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Topic: Help taking off from planets (Read 6029 times)
Will someone tell me how to lift off from planets once on them? the only way I get off planets is by having my lander blown up, and when I discover a moon base it tells me to lift off.
Need help!
and one more thing... When I am on a planet getting resources, my ship stops collecting. I'm assuming my cargo is full. What do I do next?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 115

Return to the ship and send it down again. If you look on the right of the screen you'll see your ship's status. On the very left side of it is a red bar that lights up as you collect resources. It's a good indicator of how many resources you've collected.
Thanks for the info! A great help! But how do I get more crew members? I'm flying around with 0 right now :-/
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Head back to Earth's Space Station and use the Shipyard to increase your crew. Maybe add a few crewpods first.
what components do you guys recommend for starters?
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Thrusters and cargo holds are generally good when you're starting out. I try and max-out thrusters ASAP (usually before leaving Sol for the second time; I leave Sol _immediately_ on starting out to get a few probe resources.)
I haven't left SOL yet, I tried to leave earlier when I just started playing, and some probe killed me right as I left.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

My approach at the beginning of the game is as follows. Mine out every planet except for Venus (too dangerous) and Luna before you go to the starbase. Take care to grab radioactives on Mercury because by the time you get to it your cargo bay should be nearly full. Pick up Fwiffo, go to the starbase, then take care of the rounds there. By the time you're able to configure the ship, you should have ~5000 RU. Sell the Cruiser and you'll be up to 6000. Remove all of your modules and this total will be 11000.
Arrange your modules thusly: 2 Fuel tanks 3 Storage bays 2 Crew pods 5 Thrusters 2 Turning Jets
You can swap out extra thrusters for landers, but I don't recommend that until returning from your first trip. Just be really careful with that lander, okay?
Start mining southward (I know there's no such thing as north, south and so on in space, but humor me), picking up only green, yellow, orange, and purple deposits. Also, when you're only a few units away from finishing off a full load, do NOT pick up any more minerals until you've dumped off what you have back on the flagship. I say this because if you try to pick up more than you have space for, the lander will take what it can and the rest will vanish.
I should emphasize that you should AVOID enemy encounters as much as possible. If you must fight, use Fwiffo and if he perishes, RUN as fast as you can.
Continue in this fashion until you make it to Pkunk space, get gift ships from them, then once you're ready to return to the Starbase, sell off those ships and you should have a lot of resources to add full turning jets/thrusters. I recommend you at least add one more crew pod and two more fuel tanks, bring your cargo bay count up to 5 or 6, then spend the rest on landers. Start mining toward the Vulpeculae system (there are a LOT of Treasure Worlds and such in that area), and from there you should have plenty of RUs to do whatever you need to.
Generally this method requres knowing your way around the game (I can usually stop mining altogether after the second run and rely solely on gift ships and enemy scavenging afterwards), but obviously it's not required and you can amass a big fortune mining selectively.
After a certain point you'll be able to convert the Vindicator into a war machine, and from there I suggest that you "mine" Ur-Quan hulls, particularly in the slice of Ur-Quan-only space just beyond Betelgeuse (420:400 approximately). As long as you're careful enough to make it back in one piece, you should be okay. Carry extra shps but only use them to replenish lost crew.
So...that's the basic outline of my early-game method. Hope it helps.
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Leaving Sol before rescuing the Starbase and recruiting the Earthlings guarantees Probe encounters.
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Go to your UQM settings directory.
Under Unix-based systems, that's ~/.uqm Under Windows 2k and later, it's in Documents and Settings/(your name)/Application Data/uqm
Note that Application Data is usually a hidden directory.
I believe it's in \windows\application data\uqm under Win98.
In any case, there's a file called keys.cfg. Edit that file to change the settings.
You want to find the line that says Lander-Escape: key Escape
And either replace it with or add a new line that says Lander-Escape: key RightControl
(Mapping multiple keys to Lander-Escape will make any of them work.)
The VControl documentation page gives the "generic" instructions for configuration, and also lists all the names for special keys.
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