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Topic: What question about SC do you most want answered? (Read 26159 times)
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Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
I think it's simple, the Androsynth's tests opened a rift to another space, not QuasiSpace, HyperSpace, or TrueSpace, but another one. The Orz were there. I believe that whenever the Orz refer to something "fun", they're referring to something violent... *Dancing* means fighting, and that the *sauce* that they like to enjoy so much is the blood (or perhaps something else.. maybe it's corpses or maybe just pain) of those they defeat with their *dancing parties* (war fleets). When the Androsynth opened the rift and the Orz came through, the Androsynth put up a better fight than any of the species they dealt with in their own world which is why the Orz say that this place is more fun. The reason they allied with the Captain is because they're new in this dimension and don't know where there are others to fight. By joining with the Captain, he would take them to other races to fight with.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Scott - Another very likely theory.
But I have another question: you know when you are supposed to find that monster for Admiral ZEX? He tells you it is in the constellation Linch-Nas-Ploh, in yellow light (ie yellow star) and translates to "the long thin creature who has swallowed the huge beast." What the hell kind of clue is that? This creature is in Delta Lyncis, so besides a vague similarity in the constellation name, and the fact that it's a yellow star (of which there are dozens), how would you ever find it?
Foo von Bar
SC2 isn't a "good vs. evil" story. It's a story about alliances, mysteries, hidden purposes, and how the traumas of a culture's history affect and afflict that culture's motivations.
The Ur-Quan are not villains for the love of evil, like Darth Sidious; they're villains due to the horrors of their own past. The Mycon don't destroy verdant worlds because they enjoy killing life -- but because their purity monitors died, their programming went haywire, and they don't know what else to do. The Druuge are callous and cruel because they can't get out of the giant pyramid scheme their civilization turned into. The only species who are cruel for the sake of cruelty -- the Ilwrath -- are simple-minded suckers.
Likewise, the virtuous and helpful civilizations of SC2 aren't virtuous for the love of good. The Pkunk are just as foolish of religious fanatics as are the Ilwrath. The Zoq-Fot-Pik are friendly for survival's sake, since the time of the Zebranky. The Supox don't know how to do anything <EM>but</EM> be pals. The Yehat view of "honor" leads them to both good and to not-so-good, as in their intolerance of the Pkunk. The Syreen want revenge. The Melnorme want information. The Spathi want safety.
Because SC2 is in just about every other subplot a story about histories and not about good and evil, I don't think it's a good-vs.-evil story with regards to the Orz and the Arilou, either. The Orz aren't villains, and the Arilou aren't saviors. They are rivals, old rivals -- in a conflict that we do not understand, possibly one beyond our comprehension. What human, of narrow 3.5-dimensional perception, can understand what pan-dimensional Orz and Arilou would have to fight about? (What are their needs? Their drives? Their fears?) Their purposes are as far beyond our ken as Cold War geopolitics is to a housecat.
Neither Arilou nor Orz are inimical to humankind. We are closer to the Arilou by dint of history, and we are somewhat more mutually comprehensible with them, and so if we are drawn into their conflict in the future, it will likely be on the Arilou side. The Arilou want to keep it that way -- not merely selfishly, but because the Arilou (like any side in a war) believe they are right and their enemies are wrong, about whatever it is the conflict is about.
Nor do I suspect that the Orz were inimical to the Androsynth. What happened in Vulpeculae was a Big Oops, a mistake of destructive mutual incomprehension. The Orz did not understand the rules of the space from which (they thought) they had just been hailed -- and the Androsynth were terrified by the Orz response, bursting and twisting across their world like so many malevolent, ultra-powerful ghosts. The result was hell and probably death for the Androsynth -- and the Orz would really rather not talk about the whole bloody screw-up.
Perhaps what the Orz feel is analogous to shame, like the shame felt in Germany after the genocides of the Nazi regime. Or perhaps their minds and emotions do not work that way. The Orz deal with time so strangely, it may be they deal with memory in an equally bizarre fashion -- perhaps making them recall the memory of deaths past unavoidably induces them to present violence. They didn't mean to kill the Androsynth, and they don't really mean to attack when they're reminded of them -- they're just repeating the same event in looped, folded, Orz-logic time.
I want to know more about the Melnorme, I think everyone does, but more specifically, who are these races that feed them secrets, and why are they so protective and secretive about their culture. Really strange.
Daniel Ribeiro Maciel
I want to know WHY the damn background turns purple when we bargain with the Melnorme! But they charge 12000 for the information!
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Posts: 150

« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2003, 01:26:44 am » |
...that was very well written, and shed some light on some new and interesting perspectives on the whole issue. Well done.
Daniel Ribeiro Maciel
Whyyyyy... Thank you! So... Can anyone answer my question? Please.... I'm SOMEWHAT curious....
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 150

Actually, I was talking to Foo, but your essay was lovely as well. ^_^
And incidentally, someone told me once that it's impossible, within the game, to get that many credits. You get up to something like 9999, and then it wraps back around to 1. Someone told me they cheated so they could get the right number of credits, and it still wouldn't accept them.
Paul and Fred put it in just to make you wonder. And to give you an idea of what kind of creatures the Melnorme are.
Daniel Ribeiro Maciel
Keeeeeeewwwwwllllll............... Thanx!
Zebranky food

Posts: 30

"It's obvious the Orz killed the Taalo and the Androsynth" I thought the Ur-Quan/Mael-Num etc. under the control of the Dnyarri killed the Taalo... since the Taalo died before the Orz came (Taalo shield dated at 20,000 yrs)... As for the Androsynth, it's not directly said that the Orz did it, but it's implied. Nowhere, if I recall, is it said directly (Even the Melnorme don't know!)
Some idiots just can't read?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
be nice
Also, I think it may have been mentioned in the game, but what happened to the Burvixese on Arcturus?
It is mentioned in sc2.
I also wonder why, after the Kzer-Za surrender, the League didn't locate the other races they had put under slave shields, most notably, the faz.
Maybe the galaxy is not so small. Afterall Kzer-za travelled half of it in 20k years.
It's obvious the Orz killed the Taalo and the Androsynth, and probably several other races, known and unknown, but their purpose as a race really never seems to be revealed.
Orz killed taalo? How on earth did you come up with that?
I'm not sure why so many people get hung up on the Melnorme bridge turning purple, it's obviously just something they've programmed their ships to do when they begin to discuss business affairs.
You seem to like simple answers. Others maybe want to use their imagination more? 
The only interesting question I feel the Melnorme (Mael-Num) pose is about the device they have which counts down to its own destruction, the Metachron, I believe. They use it to predict the end of the galaxy in 2159, which is about the time the Kohr-Ah begin to destroy everyone unless you beat the game, or fixed the ultron. Where did the metachron come from?
One more simple answer: It's there to tell you that you're running out of time.
Also, the Zoq Fot Pik aren't in SC3? THe only conceivable reason why would be the genocide of the Zebranky, breaking League rules, but the Human killed the Ilwrath and the Thraddash indirectly...and the Orz killed countless races, but they are both in it...personally, I think accolade just didn't want to do the puppeteering for 3 things at a time.
SC3 timeline is nonsense. Don't mix it with the TFB timeline. Left out races had something to do with real life legal issues, so no use making up any stories.
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