Logged
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #61 on: November 08, 2003, 06:36:45 pm »

Yet another update: I've added in a Quasispace fuel calculation and portal display. My brain's a bit mucked up from all the coding I just did, so instead of explaining what it does, I'll give a step by step on how to use it.

1) Load the map.
2) Activate the checkbox toward the bottom right labelled "Use Quasispace".
3) Click on any star. This will set that as your starting point.
4) Move your mouse to another star or any point in space.

As you are moving you'll see a fuel and distance indicator from the star you're at to wherever the cursor is. When it becomes cheaper to use quasispace to reach the destination, these numbers will turn green, and a minimap will appear showing the nearest portal to your destination. There will also be another course path in green layed out from the portal exit to your destination

This is essentially how the fuel calculation has always worked, save for the second step. Hopefully people will find this function useful.

There's also been a significant refinement to the planetary database. All the generated data (not the special worlds, though) that I'm aware of is accurate.

EDIT: Hence forth, every stable version of the starmap will be compressed. This compressed version is a mere 29k (259k uncompressed), so it should make the load for dialuppers that much lighter.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2003, 07:59:32 pm by sageallen » Logged
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #62 on: November 09, 2003, 12:36:40 am »

Yet another update: I've added in a Quasispace fuel calculation and portal display.

I've been thinking that it would be cool to add something like this to the game, maybe a new tech item you can buy from the Melnorme. It could keep track of which portals you've been through, then have the autopilot automatically choose the fastest route.
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #63 on: November 09, 2003, 10:38:42 am »

I've already written one of these, albeit as something you "automagically" get, but was waiting for the 1.0 release before distributing it.
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #64 on: November 10, 2003, 08:33:00 pm »

One slight gap is that you can't calculate the distance between arbitrary points -- it has to be star to star. No prob, just noting it.
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #65 on: November 25, 2003, 06:30:12 pm »

Hey Sage, the map displays all the numbers to me in a font that highly resembles the old Scandinavian runic alphabet.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 06:36:07 pm by JSB » Logged
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #66 on: November 26, 2003, 12:31:44 am »

That's possibly due to the fact that I have no font specified in this version. When I get the fonts from UQM itself figured out I'm going to replace the text with some UQM fonts. That should keep everything in it nice and consistant.

Update: The solar system viewer now displays planets, orbital paths, and (uncolored) suns. There is some zooming functionality as well but it does not zoom in as far as being able to see moons (yet). Data for individual planets won't show up again until a later revision, though at the rate I'm working it shouldn't take too long to get there.
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #67 on: December 09, 2003, 05:39:25 pm »

Update: Solar system and planet/moon displays are complete. There are temporary controls in place on the solar system view to zoom in/out as appropriate. In an effort to save a little work, I'm not writing an svg planet data display. And no, still no special worlds, but it's very close now.

The next big step will be to write a search function, as well as set all of this in a functional layout. Then I'll be done! Woohoo!

Wish me luck.

EDIT: Upon entering the front page of the site, a script will run checking for the presence of the SVG plugin. If it is absent, you will be prompted to install it. Once installation is complete you will be taken back to the front page.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2003, 06:23:21 pm by sageallen » Logged
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #68 on: December 10, 2003, 04:19:45 pm »

Actually, as I'm officially on holidays from Friday, and the laptop is *not* coming with me, the special world data won't be appearing now until late January.

The data is there, but not really useable.  If anybody wants to volunteer for transforming it from it's current, very raw form to something Sage can work with, PM me and we can work something out.
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #69 on: March 17, 2004, 06:09:04 pm »

Several updates to report:

- The most significant change comes in the form of an extreme overhaul and unification of all these scripts. Originally, this database was built on several interlinked scripts. Now I've converted it into a single script with a modular design (much like YaBB) allowing me a lot more flexibility (since I can use the same variables and functions in all of these scripts). Everything* that you see coming from the database is generated in by a single unified script.
- A navigation frame has been added, which should make getting out of a star system a lot simpler.
· I've added a rudimentary search function. Currently it allows you to specify a star (note: using a built-in autocomplete, to simplify matters) and a distance, and it will display the names of (and links to) every star within that radius. This feature will be expanded soon to include some extensive searching options.

Much of this is merely backend stuff, but now that I have things a bit better organized it'll be a lot easier to add new features.

* The one notable exception to "everything" is the compressed hyperspace map, which is viewed by default.
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #70 on: August 07, 2005, 09:51:31 am »

It's been a long time since I've done anything with this project. Sometime recently I was (somehow) inspired to work on this after so long. I've managed to make a few significant improvements to it.

Recent Changes:
 - Migrating several of the statistics and controls from the SVG map to the HTML frames (which are much easier to program and modify than SVG)
 - The Sphere of Influence controls now include a mouseover feature. Hovering over a checkbox for a race will highlight that race's sphere on the starmap, to increase visiblity of certain insignificant spheres.
 - A frame on the bottom which shows relevant math data for a given selection. (Star location, distance, fuel use, etc.)

Planned Features:
 - Completely removing the need for the blue bar to the right of the SVG starmap. This will become feasible once I can fix the Quasispace Display function to work with the new HTML interface.
 - A way to input star name/coordinates to highlight that location (or a course) on a map.
 - Updating the searching feature with something similar to the above.
 - Somehow figuring out a way to generate the proper data for the special worlds so that I can have a complete database!

Note: I know this is techinically double posting, but it has been over a year since the last addition to this thread! Tongue
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #71 on: August 07, 2005, 02:48:55 pm »

- Somehow figuring out a way to generate the proper data for the special worlds so that I can have a complete database!
What data are you looking for exactly? I've recently improved the planet dumping functionality in UQM which should make it really easy to get whatever you want. As a test, I've got here a list of the value of the Mineral and Bio per planet/moon. If you really wanted to, you could even have the size of each deposit.

Btw, has anyone been able to get this to work on Linux (with Opera)? I get a black popup from the Adobe SVG viewer with a title "Adobe SVG Viewer End User License Agreement", but there's nothing in the popup (no text, no "I agree" button), and the plugin space itself remains equally black.


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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #72 on: August 08, 2005, 06:01:42 am »

The data I have on planets was generated for me, and as such I have no real idea of how to go about generating them myself. The information I have is formatted like so:


Note: The first two values ("I" and "Planets") serve no function to my code.

Here are the values I have for Beta Lyrae:

D,Planets,93,2,-675,-675,Green,1,0,Iodine World,954,954,-212,63,93,257,58,-26,5,2,12,-40,0,126,0,63,0,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,-813,-1520,Blue,2,0,Gas Giant,1723,1723,-228,21,910,103,191,8,2,7,65535,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,-2316,-703,Green,3,0,Gas Giant,2420,2420,-235,21,1029,151,216,37,1,7,65535,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,2494,1666,Purple,4,0,Super Dense World,3000,3000,-239,197,34,173,66,-19,6,2,75,60,0,78,0,0,26,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,-5576,1691,Red,5,0,Ruby World,5827,5827,-249,58,96,221,55,23,0,0,0,-1040,0,850,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,34
D,Planets,93,2,-7,34,Purple,2,1,Purple World,1723,35,-228,59,33,272,19,25,1,0,0,-1100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,54,-6,Red,2,2,Dust World,1723,55,-228,61,33,209,20,-10,1,1,10,-10,0,120,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,-8,-75,Purple,2,3,Chrondite World,1723,75,-228,103,28,224,28,-9,4,0,0,-1145,0,74,74,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,-53,-79,Purple,2,4,Super Dense World,1723,95,-228,206,32,213,65,-4,7,2,97,60,0,144,0,0,48,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,-55,5,Purple,3,1,Purple World,2420,55,-235,61,27,255,16,5,1,0,0,-1100,0,204,0,0,68,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,47,57,White,3,2,Selenic World,2420,75,-235,60,26,266,15,-2,1,0,0,-1100,0,159,0,0,53,0,0,0,0,0
D,Planets,93,2,93,-19,Orange,3,3,Metal World,2420,95,-235,143,36,265,51,11,3,2,109,60,0,676,0,31,152,0,0,9,13,0

While it would certainly be nice to have the exact locations of the minerals on a given planet, I really think that doing such a thing might be more work than I could handle. The perfectionist in me would also want to try replicating the planet spinning view, despite the fact that I don't have an inkling of how I could accomplish it.

Edited on 08-12-05 for readability.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2005, 05:12:07 pm by Sage » Logged
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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #73 on: August 10, 2005, 06:48:03 pm »

Mineral locations is not as constant as the other variables. They depend on the size of the planet surface window. Iirc, in UQM it is the same as on the PC version, while it it different on the 3DO.
If we have graphics packs, they may be different again.

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Re: UQM Hyperspace Map/Planetary Database Project
« Reply #74 on: August 13, 2005, 07:12:17 pm »

Apparently Opera itself is able to display SVG, without plugins. The problem is that you're using the non-standard "<embed>" tag.
The standard defined alternative for that is "<object>".
If you were to replace your '<embed src="file.svg">' by '<object data="file.svg>"', then it should work on Opera, while it should still work with other standard-complient browsers.
(The standard I'm talking about is HTML 4.01 btw).

Edit: apparently <embed> has been deprecated since HTML 4.0.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2005, 07:16:25 pm by meep-eep » Logged

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