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Topic: Ideas for "Ur-quan masters 2" engine (Read 21172 times)
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
What would you want "Ur-quan masters 2" engine to be like? Would you want it to be a carbon copy of sc2? Would you want to be a boarding marine in a first person shooter? Would you want to be a fighter for the Ur-Quan in a 3d space fighter game? Would you want to control a huge number earthling cruisers in a 3d RTS like homeworld? Would you want to fight against other players in a massively multiplayer melee engine where you can upgrade your ship? Would you want to wage war in a game similar to master of Orion? Or do you want something else?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 11:44:06 am by BioSlayer »
Mark Vera
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 219
Me?You mean me,personally? How nice of you to ask!
One thing for sure.. It shouldn't be ruined with 3D stuff. Maybe some for the melee, but still, keep it "2D". One thing I like in SC are the graphics. It is very rare to see games with hand drawn graphics.. everything is 3D this and 3D that..
Frungy champion
Posts: 90

Submit or die.
Hmm it would be kindof cool fighting your way onto an Ur-Quan dreadnaught as a Earth Spacemarine as an FPS.
I imagine a Quan jumping out at you would be fairly scary 
Frungy champion
Posts: 67

So, which one of you is the Fot?
What would you want "Ur-quan masters 2" engine to be like? UQM 2? I didn't think we were done #1... Would you want it to be a carbon copy of sc2? Well, SC2 seems to be fairly well represented in UQM. I don't think we need another one exactly the same... Would you want to be a boarding marine in a first person shooter? A neat idea, but, when were there ever marines (except, of course, for the Orz) in SC2? Would you want to be a fighter for the Ur-Quan in a 3d space fighter game? Like a Freespace 2-type engine? That might be fun. Would you want to control a huge number earthling cruisers in a 3d RTS like homeworld? Yechh... Sorry, I have this thing against RTSs Would you want to fight against other players in a massively multiplayer melee engine where you can upgrade your ship? See above, replacing RTSs with MMORPGs. Would you want to wage war in a game similar to master of Orion? Erm, like Star Control 1? Never having played MoO (though I'd like to). I think that's what you mean. Or do you want something else? Meh. I don't really care. It would be nice to have a proper remake of SC3, but I don't think it's going to happen.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 12:59:04 pm by bigfoot256 »
So, Hunam, how would you like to threaten me today?
What about a reverse of the current game? For example, being able to play the Ur-quan in a last-ditch effort to win the battle against the Kor-ah...all the while dealing with rebellion amoung the slave races. The Ur-quan empire is being slowly pulled apart in SC2, why not play them in their struggle?
This way most of the code and graphics are in place, the dialog and plot would have to be changed, but this would be a great comletion to the current story.
Posts: 817
Would you want to control a huge number earthling cruisers in a 3d RTS like homeworld?
i think commanding a fleet of ships gives a more realistic feel of melee combat. it would open up doors for statagy, with luck and skill thrown in for good measure. the one on one combat of lore doesnt portray a real combat situation. i mean what captain is going to wait for his buddy to get blown up before he jumps in to kick space but. im just not sure wich i like better, a real time combat, (like c&c), or a chess like game, where you move and group ships like, (reach for the stars).
Would you want to wage war in a game similar to master of Orion?
i agree, t think that we stick with the 2d map, (and yes i do much like the 3d map of sc1, but im going for a more, star trek - birth of the federation, feel. and yes i know that game kinda sucked, im just talking about keeping it simple. plus it would be easier to code, would it not?
and for my own piont of view:
ive got this idea about about using scientific exploration for experiance points, for what ever race you are controlling. kind of like a 4x game, but more than that. ill give you an example: you take a ship, (now i dont want to get to comlicated, but different ships will yeild different sci points), to a star system. there you can scan planets, moons, asteriods, star or stars(binary), and any strange things located within said system. like in the real world, you would gain knowledge (sci points), that would gain you experiance to expnad your race, and allies you have, should you choose to do so. you can also explore in deep space by getting random encounters (fallout or any rpg) or by being directed to specific point in space. and like i said before, using a ship designed for exploreation, will get you more than a battleship designed for war. i think this would balance out what you build as far as limiting "tank rush" or "out build the ai". should you come across a something good with your cruiser, you could redirect a reserch vessel to check it out or gain what you can and move on. because "knowlage is power", and it would also be kind of a learnig game. like for instance, you find a black hole and want to study it, when you learn stuff about it, boxes will come up syaing what you learned, both real knowlage about black holes and imaginary. this would work for all things in this universe: planets and all ther types, stars and all there types, well you get the idea.
now for thoes 3-d people out there, i think the star systems themselves, could be rendered in 3-d. id love to see earth, with its blue and white and brown in 3-d. with my ship(s) in orbit. you would still move on a 2-d plane(like starfleet command) but everthing would be 3-d.
well thats my thoughts on it.
Posts: 656

Don't mess with the US.
The engine i would love to see is a Master of orion interface where the space battle interface would be the homeworld engine.
the problem with this is that it would reduce the rpg element to zero.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2003, 10:19:19 am by BioSlayer »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'd like to keep the top-down perspective, but with 3d-rendered models.
I'd like to see some new stuff, but it should still feel like Star Control. The tricky thing about sequels to good games is that if you don't add enough new stuff everyone says it's rehash, but adding too much new stuff makes it just not be like its predecessors.
Of course, this is purely theoretical, because I seriously doubt there will be a UQM 2.
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
I'd like to keep the top-down perspective, but with 3d-rendered models.
I'd like to see some new stuff, but it should still feel like Star Control. The tricky thing about sequels to good games is that if you don't add enough new stuff everyone says it's rehash, but adding too much new stuff makes it just not be like its predecessors.
Of course, this is purely theoretical, because I seriously doubt there will be a UQM 2.
I agree that UQM2 is a fanciful idea at best, but it's a fun one.
On the 3-d issue I bounce between. The majority of people here seem to be of the "NO" opinion, but lately I've been thinking that as long as the games played on a flat playing plane, a bit of 3-d may enhanse the gameplay. Considering that TFB's latest stuff has all been 3-d, sorry guys but that's probably what you'll get. However, I'd be very pleased to see fully animated 2-d character's.
The agree that the main thing is that it's doesn't disgard the original. Think of Super Mario Bros. Numer 3 was a good sequel because it, basicly, had everything that the original had, plus a little bit more. You could, with a little effort, basdicly play every level of SMB1 using the SMB3 "engine" if you cared to make the levels. SMB2 was a bad sequel because you couldn't do this. It just wouldn't work. UQM2 should have this same mentality. If you want 3-d graphics, fine, but it'd better feel like UQM or no dice.
What about 4 button controls? Not all ships need to use 4 buttons, but some might. The orz would defonately benifit. So would the Suppox. Maybe a few ships could add an ability.
And my personal fantisy is make the whole game SC1 type stragety strategy maps with a complex storyline interweaving various missions. FFTA did a good job of making you in control of which missions you get while progressing a storyline at the same time.
I've always dreamed of starting out immediately after SC2 ends, using Earthling cruisers to secure space from the Ilwrath, Vux, etc..., expanding human territory to its rightful size as foreshadowed in the victory cutscene. Then some new threat or whatever comes up and you have to build newer and better cruisers, build a precursor ship like in SC2, and get plans for the kickass MK II. All of this can be done with fleets like you travel around in in SC2 with an improved SC2 engine. You trade tech with other species to get their weapons for your ships. Like an Earthling Cruiser hull with a VUX laser or whatever. Imagine Earthling Destroyers or Battlecruisers! You can do stuff to the engine like multi-ship engagements, but keep the whole top-down ships flying around with the arrow-key fun that the whole series has been built around. Oh, also the humans should find a few Androsynth who got cut off during the whole Orz thing and are drifting around. And then you can destroy them or make friends with them and take on the Orz once you have the proper defenses! A cross between the best elements of SC1 and SC2 [quick and no-nonsense colonization, combat, fortification, mining, fleets, starbases, combat, alliances, dialog, taking your ship/fleet and going wherever you damn well please, combat, and combat.] So many storylines to follow, so many kickass possibilities! Screw all that 3D (except top-down view prerendering) - I want Star Control! If I wanted something else, I'd buy something else.
Oh yeah, if you really, really do want to walk around and stuff, visiting alien planets would admittedly be really cool. But ground combat isn't highly developed in SC2 aside from some tantalizing hints in manuals and dialog. Howabout some orbital bombardment though?
Also, that whole bonus game feature on Timewarp or whatever, the one where you start out with a medium sized ship and fight other ships for resources and collect stuff and get new ships and upgrades from the starbase - that's AWESOME! It should be a bonus feature on any new game. It's like a cross between asteroids, freelancer, privateer and all those great old NES games where you built up a plane/spaceship/car.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Mix-and-match ships seems to be a pretty bad idea to me. I do agree about the basic idea, starting ASAP and working within the climate.
OK, no mix-and-match. But I'd like to see some new Earth ships, maybe some upgrades and different construction options. For production reasons I can see why all races have usually 1 class of ship only [maybe only 1 type is long-ranged], but at least for Earth we should have more selection.
Certainly, in other threads people have brought up all the things going on at the end of SC2 and I've always wanted to see the Chmrr sphere of influence, the conflicts between the old Alliance starmap and the new SC2 races, etc...
As for the Androsynth, I know they are gone. But what if some Androsynth in realspace were on a mission and had unusual esper ratings that allowed them to survive or maybe they got caught in statis in hyperspace or something. Meeting them again and trying to reconcile differences would be a great plot option. All you need is 1 Blazer to start remanufacturing the entire race. Alternately, given the whole "they are gone because the Orz are so scary" thing, why not find them in another dimension, a small number still suffering torments and stuff. Yeah, I think they'd be a little more receptive to humanity after that. Also, I wonder what the results of the Syreen/Human crew co-operation will bring now that both sides have more experience. Human cruisers with limited Syreen abilities? The two races are very compatible and would make a good alliance to contain the Vux and the Mycon. Maybe it's time to patch things up with them too. There are probably bigger fish to fry.
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