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Re: Mmrn-Mhrn
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2003, 09:41:42 pm »

Back to what Luki said about the combined tech:
The Terawatt laser is the most obvious piece of Chenjesu tech onboard the Avatar. Look at the blue emitter. Gee, looks like crystal to me. My wager is the Chenjesu-part collects the solar energy, Mmrnmhrm-part galvens, focuses, aims and fires, and the Chenjesu-part amplifies.

Perhaps, the Avatar laser is shorter because the Chmmr realized that their power couplings would be more effective (more damaging) at a closer range. Both races fought the VUX, saw their laser's range, but then more than likely noted their horrid regeneration rate, and deduced that increased range = greater stress to emitters/more power consumption/less damage = slower energy regeneration. Quite a sacrifice for a few yards of beam.

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Re: Mmrnmhrm
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2003, 09:59:00 pm »

You cannot compare the Mmrnmhrm to the Slylandro Probe controling unit. The Mmrnmhrm are able to leave their ships (otherwise it would be hard for them to run a starbase as in the Oath of Fealty required, the probe-controlling unit is not (at least it is not likely to me).
The Mmrnmhrm are several on one ship, the control unit is the only one on board. (Maybe with smaller backupsystems standing at both sides?)
And with the probes it could just be an image out of the catalog.

Excellent points. I actually do agree with you, and don't feel that the two can be compared as I've stated earlier. guesst, any arguments in favour of your theory, or do we just bury it here?

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Re: Mmrn-Mhrn
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2003, 10:54:20 pm »

That and the fact that Mmrnmhrn are sentient beings, and the Probe is not. Wait, that was mentioned... crap.

guesst: Perhaps the notion of disk-on-shaft caught the attention of the Melnorme, and they then built the Probe's control unit with similar looks. Nothing "mysterious".

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Re: Mmrn-Mhrn
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2003, 11:02:02 pm »

...there are some clues in sc2 the chenjesu/mmrhmrn aren't "real races". M:bots ( like some of us call them) came from the uniqe artifact called "mother ark" of our beloved race the "precrusders" ( I think I wrote it wrong... nm) and the chenjesu... well no one really knows but it seems they came from a. eternals ones or b. mr. p. So why the probes look like m:bots? One reason only! The melnorme(again, I am not sure I wrote it correctly) are the mael-num that knew mr.p!!!

In SC1/SC2 there is no evidence that leads one to believe that the Mmrnmhrm were Precursor creations.  The Chmmr state that there are design similarities between the Precursor Service Vessel and the Sa-Matra.  No one mentions any similarities between your Service Vessel and the Mother Ark.

Also, in SC1/SC2 there aren't even any clues that the Chenjesu are created beings;  they were supposed to have evolved on Procyon.

If by Mr. P, you mean the Precursors, the Mael-Num were part of the Sentient Mileu, which began long after the Precursors disappeared.
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Re: Mmrn-Mhrn
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2003, 11:09:22 pm »


Read "Clarifications."

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Re: Mmrn-Mhrn
« Reply #35 on: September 24, 2003, 11:16:48 pm »

That's not from SC2 at all.  Read the manuals and play SC1/SC2/UQM.  It's not there.  It is is SC3, but that's not what I said, and SC3 is a piece of $^#* where SC plot is concerned.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2003, 11:17:21 pm by Culture20 » Logged
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Re: Mmrn-Mhrn
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2003, 01:55:50 am »

maybe the slylandro was based on the mmrn-mhrn.

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« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2003, 02:21:50 pm »

You say the m-bots can leave their ships, but are you sure? They are called TRANSFORMERS you know.
Their ship is a transformer. If the Syreen can sing single crew out of the ship, they must be single entities and not a single ship..... And a starship is a little big to serve upon a starbase or to live on a planet. The mass must go somewhere. And the Mmrnmhrm must be a lot bigger than the Chenjesu if they are the ship.
Either way, except for the Syreensong we have no proof for or against that they are not the ship. And the Syreensong is enough proof for me.

How do the Syreen compell a machine to jump intospace and serve as their slave? And why does the machine die after a short while in space?

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Their name is Mmrnmhrm
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2003, 05:50:38 pm »

Yeah, but i do not believe that an intelligent Spaceship would need crew, which could jump out of windows, docking-bays, doors, chimneys, ...
And why would anyone want to serve on board of another races ship? I never would, especially if i do not know much about them, even more if it is war and i do not know how they react during battle.

I once met a Druuge ship in space where some of my former crewmembers were asigned to. Strangely enough my former crewwoman Hooter said she does not like serving a Druuge, neither being treated as slave nor did she know how the others are since her ship had a fight against one of the probes. She said she hasn't seen anyone of them, although the probe did not hit the Mauler.
That just supported my view of not serving other people.

I went to buy as many shiny new maulers as i could afford to see if i could re-recruit some of my former members. But I've been told by one of the Druuge-captains that all died during combat with these nasty probes hailing something about peace....
« Last Edit: September 25, 2003, 05:52:01 pm by Krulle » Logged
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Re: Mmrn-Mhrn
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2003, 07:15:29 pm »

Krulle: Huh? I can't encouter any such text from the Druuge's txt file. So where are you getting all that from?
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Their name is Mmrnmhrm
« Reply #40 on: September 25, 2003, 07:16:48 pm »

Somewhere between my imagination and my dreams....

Just to clarify why i wouldn't want to serve other people...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2003, 07:30:31 pm by Krulle » Logged
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Re: Mmrnmhrm
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2003, 07:52:44 pm »

guesst, any arguments in favour of your theory, or do we just bury it here?

Hey, it's up to you. Honestly, I'm just enjoying the conversation.

Personally, I like the idea that, since unrelated biological's have similar make-ups for no particular reason, there's no reason that mechanical's can't have equilly similar make-ups and be unrelated. I mean, what works, works, independent of where they were made. If for mechanicals the main control unit (or pilot in the Mmrnmhrm's case) with 2 units on either side works, I shouldn't be surprised to see most mechanicals adopting that, should I.

Then again, what if my original theory is right and the Probes and Mmrnmhrm are related? Who'd be they're 'daddy' and where'd the Melnorme get this Mmrnmhrm cousin from?

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« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2003, 08:01:03 pm »

They can be related, even if you cannot compare them. As you said, we do not know from where the Melnorme got the blueprints. Therefor the probes may be modeled after the Mmrnmhrm.
Another thing: The probes can self-replicate, the Mmrnmhrm not. In this they resemble more the Daktaklakpak, although the Daks arfe half chrystaline (at leasst it appears so to me).
But as said, we do not know....

BTW: Did the Motherark have intellingence? Did she gave birth to the Mmrnmhrm as a willing mother or was she just a programmed intergalactic manufacturing robot?
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Re: Mmrn-Mhrn
« Reply #43 on: September 25, 2003, 10:03:50 pm »

Culture: Regardless, SC3 is technically the next step in the plotline, whether it be $^#* or not.

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Re: Mmrn-Mhrn
« Reply #44 on: September 25, 2003, 10:11:55 pm »

The general consensus around here is that SC3 is basically corporate-sponsored fanfiction in the form of a video game. PR3 and FF did not write or endorse the story, so it isn't even canon for TFB.

Since we are beings of choice, it is quite possible and reasonable to dismiss SC3 as crud.
This is where Timewarp steps in. Timewarp is a project which is attempting to write a replacement for SC3 - they are attempting to 'turn back the clock' as it were.

(edit: a little less strident)
« Last Edit: September 25, 2003, 10:47:09 pm by Death_999 » Logged
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