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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2003, 01:21:39 pm »

Picking up Culture20's idea:

What if in app. 50 years, another Chmmr race will emerge. The sundevice was brought so close to the planet that it can have lit only 1/3 of the planet, increasing the speed on another 1/3, changing nothing on the last 1/3.

Without the shield, it would pass faster for the rest, but still, they have not yet merged completely. That might be finished within the next 50 years, delivering us maybe Mmrjesu.

Maybe someone could implement this into another SC3-version.
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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2003, 07:42:12 pm »

Energy transmission networks could spread the solar power around -- it would be a major stress on their grid but it seems to have been accomplished.

I don't think that there would a remaining Chenjesu population left behind. It just seems wrong. Now, if the Chmmr are capable of splitting back but generally prefer not to, that would also make sense. Or if they all transformed... though that seems peculiar. Wouldn't there be ANY left over who disagreed? Or were some transformed against their will? That seems rather out of character for both races.
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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2003, 07:59:34 pm »

I understand that time wasn't available, as per my answer to necro, but I'm trying to imagine what the chmmr would have become had the process not been interrupted, and this is disregarding the timelimit. If the Kohr-Ah hadn't been, what would the Chmmr have looked like when they emerged?

If the Kohr-Ah hadn´t been perhaps the whole process of enslaving the galaxy by the Kzer-Za would have been much smoother and faster and the Chenjesu would have not been able to even create the Alliance of Free Stars, so that they would have been imprisoned alone.
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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2003, 08:47:34 pm »


I would like to point out that the Doctrinal Conflict began AFTER the war of the Hierarchy with the Alliance of Free Stars, so I don't see how Kohr-Ah presence or absence would speed things up.
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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2003, 09:03:29 pm »

You meant to say "resumed" instead of "began".
They were having the same conflict when they were freed from slavery.

I think the Chmmr would have turned into a supercomputer mastermind with enormous extension all over the galaxy.
Silicon and servo mechanisms are a good base for this.
Furthermore, if they have been allowed to complete the process I think the Ur-Quan menace would have been paled compared to their deeds afterwards.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2003, 09:06:17 pm by Gill_Bates » Logged

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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2003, 10:17:40 pm »

After both Mmrnmhrm and Chenjesu were slave-shielded within the same planet, and gone through the entire Process...

(note that I removed caps because they annoy me.)
When the process is complete, we will crack the Ur-Quan slave shield and emerge from our chrysalis like a winged insect unleashed from its cocoon. Then we will be ready and able to deal with the Ur-Quan, their Battle Thralls, and their dreaded Sa-Matra.

Given 35 (not 70) years, the Chmmr would've simply turned the Ur-Quan Hierarchy and the Sa-Matra into ashes. This is, I assume, a given.

I don't think that there would a remaining Chenjesu population left behind.

True. Their entire planet IS them. If you peek at Procyon, it's a Sapphire World. Breeding then, would lead me to believe, that the Chenjesu would instill (somehow) sentience within crystalline formations. Crystals grow naturally (just the way minerals work), and they'd be concious, cognizant crystals to boot. Or would they bud, like plants/sponges do? However they breed, I would wager it's asexual...but that would make all Chenjesu clones. Hmmm... There'd have to be a sexual way of reproduction, but then again, it does note in the SC2 manual that the Chenjesu as a race had "stagnated", although how wasn't mentioned.

Now, if the Chmmr are capable of splitting back but generally prefer not to, that would also make sense.

Mmmm...doubt it. They got Bifrucated, and that knocked both subraces into a coma, so I really doubt they could separate back into Mmrnmhrm and Chenjesu. However, I like the "swap" idea, but I believe it would be quite painful for robotics to pass through and into/around crystalline structure. You could switch parts, but it'd be a last/near-last resort.

I think the Chmmr would have turned into a supercomputer mastermind with enormous extension all over the galaxy.

How? Why? If they could do as Culture20 said, make Procyon into a moving planet, they would just bring themselves where ever they please. No need to wire up the entire galaxy. Since the Chenjesu ARE Procyon, and Procyon IS Chenjesu, this seems more logical.

Question: If the Chenjesu/Chmmr are supposedly motile, how do they get around? Would it be through their own electrical discharges they can create, or...?

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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2003, 12:20:34 am »

Mmmm...doubt it. They got Bifrucated, and that knocked both subraces into a coma, so I really doubt they could separate back into Mmrnmhrm and Chenjesu.

A) SC3 is so far from canon it's not funny.
B) even IN SC3, the device didn't do its job right. It was probably based on a poor understanding of the Chmmr (though a clear understanding of the Mmrnmhrm).
C) having bifurcation imposed on you is quite one thing, and being able to do it voluntarily as a somewhat arduous but carefully controlled and reliable procedure on an individual is quite another.

However, I like the "swap" idea, but I believe it would be quite painful for robotics to pass through and into/around crystalline structure. You could switch parts, but it'd be a last/near-last resort.

Not if they were designed with this in mind.
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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2003, 12:25:44 am »

Assuming the Process was allowed to go to it's natural end, correct? If it was just the Chmmr we know now, they'd swap rings or something.  Tongue


Even if it was allowed to go to it's end, how would they accomplish such a thing? Drill holes in the crystalline form to allow "plugs" of M:Bot technology, or an intricate, spiderwebbing catacomb system throughout the Chenjesu to allow M:Bot part transfer?

That sounds like simple symbiosis to me, not an honest-to-God fusing of two races.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2003, 12:28:29 am by NECRO-99 » Logged

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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2003, 01:43:40 am »

1) From the appearance in SC3, the Chmmr look pretty well separated-out to me.

2) Well, if you take symbiosis to a close enough level, it begins to blur. Current cellular evolution theory suggests that mitochondria are actually symbiotic inhabitants of our bodies. REALLY CLOSE symbiotic inhabitants. If the Chmmr had swapping, they could be close enough when joined that the mind would be the same. This would effectively make them one being for the time at least, even if they were capable of separating.

3) One of the strengths of the crystal structure is its capability of executing holography -- i.e. the storage and manipulation of data in three dimensions across a two dimensional interface. It seems like a bad idea to break up the solid expanses of crystal with mechanical parts, when you don't have to.
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Re: Injection 2 : Chmmr
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2003, 03:31:42 am »

So where then would all the M:Bot parts go? Would they simply be exterior additions to the Chenjesu, and a few inserted pieces here and there?

Hmmm...If you think about it in that sort of way, the Chmmr would be very adept at defending themselves. The Chenjesu naturally manipulate electricity, as shown in the Broodhome Captain's use of the control panel.
What do you get when you wrap wiring (M:Bot wiring, specifically) tightly around something that can create electricity? Just put M:Bot parts on the top of the Chmmr, and wiring all around the outside, and you'd have something that would make Nikolai Tesla scream "Hallelujah!" from his grave.

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