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Topic: Injection 3 : The Dead Worlds (Read 6846 times)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Familiar with capitalism? When the costs of moving a planet across the galaxy would exceed the profit of getting the planet, you do not move the planet.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 478

Androsynth Combat Tactics Specialist
D, they're greedy, but not fools. They'd find the planets with the richest resources only, take a slight hit in the payroll (more fuel for the atomic fires), but bring back only Ruby/Sapphire worlds, Treasure worlds, etc. If both races were indeed extinct, I'd wager the stuff on the surface of their homeworlds would fetch a fair penny.
True Koowluh, but how are you going to keep them clean? I know! Start a new SOI in the middle of the area. That way, you've got the Ilwrath and Thraddash remnants, AND the Arilou as well. Damn...if the Druuge ever figured out DF...God save us all.
I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
Zebranky food

Posts: 13

Mmm... bacon!
What I'm wondering is how the heck would the Druuge get from the lower right hand corner of the map to, roughly, the top left hand corner of the map without pissing off the green and black circles in the way?
I'm sorry, but I just don't see the Druuge going in there to take anything over.
The Umgah, on the other hand, might consider it, seeing as it would be their backyard... heck, with the Spathi hiding out, the Umgah have that entire corner of space all to themselves, except for some Slylandro they'd probably never notice.
The ZoqFot might relocate in that general direction, seeing as their existing sphere of influence is in Ur-Quan territory and they are probably tired of their colonies constantly getting destroyed.
Alternatively, the Chmmr might just take over EVERYTHING in that region of space.
One thing I do know is that the western half of known space (SC2 space, anyways) is seriously depopulated now, which should lead to some interesting results as the Chmmr, Humans, Syreen, ZoqFot, and Umgah all rush to fill in the blanks, assuming the Syreen bother (almost no people to maintain an empire), the ZoqFot notice (they're a little gun-shy right now), the Umgah care, and the Humans can get anywhere in a decent time (damn, that Earth Cruiser is slow...).
Either way, I still don't think the Ilwrath and Thraddash are extinct... blasted back into the Stone Age, maybe, but not extinct. People live outside of cities once in a while too, you know. No matter what happened to them, though, it'd be a LONG time before they rebuilt their respective societies. In other words, though they may not be extinct, they might as well be for all the good (or harm) they'd do for the next 100 years or so.
(Edited to make another point)
« Last Edit: November 14, 2003, 07:55:29 am by Oatworm »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 478

Androsynth Combat Tactics Specialist
Ok, now that that waste of an hour is done, I can show you a possible method of getting a fleet into the dead-world space in order for the Druuge to set up a new SOI.
Let's assume that an expeditionary/entrepeneuering fleet such as this will have 6 ships, three Maulers and three Cargoships. 1 Cargoship would carry the supplies needed to build a new base on an acceptable planet, 1 would carry the Fuel Converter, and the third would be the RU hauler. Enough to start a new Sphere, but not enough to be a major loss to the Crimson Corporation. Each ship has a Fuel Tank capacity of 60 units, for the sake of easy math. Fuel units, being Druugese, would also probably cost less RU to make per point, around 10 RU I will assume. However, to accomplish this, they would have to have some sort of fuel synthesis device along to convert RU into Fuel. I wager this would be plausible for one of the Cargoships to be, as it would then become a permanent outpost once the new SOI was established.
-Beta Persei: The Crimson Corporation would give the Expeditionaries 2500 RU and a swift kick out of the solar system. They'd consume 30 fuel apiece and come to...
-Arcturus: Total RU - 1268 + ~1000 from Burvixese Ruins. Total RU: 3768 / 10 RU per Fuel = 376 Fuel. Each ship needs 30 fuel. 30*6 = 180 needed, so the Druuge would synthesize 1800 RUs into fuel. Remaining RU: 1968 From Arcturus, the Druuge would consume 16 units of Fuel and come to
-Alpha Andromedae: Mined RU - 3404 + 1968 = 5372 RU. Quite a bit of Fuel. Each ship needs 16 Fuel units, so 16*6 = 96, so 960 RU is converted into Fuel. The Druuge also discover a Rainbow World. Remaining RU: 4412 A quick step of 1 Fuel to...
-Beta Andromedae: Mined RU - 180 + 4412 = 4592 RU. Each ship needs 1 unit of fuel, 1*6 = 6, so 60 RU is consumed. Remaining RU: 4532. A slight profit, but profit nonetheless. After the Andromedae system, the Expeditionaries would expend 10 Fuel and enter...
-Alpha Lacertae: Mined RU - 2019 + 4532 = 6551 RU. Each ship needs 10 Fuel, so 1600 RU becomes fuel. Remaining RU: 4951. Another profit. Being careful not to accidentally enter the Utwig SOI, the Druuge take a 2 Fuel hop to...
-Beta Lacertae: Mined RU - 1217 + 4951 = 6168. Each ship needs 2 Fuel, 6*2 = 12 * 10 = 120 RU becomes Fuel. The Druuge also find some lifeforms and take them aboard. Perhaps they can be bred as beasts of burden for the new miners. Remaining RU: 6048. Carefully trodding between Kohr-Ah and Utwig borders, the Druuge burn 8 Fuel to come to...
-Beta Leporis: Mined RU - 1691 + 6048 = 7739 RU, and the Druuge find another Rainbow World. The few biologicals found within the system here must be especially tough, so they are taken as potential beasts of burden as well. Each ship needs 8 Fuel. 8*6 = 48 * 10 = 480 RU to be converted. Remaining RU: 7259 Now aimed another corridor, the Druuge head for the nearest system. They burn 5 Fuel and come to...
-Gamma Leporis: Mined RU - 3023 + 7259 = 10,000 RU. The Cargoship can't hold any more. Each ship needs 5 Fuel, 300 RU would be burned, and then recollected to max out the RU amounts. Remaining RU: 10,000 Now aiming at free space, the Druuge would get away from the Kohr-Ah SOI. Burning 24 Fuel, the Druuge would head to...
-Menkar: Mined RU - 1174. They need 24 Fuel apiece. 24*6 = 144, so 1440 RU is burned for Fuel. Remaining RU: 9734. Not bad for starting with 2500.
Potential starts here. With the Thraddash gone, the Druuge could concieveably enter their ex-Sphere and set themselves up there. They'd have 10,000 RU to start the new branch of the Corporation with. After a few months and getting defenses set, a few of the crew would venture back to Beta Persei, or the Expeditionaries would keep in contact with Beta Persei and tell them of their success, which would send hundreds of thousands of Druuge to the new Sphere, hoping to make a name for themselves.
Were they to continue to Ilwrath space, it'd go something like this.
After Menkar, the Druuge would undoubtedly want to play it safe, and avoid as many Spheres as possible. They'd probably burn 19 Fuel and head for...
-Beta Klysron: Mined RU - 1193 + 9734 = 10927. The ships would need 19 Fuel apiece, 19*6 114, so 1140 of that becomes Fuel. RU Remaining: 9787. Slight profit is good profit. From here, the Druuge would take a 23 Fuel hike and enter...
-Beta Mersenne: I'm short on time, and will finish the Ilwrath trip later. I know I haven't counted crew loss, time, cost-for-mining, and a few other things, but I imagine to the Druuge it would be an insignificant loss.
I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
Zebranky food

Posts: 13

Mmm... bacon!
This trip also assumes that nobody notices this sphere of influence change (keep in mind the map automatically told you of any SOI changes, and it didn't strike me as the product of superior Precursor technology) and does something to stop it... or that there aren't other races getting involved. Either way, in the amount of time it would take the Druuge to get over there (at Druuge speed, what, three, four months?) other races would very likely have some kind of operations going and the Druuge would be forced to compete with fewer finished resources (ships, equipment) and no realistic way of getting needed resources in a timely manner. Besides, why would the Druuge do this when they have a bunch of empty planets in their corner of the galaxy, anyways?
Frungy champion
Posts: 67

So, which one of you is the Fot?
This trip also assumes that nobody notices this sphere of influence change (keep in mind the map automatically told you of any SOI changes, and it didn't strike me as the product of superior Precursor technology) and does something to stop it... or that there aren't other races getting involved. Either way, in the amount of time it would take the Druuge to get over there (at Druuge speed, what, three, four months?) other races would very likely have some kind of operations going and the Druuge would be forced to compete with fewer finished resources (ships, equipment) and no realistic way of getting needed resources in a timely manner.
Uh, but the suggestion was that only a few ships would be sent, making it a more 'covert' mining operation.
So, Hunam, how would you like to threaten me today?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
A few points:
The druuge probably spend the same resources on fuel as everyone else -- it's just that their manpower costs are a little steep.
However, remember that the fuel efficiency for the precursor ship is probably much much lower than for the other ships, simply due to its tremendous mass. So they don't need to use as much fuel as you are suggesting they would.
Also, they haven't been strip-mining their territory. Note the large amounts of minerals you can pull off of planets in their home system.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 478

Androsynth Combat Tactics Specialist
D999: I thought you were saying that they would bring back the Thraddash and Ilwrath homeworlds...
Missed this one earlier, sorry. I meant they'd be bringing back planets with a large cache of RU potential, and taking stuff from the surfaces of the homeworlds.
However, remember that the fuel efficiency for the precursor ship is probably much much lower than for the other ships, simply due to its tremendous mass. So they don't need to use as much fuel as you are suggesting they would.
Ok, so reduce the Fuel use I put down by about half, this would give the Druuge Maulers and Cargoships even better chances to get to where they're going with more resourses.
The druuge probably spend the same resources on fuel as everyone else -- it's just that their manpower costs are a little steep.
Be this the case, I'd have them add 2 more ships that carry nothing but slaves for use in Atomic Furnaces or for Mining operations, about 250 apiece or so. (Theres the high-end manpower costs.)
Also, they haven't been strip-mining their territory. Note the large amounts of minerals you can pull off of planets in their home system.
True, and that's a mistake on my part about mentioning they do such things. For the trip, they'd be surface-mining, no doubt, as to do otherwise would take too long.
I love being a clone. Everything I do bad gets blamed on the real me!
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