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Author Topic: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button  (Read 7616 times)

Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« on: September 28, 2003, 03:40:59 am »

I just stopped by and thought about the game for a minute. Multiplayer SC2 melee is an eventual goal for this game, I'm sure. But I've noticed there are a few match-ups (not a lot) where two gifted players will go on forever without touching each other. That's why the game will need an odd button or button combination that requests the two ships fighting both withdraw and no longer be usuable in the match which the other player may accept or refuse. I suppose they could just self destruct for the same end, but it would be cooler if they both fled and left a blue mirage of themselves like in single player. If someone trys to do this to the computer, it should always refuse.

What do the forum goons and SC2 team think of this?
« Last Edit: September 28, 2003, 03:43:42 am by Shiver » Logged
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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2003, 04:05:01 am »

i, as a goon, think it is a good idea, but needs some perfecting. that button could be unbearably annoying. maybe u could only allow it after 2 minutes of something.

Captain Smith

Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2003, 05:32:00 am »

Actually this wouldn't be a bad idea...another thought behind it, instead of making a button or something do like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat did, if you run out of time (say 5 minutes - I haven't really timed it, but like I said in the other thread, Supox battles tend to last a while, as an example) the computer declares a draw.

When this happens in melee, it could self-destruct both ships or both ships take off or something - and it would eliminate both ships from the game.  Make this an option though, I can see where a feature like this could easily get abused though too - basically for the same reason there's a shot clock in basketball and a play clock in football - to eliminate hogging for time when the players don't even try to win.  In Melee, you could play time control and eliminate all the ships and win a whole melee based on one favorable contest potentially, unless your opponent got pissed at you first for doing it.
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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2003, 06:03:48 am »

I'm somewhat against the cease fire button idea. It's not that uncommon for two people of the same skill level to go at it for long periods of time. When my friends and I play, and we get into one of those endless fights, eventually one of us gets impatient and just goes and crashes into the planet.
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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2003, 06:17:00 am »

Good idea, but so does cominizem was(excuse me if I wrote it wrong[Stalin and Lenin]). Every time you think about an idea like this, you need to think how people will use it for good, and how people will use it for thier own good, destroying the fun for all just for winning. Now let me think for 2 min
A. Annoying repeating withdraw suggestions. Can cause to a player to lose the fight because the messege/messeges are "hiding" the screen, it causes to lags or stuff like it.
B. Key jamming. New button, more trouble.
C. You are faster, you ran away. That way you can "trade" a skiff for avatar. Two things will happen, the chmmr will suicide or fall asleep, or they will withdraw.
D. If you don't want it to show up on screen, you will probably create a sound for it. Once again, annoying beeps repeating themselfs...

But there are good advantages for it:
A. Ending endlesses fights.
B. More realistic then the other idea.(time)

The time idea has advantage and disadvantages too.

The advantage are, literly are the solutions for all withdraw problems. It doesn't bother you all, "I am faster, I run" system isn't working and it doesn't cause to key jamming.

But the problem is the disadvantages:
A. Not realistic at all.
B. Fights can be ended because of time but they are not the kind of fights that takes forever.
C. Little bit of pressure can ruin the entire game.
D. In-game problem. You fight the sa-matra and guess what, times run out just before you are about to enter with the ship and blow it up to pieces! But the sa-matra withdraws and escape!.
E. another in-game problem. If you fight with Vendicor, what happens if time runs out? You withdraw unwillingly? Do you lose fuel? etc...etc...etc...

Like every great idea, the diffrence between good idea to bad idea is the way it is done.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2003, 06:18:25 am by Deep_Jiffa » Logged

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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2003, 07:30:18 am »

this should defenatly be an option to turn on and off. i like the idea, but what i liked most about starcontrol when i first played it was the patience option. if ur patient, u can beat a chmmr in an ariloo (wait for him to kill himself out of fustration)

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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2003, 04:14:14 pm »


B. Key jamming. New button, more trouble.

More of a reason to buy two usb gamepads Wink

Captain Smith

Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2003, 04:25:19 pm »

I'm not talking about an in-main game issue here.  Something like this idea would be horrid for that.  I think we're talking about the Super-Melee game here.

Besides, the player already gets the draw/escape option in the game itself anyway.

D. In-game problem. You fight the sa-matra and guess what, times run out just before you are about to enter with the ship and blow it up to pieces! But the sa-matra withdraws and escape!.

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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2003, 05:47:07 pm »

Draw, no.
Escape, about what you quoted no.

By the way, use your ahem... *sick* side of your mind and try to come up with "negetive" uses of this button.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2003, 05:48:26 pm by Deep_Jiffa » Logged

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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2003, 11:58:19 pm »

Remember that this only works on a consent basis. If BOTH players agree, they can trade. I suppose one player could be really whiny and demand an upward trade... I know some really really whiny people...
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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2003, 01:53:37 am »

Remember that in 100% you won't have only 1 draw suggestion. So read the issue about the "spamming" again.

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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2003, 08:06:13 pm »

I do not need to reread anything. I am fully cognizant of the spam issue. After all, I pointed out whiny people in my very own post! However, if you have two people in a match, spam is not such a big deal -- especially if the draw-offer is implemented nonobtrusively -- for example, if a player has offered a draw, the border of their ship portait turns green. It doesn't interrupt the flow of the game, and it allows the feature.
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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2003, 10:09:24 pm »

That, and if it's you and your buddy playing next to each other and they keep spam-begging for a draw, it takes very little effort on your part to pick one of your hands off the keyboard (preferably the firing controls) and smack the hell out of them.

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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2003, 11:15:24 pm »

Good that was the point of my post. People finding solutions to problems as such.

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Re: Multiplayer Melee cease-fire button
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2003, 12:06:43 am »


More of a reason to buy two usb gamepads Wink

Here, here!

Someone mentioned timing the rounds and I immedately thought of making sc2 supermelee more like street fighter zero. Like a StarControl Fighter. Timed rounds. Have a cheesy score counting that doesn't mean anything with points awarded for first blood (and maybe an attack bonus for first blood) flawless victory, etc, and a power meter that when it charges up you get to unleash a super attack! Yeah.

That'd be cool. It'd be nothing like SC2 melee, but it'd be cool.

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