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Topic: Text/speech inconsistencies (Read 4346 times)
Zebranky food
Posts: 4
I played Star Control II since I was 9!
When asking the Melnorme why their bridge turns purple the text says the cost of the answer costs 12,000 credits while the speech goes "twelve million credits"
When buying auto-aim modules, the text reads "never add more than 3 to ship". A minor grammatical mistake, should read "never add more than 3 to a ship". The speech is grammatically correct.
The Melnorme trader occassionally repeats 'requires additional credits' when trying to buy something that costs more than your available balance.
When taking to the Pkunk on their homeworld, they say something like let's form an alliance, we will provide ships, resources "and materials that you desire". In the speech version, the word "that" is not spoken.
BTW I absolutely love the speech. It totally gives the game a new flavor and makes listening to the same old yarn fascinating
Zebranky food
Posts: 36
well, the speech is from the 3do version, and the text is from the PC version. the todo list says that synchronizing them is a low priority.
To arms! To arms!
All the speech files are simply plaintext files (even named with a .TXT suffix) in the directory (on win32): C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\content\comm\ The file format is pretty easy to follow, and I'm sure that the developers would love it if you dropped a ZIP file full of corrected speeches in their laps.
Or, put another way:
$bug =~ s/complain about it/fix it/g;
Zebranky food
Posts: 4
I played Star Control II since I was 9!
Oh ok, I didn't know there were two versions...
But which one came first, the text or the speech? If the text is from the earlier version , shouldn't we change the speech? I admit it's low priority, but I think we should sort that out before long.
Well then I'll add one more to my own list for completeness, so that I (or some kind soul ) can make all the changes at one fell swoop. The Precursor computer's message during the first Orz conversation is totally out of whack with the speech.
Zebranky food
Posts: 18
...or Die!
changing the speech would be a hell of a lot more complex then simply making the text conform.
Nowhere does it influence plot anyway.
I noticed that every time I tell Melnorme that I want to buy information, the text says something like "Good, I want to sell information" but if you listen to the speech it says "No doubt you have..." (it starts telling me about the Umgah).
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