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Topic: Official remix addon 1: Super Melee! (Read 18518 times)
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Getting back to the remixes, I'd like to say that I'm quite impressed with the remixes so far.
- "Under a Red Sky" is instantly recognisable as the good old starbase tune but takes the tune to an entirely new level. The only problem is that few people look at the starbase menu long enough to appreciate the music.
- "To Mine the Heavens" is spot on. Ambient, professional, yet instantly familiar to any SC2 fan.
- "Outfit the Vindicator" and "Rough Repair" are quite good electronica. The 3DO versions placed a greater emphasis on the industrial feel and in my opinion the 3DO versions seemed to fit the game a bit better.
- "The Battle of the Sa-Matra" certainly adds a lot of atmosphere to combat. The quality of the arrangement is also far superior to the original. It makes me want to play SuperMelee for hours on end (again).
- "Corridor Nine" is good in its own right and suits the first contacts with the starbase especially well, but it really doesn't resemble the original very much.
- "Exploration" is some very relaxing ambient. It actually makes piloting a flagship with minimal thrusters around our solar system an enjoyable experience.
- The victory ditties are also good. The Yehat ditty is a bit substandard compared to the rest, but this is outweighed by some impressive interpretations (Thraddash, Umgah, Supox, Mmrnmhrm, Shofixti, Syreen, both Ur-Quan, Mycon).
All in all, I'd like to say that the remix project has so far produced some very good music that without a doubt suits UQM. I can't wait for the next remix pack!
Mark Vera
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 219
Me?You mean me,personally? How nice of you to ask!
- The victory ditties are also good. The Yehat ditty is a bit substandard compared to the rest, but this is outweighed by some impressive interpretations (Thraddash, Umgah, Supox, Mmrnmhrm, Shofixti, Syreen, both Ur-Quan, Mycon).
Not saying that Greg Szymanski's ditty wasn't good, but I'd like to remind that the extras pack contains some alternative ditties. Mostly ditties which were left out, which includes alternative Yehat ditty which you might want to check out. Seems that Riku put all the versions I had made, so some of the bonus ditties are just a bit different versions of the ones in the pack 
Maybe I should contribute my own comments as well.
- Under a Red Sky - I really like this remix, even though it's long and not many people hear it all during the game. The start of the remix fits very well to the game as it should be. This song is really something you can listen separatly too. The smooth transitions go really nicely from different moods. As fOSSiL said, quite enigmatic.
- Corridor Nine - Well, the song name was something I came up with for Riku. Just browsed the dialogs and spotted those words (everybody likes a bit details). This is third version of the remix Riku made, and I think this is the best one of those three. It is good song, but I do like the original more.
- Orbit I - Not much to say about this. I just feel it's not best remix you could do. *being self-critical*
- The Battle of the Sa-Matra - I made this remix in 8 hours, and I must say it turned out really well. Fits the game. Although I planned this to be the final battle music, and the other battle remix I made to be the normal battle.
- Outfit the Vidicator - Was made around the same time as the battle remixes. I just jammed a bit with the same bassline sound which was rather cool. So it turned out to be a bit technoish. Yes, 3DO versions are really good, so hard to get better.
- Rough Repair - I miss the machine sounds from the 3DO version. This remix is too straight techno to my taste.
- Exploration - Yes, I love to make ambient and improvise a lot. Used sound samples from the original space module song, but beside that it is mostly improvisation from me. Floaty and spacy, I have used this for my relaxation as well..
yes I like to listen the music I make.
Ditties.. well most of them are remixes from me, so I won't comment much. Mycon, Syreen, Mmrnmhrm, Chenjesu, my favourites from my own ditties. The Thraddash ditty by Espen & Tore is really great. That Red Alert shortie was probably the most painful one to remix. I did make atleast four different versions of it until I was happy with it and it fit the game.
So, we'd like to read more of your reviews. Big thanks for those who already have contributed
Riku Nuottajärvi
we count the posts you write and decide then if we release more packs or not 
Thanks for your comments!
- Riku
Frungy champion
Posts: 87

Dyslectic Devil
my 2 cents: Corridor 9: At first I couldn't even listen to it, but then it grew on me and became one of my favourites. Riku's work never ceases to amaze me. Under a Red Sky - The best tune and definitely my favourite. I like ambient music a lot, especially those of good quailty, and this one is such. The added "Around The World" flavours to the music is a great idea. I can actually see the red earth spinning just by listening to it, and I listen to it a lot. Rough Repair - A decent techno track which adds a lot of spirit. I like it too. Exploration - So much better than the original. A work done well - as I've come to expect from Mark Vera. Orbit1 - I've heard it before. It is nicer than the original. Battle of Sa Matra - So much better, now I can play long battles without getting a head ache. And I do like this new tune a lot. Outfit The Vindicator - Nice take on that, I don't reckon anyone could have done it better. Overall - excellent job guys.
EDIT: Genetic Modification - Very amusing indeed, could even replace the Umgah original.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2003, 05:45:23 pm by Gill_Bates »
GOD: "Look mommy, I made light!"
Mark Vera
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 219
Me?You mean me,personally? How nice of you to ask!
Oh good, you scared me!
Just to be sure, where do I need to unzip the file?
There's installation instructions earlier in this thread, and in the uqm website and in the readme file in the extras pack! Not to forget the general instructions in manual.txt.
Inside the directory where The Ur-Quan Masters content is installed, in the content/packages/ directory, there is a directory 'addons/'. In this directory, you need to create a directory 'uqmremix' where you need to place all the Remix Add-On pack .zip files. When you specify the command-line option '--addon uqmremix', the .zip files inside the directory content/packages/addons/uqmremix/ will be included in the game and you will hear all the remixed music instead of the original ones.
Do not unzip the pack! Just put the zip file as is (the original one, if you repack yourself, be sure that the ogg files aren't compressed).
« Last Edit: October 29, 2003, 09:43:36 pm by Mark_Vera »
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
Excellent work. I am going to write a full review of each track when I get the time. But for now, they are all great. The new Starbase music is a MASTERPIECE.
I think it should be noted that the tracks sound a bit different in game, especially with OpenAL turned on.
I listened to all the tracks in winamp and was all ready to come on here and critique them, then I listened to them in game with OpenAL and now I dont have a single compaint.
I cant believe noone has mentioed the startrek sample in battle.ogg ! Nice touch !
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
It really shows how much of a great game Starcontrol II really was, for it to have such a dedicated fanbase.
I dont know any other fan community that has produced such great work as the SC2 community has.
And Kudos to Fred and Paul for giving us enough background material in the original so that we can feel like we can fill in the blanks properly to create new media for UQM Not many games are as rich in atmosphere, character, and background as SC2 is.
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