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Topic: Official remix addon 1: Super Melee! (Read 18506 times)
Riku Nuottajärvi
Today, 27th October, we are happy to tell you all that we have finally released the Official remix addon 1: Super Melee!
We hope you enjoy the music!
- Riku & The remixing group
ps. remember to visit our brand new site:
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
The new ditties are superb. I haven't listened to the longer tunes yet, but the ditties are awesome - only ones I don't like better than the original. are Thraddash (which was never very good) and VUX.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2003, 02:43:47 am by JWJ »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
The first remix package which we made available on this site today does indeed contain ditties for all the races. The package is called Super Melee! after all. 
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
The package includes ditties for all the ships. Almost all of the ditties rock. There are also about 15 bonus ditties in the extras file.
Here are my thoughts on the new tracks: Commander - It's very different from the original (I only recognized a couple of samples), but I like it. Can't decide which one I prefer. This one does suit the humans a little better though - it gives more of a feeling a great struggle against hopeless odds.
Solar System - Vastly superior to the original. It's a new tune with a lot of old samples. I never did like the original one, and this one is so much more better. It's quite calm, and during the song it smoothly transitions between despairing, peaceful, and hopeful. It reminds me of some of the Lord of the Rings music - not the main theme, but some of the slower stuff.
Orbit 1 - You've probably heard it already. It's basically the original orbit song, only with more depth.
Battle - It starts out a little rocky - the first 20 or so seconds feel unrefined with no ambient background to accompany the main theme. But after that, it's excellent. It stays true to the original, only much cooler, better quality, and a bit of new stuff in some places. The klaxons sound awesome BTW. Great job!
Outfit - It starts out sounding like a weaker version of the original, then it changes a lot. It has more variety, a bigger beat, and a lot more techno. Not a huge improvement, but it's an improvement nonetheless.
Shipyard - A mixed bag. One the one hand,a lot of the samples sound very good. On the other hand, I think the main tune tune is too "sharp", and those high-pitched squeaky sounds really bother me. It's not bad, but it's my least favorite and the only one which I think is worse than the original.
EDIT: Starbase - Wonderful, once again much better than original. It's a bit despairing through most of the song, and really says "This is our last hope?" Happy now tilt?
Overall, the remixes are AWESOME! I was worried after hearing the Ilwrath and Shofixti mixes, but you guys did a great job with these.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2003, 02:55:50 am by JWJ »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
Ahem, you forgot the Starbase remix.
Posts: 817
i just got done listening to the remixes and i must say, very good job! i like the remix of battle encounter especially. the old one was just too loud when trying to play at night when your kids are asleep. again... GREAT JOB!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2003, 04:37:34 am by DEFIANT »
And my worst fears are confirmed: the remixes sound so good that the rest of the game sounds absolutely terrible!
The original 4-track MOD music used samples with a rate of around 8kHz, which made the 11kHz voice tracks sound positively hi-fi in comparison. The new music is 44.1kHz full stereo, and when put underneath the starbase commander, you hear just how much fidelity was thrown out so that they could fit all of the audio on a CD. And I'm not even what you would call an audiophile.
Maybe I'll resample the OGGs down to 32kbit or somesuch so that they can slum it with the rest of the data. Hey, it'd make for a smaller download, too..
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

It's trickier. Maritza Campos, the cartoonist for the webcomic College Roomies From Hell, tried to develop an animation with voice acting for her comic's 2-year birthday. Calls went out to the fans for voice acting and editing and the like.
I wound up handling most of the submissions -- and as a result of this I think it's fairly safe to say that unless we can recruit people with access to a decent sound studio, we aren't going to be able to equal the current voice acting. (The animation itself eventually fell through due basically due to overwork and an inability to make it look right, and an inability to get anything presentable ready by the actual anniversary day while still doing the many other aspects of the strip.)
Now, if there are a bunch of people out there that *have* access to sound studios or can produce CD-quality voice recordings without noise, then we can talk seriously.
(EDIT: One of these days I'm going to learn that I can't put HTML in posts.)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2003, 01:25:24 pm by mcmartin »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
I'm curious. A lot of these remixes seem to be very techno, and very heavy on the bass. Now, the original in this selection were kind of heavy on the bass too (one of the reasons none ranked up in my favorites tunes from the game). Is this just an effect of the selection, since many of the originals were techno pieces, or will the remix effort as a whole have a techno/dance lean?
Mark Vera
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 219
Me?You mean me,personally? How nice of you to ask!
I'm curious. A lot of these remixes seem to be very techno, and very heavy on the bass. Now, the original in this selection were kind of heavy on the bass too (one of the reasons none ranked up in my favorites tunes from the game). Is this just an effect of the selection, since many of the originals were techno pieces, or will the remix effort as a whole have a techno/dance lean?
There are several other styles in here too. More ambient/new age. Also some synthpop, dance, experimental, electronica. The first pack was/is quite techonish (you must admit yourself too, that the tracks selected were techno in the original as well), but we did have some great ambient/new age tracks in this pack as well.
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