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Topic: Multiplayer on Net (Read 16035 times)
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
"A whole new game" is what people have suggested, but for some reason, the non-programmers want networking put into the _old_ game. It's kind of like saying "Lets translate these modern physics books into Latin; you know all of Latin, it should be easy. What? There's no Latin words for half this stuff?" Granted, there are C libraries for networking, but I'm not comparing Latin to C, but instead Latin to the group of custom functions written which in totality make up SC2/UQM.
When SC2 was created, people were just learning about this thing called the (arpa/inter)net, and the most sophisticated programs that ran on it were gopher, telnet, ftp, email, and MUD servers. With the exception of the MUDs, there were no networked computer games (although there were some BBS games like trade wars), that's what made them so cool.
The way SC2 was written didn't take the internet into account, so if someone did manage to get it working with the original code, either SC2 or its networking would suffer some quality. A new game based on SC which takes the internet into account is what is needed (and what several have attempted/are attempting).
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
As far as a new game goes: That's what SCOnline, SC: Timewarp, and all the other clones are, new games that had networking planned out ahead of time instead of adding it as a partly functional afterthought.
As far as the ease of modifying the current code: I've seen cars accelerate a lot faster than my mini-van. Mini-vans and cars are both gasoline powered, four wheeled vehicles right? That's why I don't believe mechanics that tell me that moding my mini-van to accelerate like their cars would be very difficult and wouldn't end up working the way I expected. I still can't find a mechanic that will do the work for me. I think they're just lazy. 
Can I do Lan multiplayer? If you mean whether I can program Lan Multiplayer stuff; I could, given sufficient time, but probably not anything that you'd want to play, and definitely not anything with UQM code. I've done some TCP & UDP network programming before, but it was all for a course that I was taking, and it was mostly data streaming applications; it didn't need to take into account syncing of multiple clients, prediction, or anything that games would need.
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Why implement MultiplayerMelee in UQM? For Multiplayer you do not need an AI, therefor Timewarp should do the trick for those wanting NetMelee. Granted, the feel is still not as balanced as in the original SC-series (including UQM), but it is fine and as Multiplayer Netgame as it gets. And having more people playing Timewarp might give the core-team a push continueing coding and refining the settings.
I still like it, and regarding its free fan-stuff (d/l for free, coders get no pay, no commercials, pop-ups or stuff like that, ...) i must say it's great!
Just my personal opinion. Smoke it if you want.
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
I like (nearly) all ships in Timewarp. Some are not really good, but have suprising results (as the Chorali, pick someone, face planet and boost).
TW isn't balanced regarding physical effects from the planet (at least it feels quie different than SC1/SC2/UQM), that's what most people feel disturbing.
Nonetheless i like it and i do believe there should be such a game like Timewarp. If it hadn't been there already, someone would have started it shortly after UQM got started (i believe).
Greetings, Martin
BTW: i tested all they have in 0.5u5 (version is called like this or similar), and have removed those from the allships-team that lead to a crash with this PC (e.g. Arkanoid Pincer, Batha Deviant, Confed Cargotran). Some of the ones which weren't already in the list (like the Dajielka Emissary) are really beloved, although the AI does not know what to do with'em. Ships like the Terran are really useless (it detonates too far away in the preset, thus making no damage.
Please continue to add any submitted ship. - Thanks!
« Last Edit: November 03, 2003, 09:34:42 pm by Krulle »
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