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Topic: Translation (Read 8931 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
It will be very nice if the game has translations on another languages, not only English. I don't know if this will be possible in future.
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
There are people that don't know English and can't feel the magic of the game. The text could be translated by volunteers if there are tools for import / export (i don't expect all this to happen , it's only idea). There could be problem with the fonts if the project comes to this point.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: The best thing to do at this point would be to crack out your English dictionaries and get to work on it. If the "target" language uses a Roman alphabet, you can make a "subtitle pack", which can be dropped in to the current game and give native-language subtitles over the English speech. As Hollywood movies did quite well with this method for many years, I think it's quite a practical approach, and the native-language speech can always be recorded later, at which time, the script will already be written.
The only downside to it is that there is ALOT of speech to translate. But if you need to learn/use English for studies/work/etc., it might make for good practice.
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
So how to build such subtitle pack , is it possible at this stage?
Absolutely. The preferred means of doing it would be to make an add-on pack that replaces the subtitle files. Look here for detailed instructions on putting an add-on together, or for a simple example, look at how my Yellow F.R.I.E.D. add-on is put together.
Basically, all you would do is make a ZIP file that has replacement texts with the same folder/file names as the ones currently included with the game. The hard part is making the replacement texts 
(I'd love to help more, but I'm American, and hence mono-lingual)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2003, 06:06:09 pm by Nic. »
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
And the (subtitle) translation needs new markers for text/speech synchronization. Otherwise it might still be hard to follow the game...
I would help translatings parts of the text (like the texts of certain races (especially Supox, Utwig)) into german and/or dutch.
Greetings, Martin
Zebranky food

Posts: 23

Not to put a dampener on this, but I hope you folks realize how HUGE ap roject this is. There is a lot fo text to be translated if you're going to do this. I know G_M started on a German translation a while back, but as he no longer frequents the boards, that's probably impossible to come by. And even he only got as far as translating the first conversation with the commander AFAIK.
What I'm trying to say is : I hope someone with enough energy and enthusiasm takes this up, but be warned. It's not just a few lines of text. Be prepared for hard work. And in no way expect the Dev team to put time on this, it's way outtside their sphere of work... I admit what Lukipela said, but Paul sent me Japanese speech when the UQM project started. Japanese speech has some problems but I don't need to localize them from the very first. I finished translating all messages of the surface of the planets. As for aliens, I finished ARILOU.txt, BLACKUR.txt, CHMMR.txt, COMANDR.txt and DRUUGE.txt, but I realized one thing in the middle of localizing ILWRATH.txt -- Unless I decide Japanese font and letter, I have to do all over again because of the characteristic of Japanese language. To write Japanese, we use Kanji and two different syllabaries, Hiragana and Katakana. Both of them have 46 letters with some additional features, and Kanji letter is beyond count. Also most of Kanji characters will not be illegible on VGA resolution. So I have to choose which syllabaries I should use in the UQM before my localization work. So I was just stuck.
Btw, I think Fred is looking forward to a German version of the UQM, because I believe he does understand the language considerably. I hope you guys continue doing it.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2003, 04:12:54 am by Yukki »
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

To really do most European languages properly the fontset will need to be extended to Latin-n (where "n" is most likely 1). Each comm directory has a "race.fon" directory with lots of PNGs with numbers in them. Any one-byte encoding method should work without modification (so if you write "Unser Ur-Quan sind grün" with Latin-1 encoding, you'd need an umlaut-u letter as... er... (types 'man iso-8859-1'...) 252.png in the appropriate subdirectory. (tiny.fon, in this case, as it's Zelnick's line.)
--Michael «Attención al intruso--¡atienda a este mensaje grabado!» (American like Nic, but grew up in the Southwest, and thus learned enough Spanish to make an idiot of himself...)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2003, 09:15:20 am by mcmartin »
Zebranky food

Posts: 9

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I must start to assemble a translation team . For Bulgarian language i have to make cyrillic version of the fonts, maybe someone who is russian will be interested. By the way, 'zelnick' on bulgarian sounds funny for a name of captain of starship .
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