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Topic: Sentient Milieu in Melee (Read 3734 times)
Joni Maijala
Sentient Milieu ships, I would like to see in the Melee... if by any chance it might be possible?
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

New ships won't be part of 1.0, but depending on how things go, the ability to have addons that selectively add new ships might be. This would require:
(a) setting things up so that new ships could be plugged in. (b) setting things up so that new ships could be added to melee mode.
Actually having Sentient Milieu ships would require, on top of this... (c) Designing the ships' properties, seeing as how such ships don't exist yet. (d) Creating the graphics and sound effects for the ships. (e) Producing the necessary code for handling player control and the weapons and AI logic.
C and D might be amusing exercises for the reader, but we aren't likely to pay them much attention unless it's done with E, and even then we'll probably wait until we have pluggable ships.
Once we have the plugin architecture working, somebody who wants to *make* the ships pluggable will get an audience and maybe a hint or two (since we haven't studied that code much). Anyone who reverse-engineers the ship code sufficiently that they can fabricate new AIs or control schemes from scratch should create a hacker's guide describing this and submit it to the project, since it's information that would be generally useful.
(EDIT: Oh yeah, no HTML.)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2003, 05:10:51 am by mcmartin »
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
i think ballancing and a need for the ship should come before making it. if you wanted 2 types of earthling ship, so you have a bigger choice at the begining of the ful game, then the creaters would have to be very carefull making an appropriate ship(though if done right, it would be awsome)
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Hmm, does anyone think any of the TW ships would be (game play wise) appropiate for Mileau ships? If so, which one?
(Please refrain from the "I hate TimeWarp" replies. We've heard it before. Like Thumper said, "If ya can't say anythin' nice, don' say nuthin at all.")
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
i liked some of the sc3 ships, shame their copywrited.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
I'd say the Bipole looks more Taalo'ish (a big stoney thing that shoots rocks) than the Zekfahan (Taalo weren't supposed to be piezoelectric were they?).
The Mael-num ship should defintely be the Melnorm Trader.
Hmm... Brown Urquan? Maybe a Kzer-Za fighter.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 478

Androsynth Combat Tactics Specialist
The Mael-Num should have a slightly different ship than the Trader. They probably didn't yet have their pods in everyone's news quite yet, so their ships wouldn't be the big cargo-spaces they are now.
Yea, Katamaran for the Taalo. I was thinking more like the two sides fused together, same primary attack, and the secondary would be something like stopping all projectiles within x distance, but at a heavy energy cost and the ship wouldn't regenerate batts that fast.
Ur-Quan? Hmmm...well, a small ship, as they said, but the Q-Lom is pretty pitiful. How about the Confed Hornet? At least give 'em shields...maybe not that thick, but SOME... ADD: The Tau Turbo, but knock crew to one. Perfect scouting-style ship, with built-in failsafes in case of danger for the Ur-Quan.
Haven't got a clue about the Faz, the Yulli, the Drall, the Gg, or the Burvixese.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2003, 05:28:37 am by NECRO-99 »
I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
Frungy champion
Posts: 60

jie2 do1ng fe1ng
There are many good TW ships that can be assigned to a "Sentient Milieu race". Ostok Displacer - Faz? Estion Gunner - maybe Mael-Num? Zek' Shocker - Taalo? Galathriel Destroyer - Drall?
I really like the Tau Archon - it's a ship you can play with for hours... Could be the Taalo's as well, can't it? very cool ship.
The Burivxes weren't a very warlike race, and quit trusting, so any of the weak ships there would do.
The urquan deserve something different than what there is in TW, I think, because in the day of the sentient milieu they were really working hard on exploration, not fighting, and the hornet and turbo are meant for hit-and-run fights.
The pages of now and for ever hold some descriptions of what the Yuli, the Drall, and all the rest of the sentient milieu must have looked like, so maybe the ship can be interpolated from there...
« Last Edit: October 24, 2003, 04:52:36 pm by Yehat_Sympathizer »
If The UrQuan Master hit version one and going to implement plugins.
(c) Designing the ships' properties, seeing as how such ships don't exist yet. (d) Creating the graphics and sound effects for the ships.
Think i will be able to help out in designing the above 2 requirements.Am no programmer myself but i love to help once i grad from my design school. love to work with any programmer if there is any.
I know alot of people might feel that I should be in the Timewarp board posting this but being a SC fan i feel that Time Warp lack the feel of original SC due to the 3D implemention that make the whole difference from SC genre games.
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