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Topic: Add-ons (Read 1849 times)
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Re: Add-ons
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2003, 12:21:33 pm » |
Depending on far we go with putting game data in seperate data files, there will be a lot of other possibilities. I can immagine putting star data and ship characteristics in XML files. We'll see.
I'd like to register my undying hostility towards ridiculously gigantic constant tables (e.g. the star data) in the source.
However, I *also* have to concede that one of the strengths of the current approach is that arbitrary code can be placed in as hooks; therefore, to really, seriously do this right, it would need be able to hook into .DLL or .so files, which could end up being five kinds of nightmare for something that isn't actually part of our 1.0 goal.
For the specific case of the star systems, clever design of the XML system should be able to make the systems extendable without needing the full power of hooks, but that's a bridge we don't really have to think about crossing for awhile yet.
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